This Week At Gym

tiredFor me, things are status quo. No lifting records or goals, just some kettlebells added to my regular routine and a sense of comfort and happiness with my situation in the gym. This has included an addition of the bootcamp at gymnastics which gives me a little added activity 3x a week which so far has made me very sore but determined to continue. For the record here are the workouts for this week not including the plan for tonight. The kids seem to be enjoying and completing the workouts but since its only 30 minutes that shouldn’t be a surprise. They do look a little tired after though…

Monday Bootcamp

10 regular pushups
10 military pushups
10 sphinx to plank step or drop
10 pushup side hold
10 pullups

20 shoulder crunch
20 leg up crunch
10 full situp double twist
10 side crunch
10 hanging leg raise

20 Air squats
20 step back lunge front kick
20 belt kicks
20 front lunge
10 pullups

20 shoulder touch
20 hip touch
10 spider each side
10 knee to elbow each
10 knee to opposite elbow each

20 single leg knee raise
20 super skaters
30 second chair pose
20 side lunge
10 pullups

10 pushup step out
10 clap pushup
10 plyo pushup

Wednesday Legs and abs
(Taken from Liza and Elissa return)
Sets of 10, single legs are EACH LEG

shoulder crunch
Hands down in and out
crunchy frog
hands down bicycles F and B
full situp

front lunge
pop squat
back lunge
super skater no alternate

hands up in and out
crunchy frog
hands up bicycles F and B
Russian twists

Pop squat
Sissy squats
super skater alternate
1 leg toes touch knee lift
Full squat to floor

vsnap + pushup
crunch + full situp + vsnap
Side crunch + power crunch + side crunch


laying feet on box hip lifts 10 and hold for 10
Up and down single leg up 10 each side
HIps fully extended hold with leg lift pulse 10 each side

Standing hip flexor burn

bent lift
straight lift
bent extend

following are front and side consecutive no rest.
foot on floor lift x10
foot on box lift x 10

Without A Net

I can’t figure out another 90 days just yet. I think I want to wait until this cut is done before moving on. My weight is refusing to budge from 233. I think I need to add a little more to my workouts, an extra 10 minutes should be enough I think. Especially if that 10 minutes is KB Swings.

Until then I will be performing without a net. Last Monday we did the first conditioning at gym for the kids followed rapidly by legs on Wednesday and a Cardio agility workout on Thursday. They were all just basic introduction workouts to get them used to the workload so this week will be a little more intense.


5 rounds
10 pushups
10 squats
5 chinups
10 burpees
10 vsnaps


4 rounds
10 double line touch
10 line to line long jumps
10 pistol each side
20 walking lunge
20 full squat
20 power crunch
10 pancake burpee


10-10-5-4 then 20-20-10-4

Air squat
Squat jump
Side Agility ladder

Front lunge
MK Switch
Pushup Burpee
Side agility ladder

Goblet squat
Burpee star jump
Front agility ladder

Sissy squats
Frog jumps
Panckae burpee
Front agility ladder

Limbo – A New 90?

Heavy-Kettlebell-SwingWithout actually realizing it I just came out of another 90 days, the last day was in fact Sunday so I am currently in limbo awaiting the next 3 month journey. The fact I am still a couple of weeks away from finishing my current cut is just bad timing and the start of coaching is leading me in a direction that I am a little nervous to take. Fact is that the kids need someone to work out with them, I think they enjoy it and it motivates them to do better. For me it gives me a little extra workout 3 days a week and even though it’s late (8pm) it’s still a beneficial addition to my programming. What I should have done was start the next 90 days on Monday which was really the first day of summer training so let’s pretend I did and build a program around what I am currently doing which is a basic 5 day split of:
Chest – Bench
Back –  Deadlifts, Chinups, ring rows
Shoulders – Cleans, upright rows, press,
Legs – Squats, extensions, ham curls, weighted lunges
Arms - Curls, dips, ring dips

Abs are conspicuously absent, as are any kettlebell movements but I think adding 100 swings to every day as a finisher may take care of that. In fact, I think bringing back kettlebells into the workout should be a focus of this round, it’s a magnificent abs and core stabilizer.

As for coaching, we have new groups and a new system that I have been working on, it’s going to be a hard program to get into but in the long run I think it will give us the best shot at progressing the kids properly through their levels. I do still miss my kids from last year, I am hoping that will fade with time.

My weight up date is encouraging. I am not quite at the same weight as the picture (the one up there on the right), I think I was 230 when that was taken but I am hoping by this weekend I will be able to take a comparison shot at 230 and see where I stand. Once that is done, I will push on for another 10 lbs to get me down to 100KG or 220lbs. That is my ultimate goal and with the travelling the last few days I haven’t moved any closer but I am going to push hard for a few days and see if I can get this body to coorperate. This morning I was 234 so I am getting closer inch by inch.

Finally A Working Cut

parting is sweet sorrowStarted June 6 at 250, after 16 days I am down 11.2 lbs.

800 calorie deficit seems to be the right amount for me.

What has helped? Cutting dairy almost completely (that means not drinking milk for me). I still have a bit of cheese for breakfast and milk in coffee but I have stopped making my shake with 800ml of milk and instead use vanilla almond milk.

That’s 420 calories and 39 grams of carbs vs 210 calories and 4g of carbs and since this cut is based on Keto (under 25g of carbs a day) that works just fine.

Nuts, although awesome, are not a snack. If you think they are a snack you will get in trouble. They are a measurable commodity not something you should grab a handful of when you are bored.

As for my workouts, I have been going between traditional weightlifting body parts split and some bootcamps. I would like to call it intuitive training, I do what I want to in the framework of what needs doing. If it’s shoulders I can do presses and flys or I can do cleans and shrugs and kettlebells. It’s been a relaxed and fun approach for the last little while. I am going to start doing bootcamp with the gym kids for 20 min a day during the summer so that should also add a little variety. I did some light deadlifts the other day and didn’t die, so I may start adding that back in. Very light of course, nothing over 135 for now. I don’t want another back scare like last time.

I know I haven’t been documenting like I should, but it’s been a tough couple of weeks, the end of the coaching year is never a happy time for me and I have, almost predictably, crawled into my shell the closer we come to today… The last day of classes. This year especially with two girls who took difficult injuries and are now leaving has left me with a couple of tiny gymnast shaped holes in my heart. Some years I really, really hate this time of year.


Past The Tipping Point – How To Weigh Less

cat broken scaleThere comes a time for most people in their fitness journey that they hit a wall of some kind, whether it is a bodyweight plateau, a lifting barrier or a time that they just can’t beat. This plateau has been hotly debated over the years and everyone knows that variety is the spice of life but also the harbinger of change. The problem is that most people don’t understand that there are subtle changes that are just as effective as making major changes to the way you are doing things. The fact is that simple changes like the amount of water you drink (which was my problem), the amount and quality of sleep you get and that one late night snack are enough to make major effects long term. Also, for those like me who like to follow a low carb high fat diet need to realise that with the extra water consumption we need extra sodium, it’s a very small change but having sodium out of balance can have some negative effects.

Recently I have started working with an 800 calorie deficit, and I never really realized until I started with this level of detail just how easy it is to predict what will happen if you know what you are eating. I had been stuck at around 250 since I started my cut a couple of months ago. Nothing seemed to be working and I was kind of half-heartedly documenting what I was doing. It wasn’t until I finally took a strict adherence to the plan and micro managed my intake that I started to see results. I am currently down to 242 and with my short term goal to get back to 232 which is what I am in the picture on the top right of the page. I am hoping to get there by July 1 but even if I am a little late it will be good enough for me. I know it’s super tough to keep this level of attention for very long, but at least I know that if I need to do this that it really, and I mean REALLY works.

If you want to see the same results you will need a tracking app like myfitnesspal and a bucketload of honesty. So no leaving out the handful of nuts or couple of chips here and there… With the help of a high fat diet to kill your appetite you can do it but you have to pay attention to every single thing you do, This usually results in you doing less which means easier tracking. 3 meals, basic ingredients, easy peasy lemon squeezy.

If you can do this for 4 weeks you can basically kick start yourself to whatever weight loss you want to achieve, I am at an 800 calorie deficit which would mean with my exercise surplus burn of 300-400 calories a day I am using between 1100 and 1200 calories a day of stored energy. That translates to around 1lb every 3 days or 10 lbs in a month. The more I do, the more I lose and because I am feeding my body. The way to get an accurate picture of how to do this is by knowing what your body needs just to survive every day (BMR) and what you need according to your activity level (TDEE)

I used an online TDEE calculator - to get my BMR and TDEE (2184 and 3290) and from that knew I would still be eating almost 2500 calories a day on active days which is more than enough to spare my muscle mass from being catabolized.

I didn’t really mean this to be a weight loss post but I am excited about finally getting back to that 232 and seeing if I look the same as I did back then. At my age, this kind of thing is not easy, I guess I am a little proud of myself right now! 🙂

Off Topic – How I Got What I Wanted At Telus

iphone-6-plus-large-handHow I got everything I wanted at the Telus store.

First let me state up front that we have been with Telus for 15 years now and in general they are very accommodating to us. That said, I undertook what I realized would be an audacious move yesterday in trying to procure a new iPhone 6 Plus. We have had our current 2 year contract for almost the full term so we are well within the “retention” period where they are likely to give you something to keep you. I called up the Telus lady, put on my lying voice and proceeded to tell her that my buddy who comes to the hospital and does the corporate rate plans told me he could get me the following:

An iPhone6 and an iPhone 6 Plus both 64GB for $500. That is a plan included retail value of $1080. God only knows what the actual retail without a plan is. I also said he had offered us the same pair of phones with 16GB for $250 which have a retail with plan value of $830. To put this on perspective I was asking for a 54% discount on the 64GB and a whopping 70% discount on the 16GB. In all honesty I was not optimistic but it was worth a shot. The first thing to come out of the lady’s mouth had me concerned when she reminded me (I actually know this) that Apple doesn’t discount their hardware. Although I knew she had me we were both still unsure if we had the win so we continued. She said there wasn’t much she could do and would have to pass me to retention which is what I expected. From that point I had to try and convince them that I was really in a position to bargain and to cover my tracks I told them that the offer was for the same monthly payment that I have now which (hold your breath for this one) is around the $200 a month mark. There are personal reasons for this, we have a distributed family and require certain features but anyway that’s what we are looking at. I told her maybe my “buddy” had found a way to reduce the monthly to make the discount happen and that was when things really took off.

To make a long story short, she agreed to waive some of the fees, including $10 a month off our data but to bump our usage to 4G from 3G and since our usage seems to peak at just over 2G on a normal month I was happy with this. That alone was going to be another $240 off the phones plus the $100 per handset discount she was able to give me for loyalty. All in all, the number she was aiming for was $580 between the retail cost of $830 and the “friend” price of $250. I told her if she could come close enough we would be good. Her total so far of $440 was pretty amazing. I did the old “I’m not sure” thing and she went away and came back with another idea that we could save by not taking the insurance which is just not something I am willing to do at this point. But I thought her efforts were good enough and we went ahead with the package. In the end I did have to pay out my balance since my phone was much newer ($135) and of course the sim cards are extra.

In summary I was able to get an iPhone 6 for Nicole and an iPhone 6 Plus for me with an extra 1G of data per month for around $350 (compared to the retail of $830) with the savings coming from the data plan over the 2 years. All in all not a bad day of negotiating.

30WOD2D29 – Suddenly Bootcamp

thisisbootcampIt’s not that I am avoiding the last WODs, that I hate the look of the 7 I have to do, not at all, I just was looking at the picture over on the right and knowing that the reason I was looking like that was the bootcamps I was doing. So I have decided to do a warmup bootcamp now and then once 30WOD2 is over (not that it’s been a big success this time) I would commit to a 3 day a week bootcamp and the rest Olympic lifting. In my head it would look something like this:

Bootcamp – Bodyweight
Bootcamp – Weights
Oly lifts – Cleans and DL
Bootcamp – Cardio
Squats and leg work
Off / Yoga

Here is tonight’s workout, these bootcamps can run from 200 – 450 reps, so I am starting with a certain degree of trepidation. I know each section says x2 but that’s bullshit, there are 435 reps in there, no way I would have time or energy ever to do 870 reps.

D1 – 5.1.1 – Bodyweight

10 regular pushups
10 military pushups
10 sphinx to plank step or drop
10 pushup side hold
10 pullups

20 shoulder crunch
20 leg up crunch
10 full situp double twist
10 side crunch
10 hanging leg raise

20 Air squats
20 step back lunge front kick
20 belt kicks
20 front lunge
10 pullups

20 shoulder touch
20 hip touch
10 spider each side
10 knee to elbow each
10 knee to opposite elbow each

20 single leg knee raise
20 super skaters
30 second chair pose
20 side lunge
10 pullups

10 pushup step out
10 clap pushup
10 plyo pushup
10 pushup side raise leg raise
5 Worlds slowest burpee with / out clap, plyo etc

30WOD2D22 – Turning The Corner

hammer timeJust like I said last time, the cardio aspect of my workouts is currently dominating what I do. There is a lot of HIIT but also more actual running than I have done in a very long time. Not that I like it, in fact I hate it but I am finding it’s giving me a feeling of elasticity and mobility that I haven’t felt in a while. It is still a challenge, lumbering around at my weight is never easy but as the weight falls slowly I am starting to notice small differences in my physique. So now of course it’s time to put the hammer down since a little is good, a lot must be better!

I am a bit disorganized with the WODs, that is the nature of doing these workouts, and although it seems an easy thing to do, just do the posted workout every day, it’s not that simple. The problem lies in my desire to keep up with my basic strength workouts at the same time. Also, there are several things that are posted as workouts that I am just not willing or able to do. But here’s the thing. For the next 8 days (what is remaining of the 30WOD2) I will do what is on the site, no exceptions. I may modify a little but I won’t sub it out. The truth is that in the last 22 days of the 30WOD2 I have actually only managed 12 workouts with a couple of bench days and 6 pure cardio runs. I guess it is just the timing, but for some reason just obeying the posted workout doesn’t work 100% for me.

I have a few days in the bank from workouts I didn’t do so here is a plan for the next few days (this is going to hurt). And there are handstand pushups too!!!

20 Min AMRAP
Power Cleans @ 135#/95#
Perform as many UB power cleans as possible. When you break complete a 400m run.
Repeat for 20 min. Score total power cleans

Metcon (Time)
For Time
300 DU
100 Push Press @ 95#/65#

Metcon (Time)
Deadlifts @ 225#/155#
Box Jumps @ 24″/20″

Metcon (Time)
For Time
1 mile run
50 Overhead Squats @ 135#/95#
200 Sit-ups
150 DU
50 Sumo Deadlift Highpulls @ 135#/95#
100 Box Jump Overs @ 24″/20″
40 min time cap

Metcon (Time)
400m run
16 C2B Pull-ups
9 Strict HSPU
25 min time cap


30WOD2D6-8 – Vague Control And End Of Year Blues

cardio spanishIt’s weird but my cardio has been creeping up as a major factor in my workouts of late. I am getting used to “running” again and my cardio seems to be increasing somewhat. That means that my progress with 30WOD is slow, in fact I am only on day 8 as I write this of 14 days. Not to worry, however as I noted in my last post my handstand practice which I was keen to start over has really not happened. At least not so far. I have done a few handstands but I have not spent any time into the skill which is what I need to do in order to progress.
My last few days look like this with the 2 miles being at a leisurely pace just to get my legs used to the pounding once again.

Tuesday, 05/12/2015 44 30WOD2D6 3R 100 DU 25KB Swing 20 boxJ 15 Burpee
Wednesday, 05/13/2015 45 Cardio 2 miles – cisco
Thursday, 05/14/2015 46 Cardio 2 miles – cisco
Friday, 05/15/2015 47 30WOD2D7 75 squats 50 Pcleans 100 walking lunge for time.
Saturday, 05/16/2015 off
Sunday, 05/17/2015 48 Ran 2 miles plus 100 reps of OHP
Monday, 05/18/2015 49 30WOD2D8 Wonderland plus 90 reps each of 95lb clean and pullups sets of 5
Tuesday, 05/19/2015 50 Bench for 200 reps

Just like last time, the loose approach has allowed me too much latitude and for some reason I have been over subbing with the cardio. I do feel a bit better, my heavyness in my legs is mostly gone and I do feel a little looser however I think the running may have compounded my back pain that I had on Sunday.

I am once more frustrated with my slow progress, and each day I have a minor debate about why I should or should not cut back further and try to accelerate my progress. Not only because it’s summer and I would like to go to splash works without scaring the public but also because after my back pain last week I am reminded that being 255lbs is a big job in itself. Even dropping down to 240 would be great progress, but it seems I am cursed to repeat this forever or… is there a decision / change point on my dashboard?

It’s competition week this week in Pickering so I actually only have a 2 day work week which is nice for rest but not great for all the work I need to get done. Also, my girls are under pressure to outperform what they did in Orangeville so tensions are high as we get closer to march in. There are some skills that have gone missing, some that need to be redeveloped regardless of if they will be used or not and of course with one eye on the future some skills that need to be learned. We have 4 weeks left until the end of the season and then another 2 until the end of the year.
The big question is who will stay around for next year? We know the groups are going to be different due to level changes and ages, some may leave, some may arrive but I know for sure that there are some kids I consider to be my core girls. I hope that among everything else that they stay. It’s a tough part of the year, the kids have to decide about next year while their heads are still filled with the dread and stress of competition. I have to agree on the distribution of athletes and develop more stringent testing and evaluations for the coming year. It’s a busy time but with the summer at hand, most faces are smiling.

30WOD2D5 – Settling But No Handstand

cartwheelIt’s day 5 of 30WOD, which with the additional work I have been doing is actually day 7. So far here is a breakdown of what has happened…

Monday, 05/04/2015 30WODD1 – 5R 5PClean 10BoxJ 5OHP 10KBSwing
Tuesday, 05/05/2015 30WODD2 – 6 min plank and 5 min each of skips pushups stepups and situps
Wednesday, 05/06/2015 30WOD2D3 – OHS 2-2-2-2-2 4R of 400m run & 12 strict chinups
Thursday, 05/07/2015 Coaching – 80 free dips and 80 drop set curls
Friday, 05/08/2015 41 30WOD2D4 3R 50DU 20 boxj and 15 t2b
Saturday, 05/09/2015 Bench Heavy day to 365lbs – 190 reps
Sunday, 05/10/2015 30WOD2D5 5R 20 Wallball and 15 hang cleans

Conspicuous by it’s absence is any handstand practice or work of any kind. I have (mostly in vain so far) been trying to get my weight to come down and although I seem to be gaining vascularity and losing some body fat my weight is not moving much. I am currently around 252 which is only 8lbs down from my announced start of cut. I seem to have slipped out of cutting mode which is OK since now I am back into HIIT it should serve the same purpose. I am settling into the 30WOD thing OK, my abs are no longer sore from their rude awakening last week and I am noticing that my heart is responding a little better already which just means I am not still gasping when I get upstairs from working out.

However, I am not so far in that I feel any more mobile. I am going to have to start some mobility work again I think since I have lost a degree of flexibility since the last heavy round I did at the end of last year. Most noticeably my hamstrings are tight, my hips are tight and my general feeling is not one of mobility and agility but rather of brute strength and stability. I like both, but when I feel mobile I feel young and strong not just strong.

This week I commit to trying some handstands, against a wall, in private… Cartwheels are next!!