On The Rebound?

It’s no coincidence that my ongoing struggle with this mysterious 8lbs I have gained is going hand in hand with my inability to keep up to date here. My focus is on work and family rather than on my fitness at this point and I need to redress the balance.

Last week was a strange one, I was on training all week and so after bootcamp monday I did a workout on tuesday but I can’t remember what it was. I think it was probably Tapout XT and tehn another bootcamp on Wednesday. Thursday was olympic lifting, Friday I was off and Saturday I think was a P90X2 workout. Sunday my wife and I went to the new gym up the street for a laugh and I did some push press work and some chinups. It’s now Monday and we are back to bootcamp which should look something like this:

Decending ascending

15 Curls
10 Curl and press
5 Burpee curl and press

15 high pull
10 high pull front raise
5 high pull front raise side raise

15 crunch
10 crunch vsnap
5 crunch vsnap bicycle

15 flat leg lift
10 leg lift vsnap
5 leg lift vsnap full situp

15 squat
10 squat mk
5 squat mk front lunge

15 curls
15 high pull
15 crunch
15 vsnap
15 squat

5 burpee curl
5 burpee curl and press
10 military
10 military row
15 pushup
15 pushup in and out

10 knee curls
10 laying tri cross extension
10 laying pullovers
10 laying fly

2 For 1 Bootcamp – Bodyweight and Weights

swiper004It’s been tough keeping up, but here are the 2 workouts we did most recently.

I have had some indication that I probably shouldn’t post these workouts since they might very well be stolen and used by someone as a bootcamp somewhere else. I guess my feeling is that if you can’t come up with this stuff on your own, you are probably not going to be able to lead a class or figure out how to correct any performance issues. So for now I will continue, but first, “Swiper no swiping!”

Here’s what we have done the first 2 classes back from the break:

D7.1.2 Bodyweight Finally Jan 16th 2013


Air Squat
Air Squat Knee Lift
Mary Katherine Switch

Super Skater Cardio
Super Skater Proper
Super Skater with floor touch


Push up side balance each side
Military Pushup


Pushup Burpee
Pushup Tuck Jump Burpee

40 crunches
30 side crunch
20 vsnaps
10 roll to boat
20 vsnaps
30 side crunch
40 crunches

10 hands walkout to pushup and back
10 feet walkout to in and out and back
10 super skater with knee raise to opposite knee
10 pushup side raise with foot touch
20 in and out with military pushup

7.2.1 Weights

Phase 1 no rest

10 standing curls
10 standing press
10 tricep extension
10 squat calf raise
10 SB chest pullover
10 SB fly

10 SB sitting curls
10 SB Sitting press
10 military pushup
10 squat knee raise
20 SB chest press

10 standing curls
10 standing Arnold press
10 overhead tricep extension
10 squat
10 pullover
10 fly

Phase 2 no rest

10 curl and press
10 row row tricep ext
10 front and side raise
10 SB pullover and fly
10 wallball

10 sitting curl and press
10 row tricep ext
15 front raise (low, high, full)
20 floor chest press
10 wall ball

Phase 3

10 MB V snap
10 wallball burpee
20 russian twists
20 curls against knee
10 mb military pushup

Bonus Round

10 high pull
10 halo
10 ribbon
10 static hammer curl
10 pushup ball touch
10 pushup switch on mb


Christmas Crackers

crackersLast week ended with dabbling into P90X2 (PAP Upper) and Tapout XT (Yoga) and I have to comment on how poor the latter was. It was a very watered down version of any yoga workout, not helped by the grating personality of the so called leader. On Monday it was weights day at bootcamp so we grabbed our dumbbells and did the workout below. I think I am going to have to make a New Year’s Resolution to post more since I am losing track of my workouts and my statistics keeping is also suffering.

Here’s weights:

Wallball Complex
6lb 10 wallball with 10 burpee
8lb 10 waqllball with 10 vsnap
10lb 10 wallball with 10 crunch

Chest Press
Chest Fly
Chest pullover
Single arm hammer tricep
Kneeling press
Kneeling curl
Wallball Complex

Plank row
Plank row with pushup
Military on db
Kneeling press
Kneeling tricep extension
Kneeling bicep curl against knee
Wallball Complex

Chest press alternating
face up overhead fly alternating
Overhead pullover alternating
alternating shoulder press
alternating bicep curl
Single tricep extension overhead
Wallball Complex

High Pull
Ribbon (extended halo)
Hammer double curls
Military clap
Regular Clap
Plyo Pushup with clap

Twisting half moon both sides
warrior 1-3 both sides

Bootcamp Round 6 Day 2 – Weights

There were only 3 of us tonight, but that just meant I could keep my eye on the other two and increase the chances of them doing ALL the work!! Here’s what happened using dumbbells, stability balls and medicine balls.

D6.1.2 Weights

10 Clean
10 Swings
10 Clean and Press
10 Swings
10 Curl and press
10 Swings

Stability Ball sets of 10

Overhead pullover
Laying Fly face up
Sitting press
Sitting curl
15 Wallball
10 Military Pushups
10 pullups

Plank row
Floor laying chest fly
Low kneel shoulder press
kneeling single arm curl
Single arm tricep kickback
15 Wallball
10 pullups

10 Clean
10 Swings
10 Clean and Press
10 Swings
10 Curl and press
10 Swings

Overhead pullover alternating
face up overhead fly alternating
alternating shoulder press
alternating bicep curl
Military pushup feet on SB or MB
15 wallball

High Pull
hero fly
Hammer double curls
Diamond Pushups
15 wallball

Bootcamp Weights and Balance

Today is the last class for this session, although I am not sure why we really bother keeping track since it’s a punchcard system and there is really no difference in the workouts from session to session. Anyway, we did some more weights and balance which is getting easier as time passes, at least for me, I can’t say the same for some of the participants!

Bootcamp Weights and Balance

World’s Slowest Burpees
Inch Worm
Worlds Greatest Stretch

Sitting on Stability Balls
Laying fly face down
Laying Fly face up
Sitting press
Sitting curl
Double Tricep extension
Swing Kicks over SB
Leg hold SB raise

Plank row
Floor laying chest fly
Low kneel shoulder press
kneeling single arm curl
football throw extension
Swing Kicks over SB
Straight arm full sit up with SB
Face down front fly
face up overhead fly
alternating shoulder press
alternating bicep curl
Single tricep extension
Swing Kicks over SB
Pass SB situps feet to arms

Pushup row
push up side balance with db
plank walk 360

Finally, Kettlebells Come To Bootcamp

I have been trying to get this workout to Bootcamp forever but since we don’t have any KB at the gym I had to bring 2 of mine and one participant had her own so it was time! Why are kettlebells so good? Partly because of the extended leverage the bell gives, partly because they are handy and easy to transport but mostly because they are simply awesome.

Pavel Tsatsouline calls them the “Strength Secret Of The Soviet Supermen” and promises that with the simple kettlebell you can outperform almost any other gym full of equipment. My all time favourite quote from him goes like this:

“You are next. You are now in Soviet Territory and you are becoming a better man. If you don’t know how I will teach you. If you don’t want to, I’ll make you!”

Suffice to say, once I heard that it was game on and I devoured the Russian Kettlebell Challenge and was amazed at what an incredible workout you can get for such a simple lump of iron.

Last night it was the turn of my bootcamp participants. I have to admit, it’s not often that my heart rate goes over 170, but last night was one of those times!

Here is what we did:

5.11.2 Kettlebell Weights

Sumo deadlift
SDL High Pull
Chin ups or turnarounds

double Swing eyes
pass around
Sinlge legf deadlift
Single alt press
Chin ups or hand turns

dbl Swing overhead
clean and press 5ea
Dips on pbars or dip station
leg lifts

Dbl sumo high pull
single swing row
Laying chest press
Laying pullovers

Clean and Press
Clean and Press
Clap Pushup

Double swing
1 leg squat
Single swings
Sumo DL
Horse Stance Hold 30

Bootcamp Weights and Stability Plus Future Rumblings

I had made up a nice kettlebell workout for tonight but since the one person I had designed the workout for didn’t show we ended up modifying an old weights session with stability balls instead. It was based on this workout with some minor changes which I can’t really recall to be honest. It was a shoulder blast, that is for sure. I was a little frustrated at last week thinking that I should have busted out some P90X2 workouts and so in that vein I have serched for someone to loan me either Tapout XT or Body Beast, the newest workout from our friends at Beachbody.

The best thing about being a Beachbody coach is that if I like the product I can get it for cheap. The other great thing is that I can also sell it to others at a discount so if you are interested, hit me up! That said, I have found a person who will loan me the dvd’s to check out for  a few days and I may even be able to produce a review or two. I know it’s probably possible to get the stuff off torrent sites but if there is one thing I have learned about fitness and health, if it works, it’s worth paying for. I am proud to say I have paid for every Beachbody product I own and I encourage you all to do the same.

Here’s that workout.

10 Clean
10 Swings
10 Clean and Press
10 Swings
10 Snatch or clean and press
10 Swings

Sitting on Stability Balls Sets of 10 each
Overhead pullover
Laying Fly face up
Sitting press
Sitting curl
Double Tricep extension
Plank row
Floor laying chest fly
Low kneel shoulder press
kneeling single arm curl
football throw extension
Overhead pullover alternating
face up overhead fly alternating
alternating shoulder press
alternating bicep curl
Military pushup feet on ball
High Pull
Incline chest fly
Hammer double curls
Single bent over tricep extension

Heavy Weights Day

I’m falling behind here folks, I am trying to find a way to launch a new site for my personal training business and at the same time have a spot for a fintess oriented blog in the same way this has served me so well. I want to use WordPress but I am having issues getting out of the blog headspace into the website attitude.

That said, our last bootcamp was based on this but actually looked nothing like it in the end. In fact it turned out to be a particularly brutal workout that left a lasting leg ache on all the participants.

Heavy Weight day

15 Plate curls
15 Plate shoulder Press
15 free Dips
15 Sumo high pull
10 chin ups

10 Squat plate curls
10 Squat plate press
10 weighted dips
10 squat sumo high pull
10 chin ups

no weight
20 in and out
20 ARX bicycles
20 full situp
20 russian twist

16 lunge walk (hug plate)
10 suitcase with floor touch each side
10 Halo each way
10 kneel downs each leg
10 chin ups

with plate
10 squat 3 calf raise
10 squat half bounce
10 squat knee raise
10 squat hop

20 air squats
10 each proposal squat
10 each lunge front no step
20 each weighted calf raise
10 Scapular Retractions

20 plate air squats
10 each plate proposal squat
10 plate each lunge front no step
20 plate each weighted calf raise
10 Scapular Retractions

10 Laying chest plate press
10 Laying chest plate pullover 2 way
10 Shoulder fly front to overhead
10 Shoulder fly front with high pull
10 halo

Bootcamp 5 Day 2 – Weights, Blocks and Med Balls, Oh My!

Weights session 5 day 2

10 Clean
10 Swings
10 Clean and Press
10 Swings
10 Curl and press
10 Swings

Sitting on blocks Sets of 10 each

Overhead pullover
Laying Fly face up
Sitting press
Sitting curl
tricep dips legs up on med ball
15 Wallball

Plank row
Floor laying chest fly
Low kneel shoulder press
kneeling single arm curl
tricep dips legs up on med ball
15 Wallball

10 Clean
10 Swings
10 Clean and Press
10 Swings
10 Curl and press
10 Swings

Overhead pullover alternating
face up overhead fly alternating
alternating shoulder press
alternating bicep curl
Military pushup feet on block
15 wallball

High Pull
hero fly
Hammer double curls
Diamond Pushups
15 wallball

10.88 – Bootcamp Last Day (Weights)

D23 4.12.2 Weights (Last Day)

10 Clean
10 Swings
10 Clean and Press
10 Swings
10 Curl and press
10 Swings

Sitting on Stability Balls Sets of 10 each

Overhead pullover
Laying Fly face up
Sitting press
Sitting curl
Double Tricep extension
15 Wallball

Plank row
Floor laying chest fly
Low kneel shoulder press
kneeling single arm curl
Laying cross body tri extension
15 Wallball

10 Clean
10 Swings
10 Clean and Press
10 Swings
10 Curl and press
10 Swings

Overhead pullover alternating
face up overhead fly alternating
alternating shoulder press
alternating bicep curl
Military pushup feet on ball
15 wallball

High Pull
Incline chest fly
Hammer double curls
Diamond Pushups
15 wallball