Bootcamps This Week. Double Down!

doubledownFirst time ever, here are both bootcamp workouts from this week. Bodyweight on Monday and weights last night.

7.5.1 Bodyweight

10 regular pushups
10 military pushups
10 sphinx to plank step or drop
10 pushup side raise
10 pullups

10 air squats reg
10 2 way lunge front and side
10 1 leg squat knee raise
10 air squats half bounce
10 pullups

20 in and out row
20 roll to boat hold
20 bicycle with leg extension
20 arms up in and out
20 pullups

10 pushup
10 clap pushup
10 plyo pushup
10 pushup side raise toe touch
10 pullups


10 dips legs bent
10 dips legs straight
10 dips one leg raised
10 leg lifts

10 dips legs bent
10 dips legs straight
10 dips one leg raised
10 leg lifts

regular pushups 10 decline 10 incline
military pushups 10 decline 10 incline
sphinx to plank step or drop 10 decline 10 incline
pushup side raise 10 decline 10 incline

20 Crunchy Frog
20 superman banana with vsnap
20 laying triple bicycles
20 full situps

7.5.2 Weights – The Mixup

10 curls
10 press
10 tri ext
10 high pull
10 squat

Drop sets
10 + 10 curls
10 + 10 press
10 + 10 tri ext
10 + 10 high pull
10 + 10 squat

10 lunge squats each leg
10 Thruster
10 squats
10 curl and press

10 chest press
10 fly
10 pullover
10 pushups
10 military
10 Half hindu

25 crunch
20 full rainbow
15 vsnap
10 full situp

Shoulder press + squat + thruster
row + shoulder fly + clean and press
(Military pushup + kneeling extension + overhead ext) – Skipped
Curl + press + arnold curl and press

Cruelty Bonus

Burpee curl and press

2 For 1 Bootcamp – Bodyweight and Weights

swiper004It’s been tough keeping up, but here are the 2 workouts we did most recently.

I have had some indication that I probably shouldn’t post these workouts since they might very well be stolen and used by someone as a bootcamp somewhere else. I guess my feeling is that if you can’t come up with this stuff on your own, you are probably not going to be able to lead a class or figure out how to correct any performance issues. So for now I will continue, but first, “Swiper no swiping!”

Here’s what we have done the first 2 classes back from the break:

D7.1.2 Bodyweight Finally Jan 16th 2013


Air Squat
Air Squat Knee Lift
Mary Katherine Switch

Super Skater Cardio
Super Skater Proper
Super Skater with floor touch


Push up side balance each side
Military Pushup


Pushup Burpee
Pushup Tuck Jump Burpee

40 crunches
30 side crunch
20 vsnaps
10 roll to boat
20 vsnaps
30 side crunch
40 crunches

10 hands walkout to pushup and back
10 feet walkout to in and out and back
10 super skater with knee raise to opposite knee
10 pushup side raise with foot touch
20 in and out with military pushup

7.2.1 Weights

Phase 1 no rest

10 standing curls
10 standing press
10 tricep extension
10 squat calf raise
10 SB chest pullover
10 SB fly

10 SB sitting curls
10 SB Sitting press
10 military pushup
10 squat knee raise
20 SB chest press

10 standing curls
10 standing Arnold press
10 overhead tricep extension
10 squat
10 pullover
10 fly

Phase 2 no rest

10 curl and press
10 row row tricep ext
10 front and side raise
10 SB pullover and fly
10 wallball

10 sitting curl and press
10 row tricep ext
15 front raise (low, high, full)
20 floor chest press
10 wall ball

Phase 3

10 MB V snap
10 wallball burpee
20 russian twists
20 curls against knee
10 mb military pushup

Bonus Round

10 high pull
10 halo
10 ribbon
10 static hammer curl
10 pushup ball touch
10 pushup switch on mb


Getting Behind But Staying On Top

Work has been tough the last while, major issues, big projects and lots to do however I am not allowing my workouts to suffer.

Bootcamp week 2 included lots of abs, day 1 was so that the wrist issues would not be a factor, day 2 was designed specifically for my one 100% healthy participant and was an absolute killer:

Monday – Abs and some legs

6.2.1 Improvised Abs

20 crunch
10 full situp
10 vsnap
20 side crunch
10x 2 crunch 1 full
10x 2 crunch 1 vsnap
10x 1 full 1 vsnap
20 side crunch

Add Med Ball and repeat

20 squat jacks
5 level 1 drills (4+8run)
20 ski abs
10 in and out

20 mb crunch
20 mb full situp
20 mb vsnap
10 mb burpee

6.2.2 Body Beast

10 regular pushups
10 military pushups
10 sphinx to plank step or drop
10 pushup side hold
10 pullups

10 Pushup with Military alternating
10 sphinx to plank with side hold
10 pushup with in and out
10 military with groiner step in

20 shoulder crunch
20 leg up crunch
10 full situp double twist
10 side crunch
10 hanging leg raise

10x 2 shoulder 1 full
10x 2 shoulder 1 vsnap
10x full with 2 side crunch

20 Air squats
20 step back lunge front kick
20 belt kicks
20 front lunge
10 pullups

20 air squat with pop squat
20 front lunge back lunge
20 belt kick front and back
10 chest pullups

20 shoulder touch
20 hip touch
10 spider each side
10 knee to elbow each
10 knee to opposite elbow each

20 shoulder touch with pushup
20 hip touch with military
10 spider each with in and out

20 single leg knee raise
20 super skaters
30 second chair pose
20 side lunge
10 pullups

20 super skater knee to elbow
20 side lunge leg raise
30 second chair twist each
10 pullups alternate hands

10 pushup step out
10 clap pushup
10 plyo pushup
10 pushup side raise leg raise
5 Worlds slowest burpee with / out clap, plyo etc

Bootcamp Round 6 Day 1

I thought I would add a little one leg balance work to the workout this week since it was only my girls and they really could use some balance and fine motor control work. I also was a big fan of the 1-10 at the end, I will have to do more of this.

D6.1.1 Bodyweight

Legs x2

20 Air squats
20 Single Squat knee lift
10 Warrior 3 knee cross
20 Squat jump
20 Super skaters

Arms x2

10 Pushup step in military
10 Pushup side raise
20 side tri rise
10 squat walkout to plank pushup
10 clapping pushups

Abs x2

20 leg up alternate toe touch
15 vsnaps
10 roll to boat
5 falling tower hold 10s

Combo x2

10 single leg walkout to pushup with knee raise
10 single leg worlds slowest burpee
20 super skater with kick
20 pushup side raise with toe touch
20 in and out with military pushup


1 – 10 Pushup Vsnap jacks

Wednesday Bootcamp – Abs Focus

I brought the kettlebells again.

Actually, let me be clear about that.

It was 40 mintues before class, I couldn’t find my KB workout sheet so I thought I would print one off. I couldn’t find the list since it was on my pc at work. I remoted into work to get the list, halfway through the remote connection closed because our Citrix admin hasn’t licensed our remote connectivity software properly and so it cuts you off, leaving you with a distasteful licensing note and an inability to reconnect for 2 minutes… I finally managed to reconnect and find the list and email it to myself. Once done, I tried to print the thing only to find that when I turned on the printer 8 thousand sheets of my wife’s printouts from the last week were queued up first causing the printer to run out of paper. I finally got the printout done with only 15 minutes left until class, rushed into my car and halfway to gym realized I had forgotten the kettlebells. I turned around, just yards from Tim Hortons where I could see the drive through was empty as usual. I sped back home, grabbed the kettlebells and went back to Tims. Three cars in line? No problem. However, car #1 was apparently ordering a la carte and having the duck salad with au jus since it was taking them forever to take the order, never mind serve the person. Driver 2 took 3 minutes just to open her window to talk to the simpleton behind the speaker who then commenced to fill 3 screens of information with her order. Finally I got to order my coffee only because I couldn’t reverse out of the drive through and escape. As the drivers ahead moved along the start time for class came and went, and since I had been in line for over 7 minutes as soon as I got to the hole in the drive through lane I made my escape presumably leaving a spotty teenager confused holding my coffee that I can presume with confidence was probably wrong anyway. I got to the gym only to find out that the person for whom I had made all the effort and missed out on my coffee was AWOL second week in a row.

Colour me unhappy.

I searched my bag for a replacement workout and the coffee stained (yes, I appreciate the irony) paper was an abs workout that went like this:

5.10.2 Bodyweight Abs

10 full crunch
10 regular pushups
10 side crunch
10 curl up to bar
10 pullups


20 leg up med ball crunch
10 military pushups / med ball pushups
10 mb situp double twist
10 pullups
10 hanging leg raise

10 side plank leg raise / toe touch
10 spider each side
20 MB shelf stacker 10 per side
10 front lunge
40 side rocker runners each side

40 running backs each arm
10 clap pushups
10 leg cross under hip touch floor each side
10 pullups alternate hands
20 wall sit mb

10 falling towers mb under butt
10 plyo pushup
30 second superman plank each

Bootcamp Bodyweight and Balance

What I think I look like on the stability ball:












What I feel like on the stability ball:











For those of you following along at home, here you go.

Balance and coordination
x2 in a row
10 regular pushups
10 military pushups
10 sphinx to plank step or drop
10 pushup side raise
10 pullups

20 in and out row
10 roll to boat hold 3 count
20 bicycle with leg extension
20 side crunch per side
10 bent leg roll up
10 SB pushup boing
10 SB Burpee lift ball
10 SB Plank to sphinx
10 per SB elbow plank side raise

Feet on SB

10 regular pushups
10 military pushups
10 sphinx to plank step or drop
10 pushup side raise
10 pullups

20 Crunchy Frog
20 vsnap
20 laying triple bicycles
20 full situps

Arms on SB 20 360’s
Arms on SB plank to sphinx
10x feet on SB walk out and back
20x feet on ball face down roll ball in to chest
20x laying hamstring pull

20 laying leg lifts
10 per rainbow leg lifts
10 per scissor hold on count
25 per side to side scissor rapid


10 military pushup
10 diamond pushup
10 Hindu Pushup
30s crane

Back On Track – Introducing Ten On.

I got to thinking while I was “off” with my back issues that a return would mean a structured and systematic approach to get me back up to speed as fast as possible. That led to the creation of “Ten On”, a 10 day program whereby I will try to offset all the rest I have had by pushing myself through a kind of gauntlet of all my workouts condensed into a 10 day test of will. I will be monitoring my body composition since it seems that the only thing that changed by my not working out was my % fat, my weight is still, stubbornly around the 232 mark. I read during my time off that the body will start to have more difficulty storing, using and producing glucose after 10 days of exercise and it appeared to me that the longest you really want to go without taking a day off is around that 10 day mark. Also, this is not something you would want to do on a regular basis since you are starting to affect the efficiency of your endocrine system. That said, in order to kick start my recovery from my rest period this would be the ideal time and opportunity to try this sort of thing.

So here is my plan.

Day 1 – Bootcamp Bodyweight
Day 2 – Olympic Lifting
Day 3 – Bootcamp Weights
Day 4 – Kettlebell RKC
Day 5 – Agility / Cardio / Hills
Day 6 – Olympic Lifting
Day 7 – Kettlebell RKC
Day 8 – Bootcamp Agility
Day 9 - Yoga (P90X2 or FOY)
Day 10 – Bootcamp Bodyweight
Day 11 – Off

Day 1 – Bootcamp Bodyweight

Regular Pushup
Air Squats
Military Pushup
Pistol knee raise

Ultra wide pushup
Back lunge front kick
Plange Pushup
Super skaters

With Partner
10 Squat ball pass
10 Back to back lean twist pass
10 Wall sit side to side pass
10 Full situp ball pass (Throw not pass)
10 Pullups

10 One hand on ball pushup
10 Side to side one hand on ball pushup
20 Single hand ball touch
10 Double hand ball touch
10 Pullups
10 Double hand ball touch
20 Single hand ball touch
10 Side to side one hand on ball pushup
10 One hand on ball pushup

Bootcamp Bodyweight Abs With Balls

Once again the abs workout went over time, I think it is the bar work that takes so long, not necessarily the chinups because I know they all cheat and only do a couple but rather the leg raises because it’s just a long slow exercise.

This is a good class, but 2 days later I really feel the rotation work we did in my mid back. My abs are fine, but I think doing the shelf stackers with an already sore back was not the smartest thing to do. It also means that whatever I do today is going to hurt!

This week I also got some disappointing news that one of my girls is no longer going to be training with me. I know this is the peril of working with kids this age, they all move along sooner rather than later but it never softens the blow of losing an athlete that you have been really working well with. It’s going to be tough moving on without her, but all I can do is wish her the very best and hope that she remembers her training time with happy memories and the motivation to keep herself active.

Here’s the Abs with Balls workout:

10 alternating foot touch crunch
10 regular pushups
10 full situp
10 side crunch
10 pullups

10 mb foot touch crunch
10 1 arm mb pushup
10 full situp with mb
20 side crunch
10 roll ups

10 mb foot hold SB situps
10 military pushups
10 side plank hip lowers
10 foot on SB roll ins
10 pullups

20 mb foot hold side crunch
10 mb pushups
10 mb side plank hip lowers
10 sb plank 360s each way
5 roll up hold for 5

10 side plank leg raise / toe touch
10 spider each side / double spider
20 MB shelf stacker 10 per side
10 front lunge to warrior 3 / mb twist lunge
40 side rocker runners each side / plus medball hold

40 running backs each arm
10 clap pushups
10 leg cross under hip touch floor each side
20 wall sit mb side touch
10 pullups alternate hands

10 falling towers mb under butt
10 plyo pushup
30 second superman plank each
20 mb standing running back mb in and out each
10 chest pullups


Bootcamp 5 Day 1

It’s time to start over again with the bootcamp. I just realised that I have been doing this bootcamp class for almost a year now, oh how time flies! I have to say that some of the people who have been here since the start have really come along. We are seeing better pushup numbers, some people actually able to do pullups unassisted and everyone without exception is getting compliments from their friends and family about how much they have changed. Mission accomplished…. so far!

D1 – 5.1.1 – Bodyweight

10 regular pushups
10 military pushups
10 sphinx to plank step or drop
10 pushup side hold
10 pullups

20 shoulder crunch
20 leg up crunch
10 full situp double twist
10 side crunch
10 hanging leg raise

20 Air squats
20 step back lunge front kick
20 belt kicks
20 front lunge
10 pullups

20 shoulder touch
20 hip touch
10 spider each side
10 knee to elbow each
10 knee to opposite elbow each

20 single leg knee raise
20 super skaters
30 second chair pose
20 side lunge
10 pullups

10 pushup step out
10 clap pushup
10 plyo pushup
10 pushup side raise leg raise
5 Worlds slowest burpee with / out clap, plyo etc

10.81 – Rotation Station (Rest Fail)

I tried to give us a nice easy workout before the Mud Hero race on Saturday so I put together a little rotation set workout with a count up and a count down. Seems it was not so easy for some… In fact, I was tired, but not so tired I felt shakey but it was a little harder than I had intended. Nobody quit, but some did more of a 5-5-5 than a 5-10-15. But what can I do? I can’t do the work for them! The toughest part for me were the burpees at the end, I am not a burpee fan by any measure and so by that time I was in no frame of mind to have to do 45 burpees. I guess Saturday morning when I get up for the race I will know just how hard it really was.

D21 4.11.2 Bodyweight

The Rotation Station

5-10-15 rounds

Air squats
V snaps

Step back squat
Military pushup
Crunchy Frog
Leg lifts

Jump squat
Step out pushup
Rollback hold
Pullup alternating hand

1 leg squat knee raise
Sphinx to Plank
ARX Bicycles forward and back
Knees to bar


In and Out
Regular pushup
Ski abs
V snaps
3 position flutters