Back On Track – Introducing Ten On.

I got to thinking while I was “off” with my back issues that a return would mean a structured and systematic approach to get me back up to speed as fast as possible. That led to the creation of “Ten On”, a 10 day program whereby I will try to offset all the rest I have had by pushing myself through a kind of gauntlet of all my workouts condensed into a 10 day test of will. I will be monitoring my body composition since it seems that the only thing that changed by my not working out was my % fat, my weight is still, stubbornly around the 232 mark. I read during my time off that the body will start to have more difficulty storing, using and producing glucose after 10 days of exercise and it appeared to me that the longest you really want to go without taking a day off is around that 10 day mark. Also, this is not something you would want to do on a regular basis since you are starting to affect the efficiency of your endocrine system. That said, in order to kick start my recovery from my rest period this would be the ideal time and opportunity to try this sort of thing.

So here is my plan.

Day 1 – Bootcamp Bodyweight
Day 2 – Olympic Lifting
Day 3 – Bootcamp Weights
Day 4 – Kettlebell RKC
Day 5 – Agility / Cardio / Hills
Day 6 – Olympic Lifting
Day 7 – Kettlebell RKC
Day 8 – Bootcamp Agility
Day 9 - Yoga (P90X2 or FOY)
Day 10 – Bootcamp Bodyweight
Day 11 – Off

Day 1 – Bootcamp Bodyweight

Regular Pushup
Air Squats
Military Pushup
Pistol knee raise

Ultra wide pushup
Back lunge front kick
Plange Pushup
Super skaters

With Partner
10 Squat ball pass
10 Back to back lean twist pass
10 Wall sit side to side pass
10 Full situp ball pass (Throw not pass)
10 Pullups

10 One hand on ball pushup
10 Side to side one hand on ball pushup
20 Single hand ball touch
10 Double hand ball touch
10 Pullups
10 Double hand ball touch
20 Single hand ball touch
10 Side to side one hand on ball pushup
10 One hand on ball pushup