30WOD2D22 – Turning The Corner

hammer timeJust like I said last time, the cardio aspect of my workouts is currently dominating what I do. There is a lot of HIIT but also more actual running than I have done in a very long time. Not that I like it, in fact I hate it but I am finding it’s giving me a feeling of elasticity and mobility that I haven’t felt in a while. It is still a challenge, lumbering around at my weight is never easy but as the weight falls slowly I am starting to notice small differences in my physique. So now of course it’s time to put the hammer down since a little is good, a lot must be better!

I am a bit disorganized with the WODs, that is the nature of doing these workouts, and although it seems an easy thing to do, just do the posted workout every day, it’s not that simple. The problem lies in my desire to keep up with my basic strength workouts at the same time. Also, there are several things that are posted as workouts that I am just not willing or able to do. But here’s the thing. For the next 8 days (what is remaining of the 30WOD2) I will do what is on the site, no exceptions. I may modify a little but I won’t sub it out. The truth is that in the last 22 days of the 30WOD2 I have actually only managed 12 workouts with a couple of bench days and 6 pure cardio runs. I guess it is just the timing, but for some reason just obeying the posted workout doesn’t work 100% for me.

I have a few days in the bank from workouts I didn’t do so here is a plan for the next few days (this is going to hurt). And there are handstand pushups too!!!

20 Min AMRAP
Power Cleans @ 135#/95#
Perform as many UB power cleans as possible. When you break complete a 400m run.
Repeat for 20 min. Score total power cleans

Metcon (Time)
For Time
300 DU
100 Push Press @ 95#/65#

Metcon (Time)
Deadlifts @ 225#/155#
Box Jumps @ 24″/20″

Metcon (Time)
For Time
1 mile run
50 Overhead Squats @ 135#/95#
200 Sit-ups
150 DU
50 Sumo Deadlift Highpulls @ 135#/95#
100 Box Jump Overs @ 24″/20″
40 min time cap

Metcon (Time)
400m run
16 C2B Pull-ups
9 Strict HSPU
25 min time cap


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