R5D48 – Warrior Dash 2011 and Heavy Day

“When the fight begins within himself, a man’s worth something.”

-Robert Browning, 1812-1889

I am up to full speed now with the RKC Rite Of Passage. It’s week 9 of the workout and finally the different days are actually different. The heavy day has 5 rungs of up to 5 reps on each movement looking like this:

C&P left 1
C&P right 1
Pull Up 1
C&P left 2
C&P right 2
Pull Up 2
C&P left 3
C&P right 3
Pull Up 3
C&P left 4
C&P right 4
Pull Up 4
C&P left 5
C&P right 5
Pull Up 5

Plus 25 swings for 6 minutes with 5 seconds rest between sets. That’s just long enough to put the KB down and pick it up again BTW.

The light day is only 5 ladders of 3 rungs, the medium day 5 ladders of 4 rungs. Now that I am up to full speed, the duration is only a month so I have to start looking for what to do with my KB skills once I am done with the RKC. I am certain there are things to move on to after from Pavel, I just haven’t looked yet. Spring and outdoor workouts are right around the corner and the KB is a great tool for working outdoors anywhere. I am also on to day 48 of Round 5 which means that in about 28 days or so I will be around day 76 which is probably long enough for Round 5. I think this will be the last “round” that I do, but I need another way of documenting my progress. Maybe that is thinking too much and I just need to keep going to R6 and beyond. I like the 90 day thing, it prevents me from getting bored and is long enough to see what changes the workouts make to your body. Maybe Insanity2 “The Asylum” will be out in the next month, or P90X2 or whatever he is calling it. If so, I would gladly go back to that with some KB work on alternating days. I will keep my fingers crossed.

I am also registered for Warrior Dash 2011 which is like a tame, watered down version of Tough Guy or Tough Mudder the latter is considered the  toughest race on the planet and so probably a smaller, more friendly race is the place to start. I am actually really looking forward to it, to having something to really train for and to focus my workouts on. I guess in reflection, round 6 will be the Warrior Dash preparation round. Since there is some running involved, I am going to have to start doing sprints and 400m intervals to get my calves back into shape since the only real issue I have with running is calf cramping. Hopefully by the time the race comes around I will have lost a little more weight and be near my ideal fighting weight. I can’t wait!!!


R5D44-7 – Off Sick But Trying

For the most part my workouts this week really sucked. I did the bare minimum until today, Friday, since I did nothing yesterday. So today, while feeling somewhat better I decided on the following:


10 x 205lb bench
5x KB Clean with 45lb and 70lb alternating each round
5 pullups

I managed 7 rounds total, 4 with 45lb KB and 3 with the 70lb KB. It was around 20 minutes but I am not too sure of the time since there were some distractions along the way. I feel like crap but it was good to get a decent sweat from working out rather than sitting on the couch shivering. Tomorrow is heavy day which will be a test with 5 rungs on each of the 5 ladders for the first time. At least I then get Sunday off…

R5D44 – Bodyweight Workout (Not Mine)

Today’s workout: throwing around gymnasts.

Don't try this at home...

We worked back handsprings most of the night and so I spent hours on my knees spotting girls who are old enough not to need spot but scared enough to require it. It was a long, difficult workout and I am very relieved that A: I didn’t do a workout before and B: that I am doing the RKC because if not I think I would have given up half way through and told them to go vault while I had a nap!

Verdict: Rewarding but exhausting. There is nothing like a kid getting a new skill for the first time.

This week I start adding rungs to the RKC ladders, and I expect Saturday to be extremely taxing. Good news is that the weather is supposed to be almost 10 degrees and that means I can go out on the deck!!!

R5D43/44 – We All Struggle Sometimes, That’s Why We Do It.

I had a busy weekend. The brakes on the Jeep weren’t working well last week and as I removed the calipers I found that I had a seized slider pin on each side. That meant that since I couldn’t free them up that I would be purchasing 2 new calipers at $125 a piece. Bolts broke, the shock install that I decided to take on at the same time only got half done due to another bolt issue and eventually after a frustrating weekend spent in a freezing garage I was really not much further along. So Saturday I had a day off, having worked out on Friday it was fine but it meant that I was going to have to do heavy Saturday on Sunday and not take a day off. It worked out OK, Sunday was OK since I am still not doing 5 rungs on 5 ladders yet and even so, I did do one ladder of 5 rungs just to see how it was. The big deal was Friday when I did the Art Of Strength: Providence DVD.

The AOSP DVD reminded me of when I first started doing P90X, it was a world of movements I hadn’t seen before and was dying to try. I was pretty useful at most of them, but was left with a feeling that I could have done a whole lot better. It was pure KB work and some of the movements were pretty challenging but it got me out of the monotony of the RKC and let me see that my future isn’t just swings and snatches and presses but there is a whole world of KB movements that you can do. It was an eye opener, a challenge and a really invigorating experience. I am now on the hunt for more KB movements that I can put together for a workout once the RKC Rite Of Passage is over. It reminded me once again of why I enjoy doing this kind of thing just as much as I used to enjoy going to the gym and throwing big plates around. It’s as much journey of discovery and challenges as it is a hard physical struggle. As long as you are not struggling against boredom it’s fine.

Learn, grow, learn some more, it never stops. I still can’t believe that I am in as good or better shape now on 20-30 minutes a day than I was at 25 in University doing 3 hours a day. Bizarre.

1991 - around 190lbs working out 3 hours a day including 2 hours of aerobics class (yes it's true!)
November 15 2010 - 1 month into Paleo @ 265lb. I'm around 20lbs less now, March 2011.

R5D42 – This Should Be Fun


Another medium day, status quo so far but next week I think we start adding 4th and 5th rungs to each ladder on medium and heavy days. I have also managed to get a copy of the Art Of Strength Providence DVD workout that I think I will be attempting. There are some pretty interesting moves on the video, I can’t wait!

In the Vancouver Sun today, other than the Tsunami warning there was a small tag line about a series they are running tomorrow:

Sugar: Part 1 of a 6-part series
The way Canadians eat sugar has changed dramatically since the 1960s and growing obesity rates are evidence that we might be getting it wrong. In Saturday’s Vancouver Sun, read the first installment of a six-part series on sugar.

“Sugar: Part 1 of a 6-part series

The way Canadians eat sugar has changed dramatically since the 1960s and growing obesity rates are evidence that we might be getting it wrong. In Saturday’s Vancouver Sun, read the first installment of a six-part series on sugar.”

Might? We MIGHT be getting it wrong… talk about your understatement. I stole this from Fitbomb who has written a great piece on the Paleo diet that contains links galore as to why all of our current thinking is as much garbage as the food we are told to eat.paleo-pyramid

“Admittedly, I’m no scientist, and I’m far from articulate on the subject of human metabolism. But my reading comprehension skills are decent, and I’ve gleaned quite a bunch from Gary Taubes, Michael and Mary Dan Eades, Weston A. Price, Loren Cordain, Robb Wolf, Kurt Harris and others:

  • When eaten, neither protein nor fat — without carbohydrates — has any effect on blood glucose. But when we take in carbohydrates, our blood sugar levels shoot up. (This isn’t news; in fact, it’s the scientific basis underpinning the popular movement away from eating refined carbs like white bread, which have the effect of suddenly spiking blood glucose. But as we’ll discuss later, whole grains aren’t the bees’ knees, either.)
  • Whenever blood glucose levels rise, the pancreas reacts by releasing a surge of insulin into the bloodstream. Insulin is a hormone that happens to be the primary mover and shaker in human metabolism. Among its many functions, insulin manages nutrient storage by driving excess blood sugar, fats and protein into the interior of our cells, where they can be used as energy or stored as fat.
  • Although there are numerous factors that can affect how much insulin we produce, as well as how our bodies respond to insulin and blood sugar, the basic rule is this: The more carbohydrates we eat, the more insulin we end up secreting in reaction to the spike in blood sugar.
  • As a result, two key things happen:
    • First, with all the excess blood sugar and surge in insulin, the liver no longer stores glucose as glycogen — a fuel source for the body. Instead, the glucose is synthesized into fatty acids, which are exported from the liver as lipoproteins. These lipoproteins are ripped apart as they circulate through the body, providing free fatty acids to be sucked up into the body’s cells — including the body’s adipose fat cells, in which the fatty acids are then “bound up” together to form triglycerides.
    • Insulin also inhibits the breakdown of fat in adipose tissue by interfering with the mechanisms that enable triglycerides to split into their constituent fatty acids. Triglycerides are bigger than fatty acids — and too big to escape our adipose fat cells. In other words, once triglycerides form in your adipose fat cells, the excess insulin produced by your body makes it difficult for you to break them back down. So when we eat more carbohydrates and produce more insulin, more triglycerides — which are also now prevented from breaking down into fatty acids — are synthesized and locked up inside our fat cells.
  • And so, over time, our fat tissue swells.

In summary, if you take in carbohydrates in excess, your adipose fat tissue’s likely to expand. You get fat.”

There is so much evidence coming to light about the dangers of sugar, but only very slowly people are realizing that not only sugars, but things that your body turns into sugars are bad, like bread, pasta, grains of all kinds. We are not being betrayed by our bodies, quite the opposite, we are betraying our ancestry by eating foods that we were never designed to eat. Not only that, we are doing the same things to our animals, forcing them to eat grains to fatten them up so we can eat them.

Hang on…

We are feeding cattle grains to fatten them up? So they will produce fattier meat? But the food pyramid says…

You are getting the picture now cowboy (see what I did there…).

R5D40/1 – I hate Chelsea. Not Just The Football Team…

Challenged myself to do the Chelsea workout again since last time I did Cindy I only managed 18 rounds from what I recall, and the last time I did Chelsea I gave up after 20 rounds. Since I only had 30 minutes to work out I assumed I would crash at 20 again and be done. Surprisingly, I didn’t struggle too much, and once I got to 20 rounds I stopped not because I had to but because I wanted to. I probably could have done another 10, my last round only took 35 seconds so my rest periods were still pretty long.

Each minute on the minute for 30 minutes

5 pullups
10 pushups
15 squats

Result: 20 rounds in 20 minutes with air to spare…

Day 41 was a forced rest day due to time constraints imposed by very poor weather on the way home. In honour of having a day off I think next time for variety I am going to try to do the Art Of Strength Providence DVD. The layout is like this:

Round 1: 2-handed swing, one arm swing, hand-to-hand swing
Round 2: Cleans
Round 3: Chest presses
Round 4: Squats/sumo deadlifts
Round 5: One leg deadlift
Round 6: Windmills into an overhead squat
Round 7: clean and press
Round 8: Flip and squat
Round 9: Tactical lunges
Round 10: Triple crush
Round 11: Sling shot into a figure 8 with a static hold
Round 12: Seated press
Round 13: One arm row
Round 14: Pullovers, Russian twists, Sicilian crunch
Round 15: 3 minute snatch test

Thanks to fitprosarah.com for the outline.

We shall see how that goes, but I am itching to do something more with the KBs…

R5D39 – Pancake Tuesday and Diabetes In A Can

Yesterday’s workout was pretty good, I am up to 3 rungs on 5 ladders and am in week 7 of the RKC. The workout went like this:

C&P left 1
C&P right 1
Pull Up 1
C&P left 2
C&P right 2
Pull Up 2
C&P left 3
C&P right 3
Pull Up 3

For a total of 5 repetitions. Since it was Monday it was snatch day with the 45lb which still poses a problem for me. 10 each arm with 1 minute rest for a total of 6 minutes. My forearms are getting less beaten up as time goes along, but pulling that KB down from overhead is still a scary moment.

Mmmm... Diabetes
Mmmm... Diabetes

Today is Tuesday, not just any Tuesday, but Pancake Tuesday. Today, historically I would have come into work late after going to Golden Griddle and overindulging in the golden wheaty goodness that is the North American pancake. As a child I was treated to the British staple, the thin crepe, filled with Lyle’s Golden Syrup which, if you haven’t tried it, is like eating diabetes straight out of the jar! It is probably the single best condiment in the history of the world however and regardless of the fact that there is an apparently dead lion on the tin, you should definitely try some! I know, I am now Canadian and the Canadian way is to stick to Maple Syrup as the food of the gods but seriously, Lyle’s kicks Maple syrup in the groin and then laughs about it. Anyway, today will be the first time in years, and I mean probably 20+ years that I won’t be having pancakes. I know I have discussed this Stunning Revelation before but for the first time in my life I just don’ t think about food. I have spent all my adult life thinking about food 24 hours a day. That may sound like an exaggeration but it really isn’t. I was so bad that while I was eating I would be thinking about what I was going to eat for my next meal. It didn’t matter if I was dieting or not, I still thought about it all the time. Since going Paleo,  food doesn’t cross my mind until the clock tells me it’s time to eat or I have a break in my schedule and know I have something in the fridge I am supposed to eat. It’s the single biggest change to happen to me in my lifetime. It’s like someone has taken that addictive part of my brain and shut it down. I am still obsessive about some things, I am still guilt of overdoing certain things but the out of control factor is gone. If you had told me before the last 6 months that I would not be having pancakes on pancake day I would have told you that you were delusional. But the last 5 months have been an eye opener for me, letting me know that no matter how old you are, you can change and that (in a bizarre turn of physiological truth) what you eat really REALLY does affect not only how you feel, but WHO YOU ARE!

Grains were controlling my life and that is so far out there even I have a hard time grasping it!

R5D35/37 – Medium Day / Rest Day/ More Variety

Medium day again for Wednesday which is getting better and the 50 swings, although still disconcerting, are getting done. 8 minutes worth this time. We also added an extra ladder, so we are at 4.

C&P left 1
C&P right 1
Pull Up 1
C&P left 2
C&P right 2
Pull Up 2
C&P left 3
C&P right 3
Pull Up 3
The pullups have gone from 5 to the Rx number simply because I am doing strict to the chest pull ups not the beat-n-cheat kind.

Rest 1-2 min repeat another 3x for a total of 4 ladders.

50 swings with 20 seconds rest between sets for a total of 8 minutes.

Thursday I decided to take as rest day, I had to be at coaching early and since I know on Friday I will be home early with plenty of time before my 6pm coaching gig it made sense to take Thursday off and use Friday as my variety day.

chest_musclesVariety this time is a bench day for me but I think this time I will work a light (225lb) bench into the following WOD:

For time:

  • 20 Bench chest extension (70lb KB)
  • 30 bench press (205lb)
  • 40 Abmat sit-ups
  • 50 squats
  • 20 bench press (255lb)
  • 50 squats
  • 40 Abmat sit-ups
  • 30 bench press (205lb)
  • 20 Bench chest extension (70lb KB)

Some people may say that the laying chest extension is actually a lat exercise and to a degree they are correct, the lats and pecs are involved with the movement which qualifies it for Crossfit almost perfectly.

R5D32 – RKC Heavy Day (Followed by a day of CPR re-cert)

Still looks the same as medium and light day but that will change. Plus I did one of the 3 ladders with a 70lbKB

C&P left 1
C&P right 1
Pull Up 5
C&P left 2
C&P right 2
Pull Up 5
C&P left 3
C&P right 3
Pull Up 5
Rest 1-2 min repeat another 2x for a total of 3 ladders.
I skipped the pull ups. I did a few sets after the fact, the stairs were killing my timing.

Second part was a little easier, the dice roll came up 6 so for 6 minutes I did this:

45lb KB Swings, 50 reps
Rest 10 seconds, repeat. 50 swings are still the killer for me. My mind starts to wander and I start to second guess myself. Hopefully I will get over that, it’s annoying.

Sunday was CPR recertification day at Evolution. It was fun, but long and not very much activity.

R5D31 – Medium Day, Coaching and The Biggest Loser

Today was tough, probably because I was supposed to have a day between the two RKC days and I was still a little sore after the snatches yesterday. This is what happened:

C&P left 1
C&P right 1
Pull Up 5
C&P left 2
C&P right 2
Pull Up 5
C&P left 3
C&P right 3
Pull Up 5
Rest 1-2 min repeat another 2x for a total of 3 ladders.

Again I chose to do 5 pullups each time for a total of 45 pullups.

Second part was a little easier, the dice roll came up 6 so for 6 minutes I did this:

45lb KB Swings, 25 reps
Rest 10 seconds, repeat. Ten seconds is not enough rest time, my bpm went up and kept rising with every set. Thankfully it was only 6 minutes.


It was a tough but fairly short workout, and I needed to finish quick to get to coaching. On the coaching front, I have finally been transitioned into the full time coach for the competitive girls. This is awesome news and once again I will be back doing what I really love to do. There are going to be plenty of challenges with the group not least of all will be returning to my old club for one of the competitions. However, I am totally up for it and am so excited to be back coaching competitive gymnastics again!

The other health and fitness news is that tomorrow we start the Biggest Loser again at my workplace. This will be the 6th time I have run the contest for our department and so far with 7 of us participating there is $350 up for grabs. The contest is 3 months, based on percentage weight lost and includes monthly prizes and a grand prize. It has been well received in the past and this time, although attendance is down a little, I hope to see some healthy weight loss for everyone involved. I am participating, I hope to see my weight down around the 240 mark or less, seeing 230 something on the scale would be pretty amazing to be honest. With the Paleo diet, I need to learn how to manage what I eat to control my lean levels so that I can accurately control what my body is doing. For so many years eating grains it was a crapshoot, not necessarily knowing what was going to work or not work with my weight. Now with the Paleo diet, those peaks and valleys are gone, my temperament, cravings, hunger are all completely under control and so now I need to learn how to manage my weight with predictability within the new lifestyle. It’s tough having to relearn everything, but then again, at least now I know I am operating within nutritional truth.