2015R1D36 – Unable To Decide If It’s Working

So I have modified the workouts to a 3 movement as outlined last post. I tried to go 5×5 but that was too little work. I am currently doing anything from 10 reps x 5 sets to 7 reps x 7 sets for each exercise. The problem I find is getting to heavy enough weights quickly enough to make it work. I find I prefer to build up to a heavy weight and if I don’t I find I am not effective and just don’t get the work I need. I am finding that for most exercises that 7×7 is working OK which puts me into the 150 rep range plus warmup.

I am sticking with the cardio, I purchased Insanity for Xbox and also Zumba for Nicole, even though I have done 3 of the 5 workouts myself. I am supposed to be losing weight but if I am honest with myself I am really not making enough of an effort. I have to cut out all the evening food, nothing after the workouts and bed early, that should fix it. The problem is that I have a harder time being motivated to lose the weight when I am performing well because I know I will lose strength and that makes me unhappy. But I have to. I can’t go into the summer at this weight, I need to drop about 20lbs ASAP to get ready for the HIIT system that I usually follow for the summer.

It’s weird too because I actually feel better for the cardio and I think I look a bit better, but let’s be honest, unless we are talking about 10lbs it’s just not significant. I think I will stick with the multiple exercise piece for now, I don’t seem to be getting burned out by it, in fact I feel better than I did. The weird thing is that I have been having knee pain for a while now which I think is due to adding muscle to my right leg and it hurts like hell all the time but as soon as I start squatting, the pain disappears. I think it’s the new muscle not being stretched or as flexible as it should be and it’s pulling on my knee. Whatever it is, it hurts. Not only that, I have been having niggling wrist pain too on and off since passing the Millennium. I can still bench but not with my suicide grip any more. Hopefully both these issues will subside once I get some weight off but I am not sure about the wrist.

Gymnastics is going well, we have the levels established now it’s time for routines and practice practice practice… We have a long time it would seem however it’s still the time that passes the quickest during the year. Once the New Year passes it’s like a slippery slide until competition and every year it seems to creep up on you at an alarming pace. Thankfully I only have 2 girls doing compulsory routines, the rest are going level 6 which makes my life a whole lot easier.

Millennium Victory Is Mine – 1005LBS – 2 Days Early!

to do winI jumped the gun just a little bit, rather than wait on my schedule to rotate I decided that I would take advantage of my enthusiasm and go for the Deadlift PR on Monday night. It was tough, the deadlift still scares me as a risk but I managed to squeeze what I needed out of the bar for a 1RM PR of 295lbs.

Part of my ultracompetitive psyche wants to hit 300 on my DL and 400 on my Bench but at this point I realize that both those lifts are within me. (As an aside, I did bench 405 after I wrote this). For this cycle though I am done.

I spent most of my summer doing what most would call a “dirty bulk” just eating in surplus and working whatever I could to gain strength. My discipline was lacking because I really didn’t have a specific goal. Once September hit I decided 1000lbs was a great goal to aim for. So for the past 4 months I have been working on my form, having to re-learn some of my Olympic and powerlifting technique until such a time when I could start to pile on the weight. As you can see below I put 390lbs on my total or an increase of 63%. Of course the numbers can be misleading so here are some things I need to add as caveats to the story.

I had lifted very heavy before. My history of powerlifting and working with Oly lifts helped me tremendously. However, since my first back surgery 13 years ago I had never dared to push this hard.
I started off with what I was working on, not what my 1RM was for anything. At the time, these were simply the heaviest weights I was using.
My form may have been compromised on some of my attempts, I don’t think I could have done the weights I did with perfect form except maybe bench. I realize that my 1RM with perfect form is probably a lot less.
These lifts are all raw, no wraps, no belt, just chalk. I also don’t think I will be doing this again.
Apart from a little wrist soreness one or two days and a bit of knee discomfort following squat day my health has not suffered and I completed this task injury free.
My total as of today (Jan 2 2014) is 1015 due to the 405lb bench I did after the fact.

What is next? My least favourite thing, the cut. I have the strength back, I have gained quite a lot of muscle in my right leg for the first time in 13 years and my legs actually look quite similar now. So for now I will take the next 3 months (or however long it takes) to get back down to 235 or thereabouts. I would like to eventually get down to 220 but there is a point in there somewhere that I start to become uncomfortable with my lack of size. For me, bodyfat percentage is more important than weight and I have previously calculated that at a BF that is acceptable to me I should be right around 230-235. For reference right now I am around the 255 mark. I will be doing the starting stats thing in the new year.


Before. Sept 1 2014:

Total lift numbers max
DL 205
SQ 135
Bench 275
Total of 615

During: Dec 1 2014

Total lift numbers max
DL 225
SQ 245
Bench 305
Total of 775

After Dec 29 2014:

Total lift numbers max
Deadlift +44% 295
Squat +133% 315
Bench +44% 395
Total lift numbers max +63% 1005

Millennium Total 915 – Keeping Your Word.

e158f2d4d41d38e9fdcc5655e83eea7bIt’s December 22 and 2 days ago I managed to increase again up to 365 on bench. I can’t believe how fast mu numbers are increasing and I will share a bit of my schedule so we can see how its working…

Total lift numbers max
Deadlift 275
Squat 275
Bench 365
Total lift numbers max 915

That’s my total so far, only 85lbs from 1000. Maybe I will actually make it?? I shouldn’t have doubts, I was trying to get one of my gym girls to understand the value of making and keeping promises when it comes to physical activity. There are some pretty scary things that gymnasts do and fear is always a factor but you must still commit to the process and value your own word when you say you will do something. The problem is if you don’t go into training with a goal in mind then you will really just be aimlessly going through the motions.

I have set a goal of 1000lbs total for Dec 31. That means I have to make it. It doesn’t necessarily mean I will make it, but my mindset has to be 100% commitment that I will do everything I can to get there.

I am at 915. I will make 1000 in the next 9 days.

Here is what my schedule has been, stripped down for clarity.

Monday, 12/01/2014 1 Cardio 40 min
Tuesday, 12/02/2014 2 Light power cleans 5×15
Wednesday, 12/03/2014 3 Bench Light 200 rep
Thursday, 12/04/2014 4 Squat Light 175 rep
Friday, 12/05/2014 5 DL Light 125 rep
Saturday, 12/06/2014 off
Sunday, 12/07/2014 6 400 rep light squats
Monday, 12/08/2014 7 Heavy Bench PR 335
Tuesday, 12/09/2014 8 Heavy DL PR 275
Wednesday, 12/10/2014 9 Light OHP to 115. 75 rep
Thursday, 12/11/2014 10 Light Squats to 195 75r
Friday, 12/12/2014 off
Saturday, 12/13/2014 11 Heavy Squats PR 275
Sunday, 12/14/2014 12 Cardio walking 45 min
Monday, 12/15/2014 13 Mid bench 275 125 rep
Tuesday, 12/16/2014 14 light deads and cardio
Wednesday, 12/17/2014 off due to sick everybody
Thursday, 12/18/2014 15 WOD dips squat clean
Friday, 12/19/2014 16
Saturday, 12/20/2014 17 Heavy Bench PR 365 3x
Sunday, 12/21/2014 18 Cardio 2x 30 min

it seems like it’s a bit random but to be honest I will try to stick to alternating heavy light 4 day with a cardio day but I will really be doing what I feel I can on that day. I will try to do a heavy DL day today since I had cardio yesterday then a heavy Squat day then a few light days over Christmas. That will set me up for 3 heavy days at the end of the year to try and hit my goal.


The Millennium – 855LBS

Bz0hrpOCMAMOoJhSo along with my regular Oly lifting I though I would concentrate on trying to improve my sad numbers on the deadlift. After all, I would think I should be able to do the same deadlifting as I do squatting since mechanically it’s basically a very similar movement with an off centre balance. So if I can squat 245 I should at least be able to match that.

I was at 225, only because that was about my limit for mental tolerance. I couldn’t really imagine putting more than 2 plates up without my spine exploding but taking it slowly, a few lbs at a time and I have been able to increase my deadlift to 275, up 50lbs. I don’t even know if that is my limit but to be completely honest doing that weight scared the crap out of me. I have been doing heavy / light rotation so every 2 weeks I am hoping to go up a little. However, I think I may have hit a plateau, the weight is scary heavy, only because of the implication of what may happen to my back, not because I have never done it before. Should I realistically try for 1000lbs? Is it really that important as a goal? Maybe for the new year I should pick a few WODs and try to rotate through them beating my time / rep count / whatever each time. I am so focused on what I am doing that this blog is suffering. I am afraid it’s not really entertaining to do and definitely not entertaining to read…

Question remains, can I squeeze another 150lbs out? I can realiatically see another 15-25 on bench before January and maybe 30 on squat. I may have to admit that I  have bitten off more that I can chew, but as the saying goes…

I would rather choke on greatness than nibble on mediocrity.

Deadlift 275
Squat 245
Bench 335

Total 855

That said, I recently changed my warmup to being a 15 minute cardio warmup to Dance Spotlight 2014 on Xbox One. Ya, a bit ridiculous but it really does get me ready to work and it’s kind of fun. At least when nobody is home…

Last of all, yesterday I posted the workout for the girls at gym. I wanted to do a Christmas theme and I came up with the picture below but it could have been so much better, I will have to think about that…


Also, I found a WOD site that claims to have ALL the WODs that are recognized by Crossfit called wodwell.com I think for tonight I will do something off the site to honour the discovery.

One Bar 3 Girls…

21-15-9 Reps for Time
Thrusters (135 lbs/95 lbs)
Squat Cleans (135 lbs/95 lbs)
Bar Dips
Deadlifts (135 lbs/95 lbs)
Handstand Push-Ups


R14D72 – Planning Time

failing to planThis round has been a little less structured than I would have liked, at times i have felt like I was just barely hanging on to the schedule by my fingers. I know what the theory is behind what I am doing but the amount of flexibility has made it seem chaotic. After the 30WOD round I thought I would welcome a bit of leeway but as it happens it appears as though I have been rotating workouts like this:

Chest / bench day 150-200 reps up to 315lbs
Squats day 120-150 reps up to 275lbs
Cleans and pullups 200+ reps total up to 185lbs
Deadlifts and pullups 200 reps total up to 225lbs
Cardio walk/jog 40 min
Shoulder day usually strict press and kettlebells with press up to 225lbs

I am torn if I really want to try and up these weights, they are painful to look at when written like that but then again I have limitations I need to consider. As far as how I feel physically at these weights I can report that my knees are a little sore if I am not super careful about my foot positioning but the depth of Olympic squats is not bothering me. Deads are fine, my back seems to be able to handle the load OK and the pullups are improving. I feel a slight lack or inability to maintain good form with my cleans, on sets of 10+ I have a tendency to get loose at the bottom. With sets of 7 or so I am fine, just the last few that go sideways. Benching is what it is, my wrists are sore most days I am sure it’s more the cleans and KB work that is to blame for that since my suicide grip is not an issue for bench. Lately I feel like I have been struggling a bit with my higher bench, I can’t remember the last time I repped over 315 and I would like to keep my working weight at 365 for my top 3 rep sets. I have had a slight tenderness in my back this week probably due to the KB swings I did with the squats but that’s what I get for mixing days…

So the question is what do I want to do with my next round, I am only 18 days out so it’s time to start planning. I have been thinking of subbing my cardio days with bootcamp days instead, I know last time I got down to 230lbs it was while I was teaching bootcamp and I can’t ignore the fact my cardio is sadly lacking. I may try to work a 3 on 1 off schedule but I know every time I try to strictly schedule my workouts that way I feel claustrophobic and end up freestyling the thing anyway. I guess I am more of a do what you feel like person than a do what you have scheduled. I just know with working and coaching that there are days I just don’t have the gas in the tank and I need to take those days off. There are also times when I feel like doing a 6th 7th or 8th day in a row, it’s just what I feel like at the time and so far it has worked OK. I just can’t think of anything worse than sitting not working out because of my schedule when I am itching to do something.



R14D54 – Sometimes It’s Easy.

beast lionWorking out, being a competitive athlete, being a gym rat or a fitness fanatic is easy for some people. Many of us, and I include myself in that group, find it easy to be motivated to do physical things, to be able to push ourselves to do things that are difficult or challenging. Some people, and again I include myself in this, may have issues of laziness or distraction in other parts of their life but when it comes to the gym it’s a different story.

Most of the time.

My history is a long one of competitive rugby, competitive powerlifting, Soccer, Diving, Swimming, Fitness Instruction and Personal Training. I am fortunate enough to have had exposure as a coach and trainer to many different disciplines including my second greatest athletic passion, gymnastics coaching. I call it my second passion because I put my own physical fitness journey ahead of everything else I do. I have to. If I didn’t then it would get swallowed up by other things and that would affect everything else in my life.

As I get older, people occasionally ask why I still work out like I do, why I don’t dial it back to walking a mile or two and doing some situps like most people my age. Well, that’s a easy one to answer, I don’t want to be like people my age. In fact, I refuse to be like most people I know my age and that is the point. My abject refusal to capitulate to my age is what drives me as much as anything. I know I won’t be able to bench 400lbs forever and with my back issues I know my squat will never go back over 500lbs but I am not about to step back from the edge of my ability for the sake of feeling comfortable.

This is the problem I have with most people however. For me, the times when it’s not easy are the times when I can prove what separates me from everyone else. Sometimes it’s easy, but sometimes it’s just a giant pain in the ass to have to do the work. The difference between a competitor and a recreational athlete is how they approach those times when it’s hard, when you just don’t feel like it, when you are in pain or have an injury. Those are the times that count.

I tell my kids all the time (not that they listen) that it’s not the 90% of the workout that matters, it’s the last 5 reps, the last 2 routines, the final push past the comfort zone that creates magnificence. Anyone can do the 90%, only the dedicated can get the last 10% done. I have a quote on my white board at gym that I feel reflects this perfectly and it’s the image above. Everybody likes to think of themselves as a beast or a high performing athlete but very few actually are willing to do what it takes to make the grade. I have high hopes for my girls this year that they will make it to level 6 for competition, but even though they know how far they need to go, unless I tell them to get to work, they are happy to stand around and go at their own pace. The normal pace, the pace of someone who is just there for fun, someone who doesn’t care about the competitive aspects of sport, someone who is average. I am not referring to the actual competitions where they will ultimately be judged, at their age they can’t really use that for motivation because they can’t create that urgency in their mind. However, I am referring to the internal competition, the contest with who you were last week, last month, last year. It’s the fuel inside a competitive person that makes them want to succeed, that makes them get on the bars when nobody wants to take a turn, that makes them ask for spot to do the skills they don’t like so they can get better at them, that makes them simply WANT to be better.

All day, every day.

I miss my competitive days, and I have to come up with new motivating factors all the time to fill that void, to give me something to focus on, something to achieve. I try to instil that in people all the time, from online forums to people I work with that they need something to drive them physically to do the work. But mostly I try to encourage that feeling in the young kids who can use it for the rest of their lives. We should all strive to be our best, but we should realize that the journey never ends, that there is always room for improvement and searching for those weaknesses and addressing them is bravery, it’s sacrifice, it’s uncomfortable and it’s the road to being the beast that resides in your heart.


Wednesday, 10/22/2014 61 Clean only 135 – 60 reps
Thursday, 10/23/2014 62 Squats Oly to 135 Power to 185 120 reps
Friday, 10/24/2014 62 off
Saturday, 10/25/2014 63 Walk Cardio 40 min
Sunday, 10/26/2014 64 Walk run 40 min plus 200 reps 135 bench
Monday, 10/27/2014 65 DL day 135 x 1234567891087654321=100 plus pullups
Tuesday, 10/28/2014 66 Kettlebell clean and press for shoulder day. 75 reps
Wednesday, 10/29/2014 67 Clean Day

Just a quick note on my rep count for Monday. I did deadlifts and pullups and in the process remembered these counts:

1-5 is 15 reps
1-10 is 55 reps
1-10-1 is 100 reps

R14D37 – Basic Lifts, Basic Weights

simpolebeautyMy mantra for this cycle has been to keep things simple. I have tended to stick with Deadlifts, Cleans, Clean and Press, Bench Press and Squats. With the occasional treadmill jog thrown in for good measure.

Wednesday, 10/15/2014 55 Bench and pullups 180 reps
Thursday, 10/16/2014 56 Squat both types 100 reps up to 185 9nly
Friday, 10/17/2014 57 Shoulder day – Raises, press etc.
Saturday, 10/18/2014 58 Cardio walking
Sunday, 10/19/2014 58 off
Monday, 10/20/2014 59 DL and Pullups Up to 185 and 80 pullups

I feel like I am in a groove of sorts and my diet seems to be on point as I am slowly retreating from my 274lb high point and am down to 259 at last count. I am trying to get back into keto to get the weightloss to speed up a touch but I am finding it hard with the milk I drink. I think I am going to have to give the nightly glass of milk a skip and try to stick with water for a few weeks and see what happens.

I have been using the new squat rack and for the first time in a long time I squatted 185 last week. My plan is to get up to 305 and no further, I am not in the kind of mindframe where I need a 400 or 500lb squat any more. I think having a 400lb bench a 300lb squat and a 300lb DL would be fine and would give me an even 1000lb total. At my age and history, I think that’s a reasonable goal.

It’s also time to plan for the winter. With the new rack in place this winter should be better than last especially since the pullup bar across the top of the rack is really handy, high enough for pullups not so high that I hit my head… I will need to figure out what to do for the next round, and I would not be averse to bringing back some DVD work for the winter. I can probably compact my heavier lifts into 4 days and spare 2 days for mobility / bootcamp type DVD work and cardio. It’s definitely something to think about.


R14D31 – So Much For That. Calf (again).

AmStaff TP006D Power Rack-WebThe calf strain is back but strangely this time it’s perfectly fine after I walk for a couple of minutes. It’s excruciatingly painful when I don’t and it came about after my workout 3 days ago where I did power cleans and pullups. I managed 85 of each but I guess I didn’t warm up properly because my calf was very bad the next day. So I am back to hobbling around and having to work around an injury that it an impediment to almost all of my workouts.
The following few days will look like this:
DL and pullups
Squat both types
Chest and pullups
Clean and dips
Shoulder day
But the big news is that I finally took delivery of and assembled the power rack pictured above. It’s pretty sturdy, the chinups are high enough that I don’t have to bend my legs that much and it came with lots of bar rests. It was on sale from $800 down to $229 so I really couldn’t resist. So now we have the treadmill back in use, a new squat / power rack for the winter so I can do heavy squats so I am pretty happy. All that I need to do now is replace the old projection HD TV with a new flat screen to get a bit of space back and the room will be much better. Except for the mirrors and the floor which is for some reason raising up into bubbles under the foam. I hate that foam.

I am toying with the idea of going back to another 30WOD stretch, it’s day 31 today and I could hypothetically do it today. I really enjoyed the variety and although my DUs are not going to happen with my calf strain, I think it would be great to do that again. Today, for reference, at Crossfit ARK is this:
Overhead Squat (5-5-5)
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
8 Alternating Tabata Rounds of each
Walking Lunges


score total reps

Even if I don’t actually do the 30WOD again, I think I will just make it a habit to check the site and see if it is something I can adapt. For example, I could use overhead squat practice since it’s as bad as my DUs if not worse. Maybe I will throw in some OHS with my DL and chinups for today.

R14D23 – Stress Test Passed

Baby_SquatI have been taking it deliberately easy on my calf for quite some time now. As of Saturday it was 17 days since the injury and after the treadmill guy replaced the motor the treadmill was once again up for grabs. So Saturday and Sunday I decided to do some stress testing. Saturday was mostly just walking at various predictably slow speeds, and Sunday was more of a jog/walk to see if my leg held up after Saturday and to see if it would take the strain. It went OK, I didn’t have any soreness next day and the pain seems to be staying away. Next test will be an Insanity DVD but with at least 5 minutes walking on the treadmill beforehand to warm up my poor gargantuan calves.

So not much to report since I took Friday off. Yesterday I did bench and dips again looking something like this:

@135 – 5×10
@185 – 4×10
@225 – 7×7

I wanted to go up to 275 but my shoulder was a little tenser, probably from spotting last week so I let it be. That was almost 140 reps anyway so…

I have to do some low squats this week in addition to my heavy DL day and Clean with Snatch or C&P day.

R14D18 – Up The Reps And Treadmill Guy

Tuesday, 09/30/2014 43 DL up to 185 for reps
Wednesday, 10/01/2014 44 Bench and Dips at 135 for 200 reps
Thursday, 10/02/2014 45 PC and Psnatch at 95 for 100 reps


It’s not a surprise that I am enjoying the lighter weights and higher reps. It gives a great pump, you know you are not risking injury and the workout doesn’t make your head explode. That said, I am still sidelined somewhat with my calf. It has been 2 weeks and 2 days since I did it and I didn’t make the mistake of trying to stress it after only 10 days like last time. But now I am thinking that I need a way to get back into the cardio work without risking injury. I think the secret may be in walking. Just like when I actually do go for a “run” (and yes, I am using that term very loosely) I find that unless I walk for AT LEAST 5 minutes beforehand, I get the worst shin splints. I think the same should apply for Insanity, that I should be walking at least 5 minutes first. The great news is that after about a month of waiting, the treadmill guy is finally coming tomorrow to replace the motor in the treadmill. I am not sure when exactly it went out  but I am guessing it was around Sept 1st. The great news is that the weather is starting to close in a little, and walking outside is just too much of a pain with clothes and so on. Much better to walk in my underwear on the treadmill with bare feet watching The Inbetweeners or something equally as inane. It’s not before time either, since today the WOD officially is:

Metcon (Time)

3 Rounds For Time

800m run
50 Sit-ups
25 Deadlifts @ 135#/95#

Now I won’t be doing it obviously I have my 50 / 50 Power Clean and Power Snatch workout to do but if I want to get back to the published WODs I will have to get my leg back in to shape.

Yesterday, for the sake of detail was bench and close grip with dips.

Bench / Close Grip / Dips


For a total of 242 reps.