Work has been tough the last while, major issues, big projects and lots to do however I am not allowing my workouts to suffer.
Bootcamp week 2 included lots of abs, day 1 was so that the wrist issues would not be a factor, day 2 was designed specifically for my one 100% healthy participant and was an absolute killer:
Monday – Abs and some legs
6.2.1 Improvised Abs
20 crunch
10 full situp
10 vsnap
20 side crunch
10x 2 crunch 1 full
10x 2 crunch 1 vsnap
10x 1 full 1 vsnap
20 side crunch
Add Med Ball and repeat
20 squat jacks
5 level 1 drills (4+8run)
20 ski abs
10 in and out
20 mb crunch
20 mb full situp
20 mb vsnap
10 mb burpee
6.2.2 Body Beast
10 regular pushups
10 military pushups
10 sphinx to plank step or drop
10 pushup side hold
10 pullups
10 Pushup with Military alternating
10 sphinx to plank with side hold
10 pushup with in and out
10 military with groiner step in
20 shoulder crunch
20 leg up crunch
10 full situp double twist
10 side crunch
10 hanging leg raise
10x 2 shoulder 1 full
10x 2 shoulder 1 vsnap
10x full with 2 side crunch
20 Air squats
20 step back lunge front kick
20 belt kicks
20 front lunge
10 pullups
20 air squat with pop squat
20 front lunge back lunge
20 belt kick front and back
10 chest pullups
20 shoulder touch
20 hip touch
10 spider each side
10 knee to elbow each
10 knee to opposite elbow each
20 shoulder touch with pushup
20 hip touch with military
10 spider each with in and out
20 single leg knee raise
20 super skaters
30 second chair pose
20 side lunge
10 pullups
20 super skater knee to elbow
20 side lunge leg raise
30 second chair twist each
10 pullups alternate hands
10 pushup step out
10 clap pushup
10 plyo pushup
10 pushup side raise leg raise
5 Worlds slowest burpee with / out clap, plyo etc