RehabD2 – Bench is back

marge benchI benched 275 today which is my full operating weight!! I also was able to do some pullups without the crunching and searing pain in my shoulder so all in all things seem to be moving along. I did maybe 12 sets of bench with various weights from 135 to 275 and probably a total of 50 or so pullups in varying sets of 3-7. Certainly not impressive for a healthy person, but pretty epic for me! I was at physio which left me a little sore, but other than that I felt OK during the day.

Gym conditioning

60s per item, 2 min rest

box jumps or pushups
in and out
squats or military
walking lunge
jack and jill
frog jumps or burpees


lunge walk + squat 10 lines with 20lb collar
5 stairs with collar
5 double stairs with collar

RehabD1 – Catchup. Let’s call my rehab August.

It’s time to start recording my workouts, although I use that term loosely, so that I can see exactly what progress if any I am making. Also I want to record the work my girls are doing at gym now we are all back.

The latest from the gym:

4 rounds:
20 hip lifts on box
15 box jumps
10 box pushups (decline and incline)
5 box jump burpee
10 box dips (plus leg us)
15 box runner taps
20 vsnaps

5 pushups
10 vsnaps
15 squats

5 rounds of 10:
burpee/pushup burpee/clap push burpee/pushup and in and out burpee
high box jump up / box jump squat
Frog jump / FJ jump full turn /FJ tuck jump
pop squat / pop half / pop jump full
full situp
military pushup / military clap / military shoulder touch
v crunch / jack and jill / vsnap crucnh double
Bonus: Walk of pain – Weighted walking lunge plus stairs x5

The latest from  home:


135 x 10 x 3
185 x 10 x 3
225 x 5 x 3

Oly lift @ 75lbs

Deadlift x5 x3 then x10 x2
Hang Clean x5 x3 then x10 x3
Clean x5 x4
Clean and press x5 x2
Kettlebell squat @55lb x 10 x 3

Leg day

rehab leg work for right quad, partial squat and leg extension
air squats 10 x 5
KB squats @55lb 10 x 4
calf raises singles and doubles x20 x5


BSRD60 – Not So Triumphant Return

return-to-workSo Monday was my first day back working from home for 3 hours per my Occupational Health schedule. Let me just say it was the toughest 3 hours of my life. There is a huge difference between checking the odd web page and some email and actually having to stick to the computer for 3 hours. I was shocked at how little I was able to tolerate sitting at the computer, and that was really no surprise since that is why I started to stand at my desk in the first place. The shocking thing was that I was completely unable to concentrate on anything work related once the pain set in. I suppose that’s why they let you back in slowly because had I been at the office I would have had to leave after about an hour. I really didn’t anticipate it to be that difficult, I thought that standing at my desk would be OK and it is, as long as what you are doing is not important. Once you add importance and the requests of co-workers to the mix and all of a sudden it’s like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders. I guess I will have to get used to it, I am working another 3 hours tomorrow and I am hoping to start at 8 rather than 9 so that I can take advantage of my morning enthusiasm and mobility. Yes, I know that sounds counter to what I have said recently in my posts about mornings being very difficult and painful but the fact is that once the pain goes away after an hour or so I am far more mobile and intellectually and physically capable than I am later in the day.

This brings about a secondary issue that I have to deal with and that is a return to regular workouts. I know for a fact that if I don’t start getting back into daily activity I will be at a very real and painful disadvantage once I have to return physically to the office. Not only that, but coaching is due to resume at the start of July and I am going to have to work around that schedule too. It was with that in mind that I decided to add to my walk this week and I am happy to report that I managed to do some chinups today. Chinups are the one thing that I have been avoiding since surgery. I suppose in my mind I wanted to make sure I did not stress my rear chain with suspension in case the movement was too severe. But now that I am at physio and the manipulation of the scar tissue and the corrective positioning of my hip seem to be working OK then I figure it’s about time. I know I still haven’t seen the surgeon yet, that is next week, but I am pretty sure that he will tell me to continue to take it easy. I am afraid that at my age, that’s not really an option if I want to recover fully and quickly. I know that the less I do, the worse I get so it’s pretty simple maths that I have to do as much as I can staying below the injury line in order to get me back to a situation where I am durable and capable in my real world activities.

Today’s workout:

I did a demo video of all my Olympic lifts, in one respect to show mechanics but in another respect to make sure my form is as solid as I hope. That was only a total of about 50 reps. I then went out to the back deck and completed 50 chinups. It was purposefully a light day to monitor just how much pain the chinups will generate.

BSRD52 – Good Morning Agony

My mornings this week have been absolute agony. Ever since I have started my physio exercises and started to do back load movements during my workouts my back muscles across the lower spine and middle back are so sore and stiff in the morning. On Saturday it took about 10 minutes just to get upright and mobile. We went to Wonderland in the afternoon on Saturday and even though I didn’t work out Sunday was just as bad when I awoke. Sunday I did more bench to keep the load off my back and thought this morning would be easier but to be honest it was still excruciating although the pain passed much more quickly than it has in the last few days. Today I am going to try and concentrate on abs and see if that helps.

Friday was Century Club, again in 2 sections one for the regular participants and one for the terminally injured.

Century Club

25 of each, 4 rounds

Bulgarian Halo with 20lb bag or vsnaps
26lb wall ball or box jumps
Vsnaps or 3 suicides
25lb kettlebell swings or burpee

Tonight’s candidates:

Toes to bar
Single toes to opposite hand
Stability ball ground touch sit ups
22lb twisting 180’s
22lb twisting 45 degree 180’s
med ball vsnaps
med ball russian twists
bicycles front and back
side balance hip floor touch
plank hold with 20lb collar
22lb wipers
22lb full lock walking lunge
Turkish get up with 8KG kb

BSRD46 – Busy Week / Change Of Direction

crossfit-logo11I am in limbo with my decision regarding how to approach my rehabilitation. I am at the point where I have stress tested myself with very light weights and very basic movements and as I move towards the inevitable return to work I need to make sure I am up to the task of sitting in the car to work, sitting or standing for 4 hours and driving home PLUS then doing my rehab work whatever that may be. Given my history with P90X that would be an easy place to start, but I am not sure that doing a round of P90X or P90X2 at this point would give me back the functional fitness I am looking for. As good as it is, and it is an excellent program, I am not quite sure that it will suffice. That is where Crossfit comes in.

Before I go into any details I want to quickly address my concern with Crossfit as it stands. For the most part I think it’s a wonderful system, it’s heart is in the right place and the quick format takes care of many of the issues people claim with not having enough time to work out (nice excuse!). I did write a piece not too long ago about the Crossfit Nonsense article that probably was a little harsh but let me take a second here and demonstrate what I meant at the time. I called it Crossfit Caution and I stand by the idea that I presented but before I start let’s look at what would have had you do last week for workouts:

Monday – Run for 30 minutes
Tuesday – Rest
WednesdayAMRAP 20 minutes: Row 250m + 25 pushups
Thursday – 50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders plus situps (Double Unders are simply rope skipping with 2 revolutions of the rope per jump, you could sub tuck jumps)
Friday – An Actual workout:

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 Handstand push-ups
7 Chest to bar pull-ups
35 pound Dumbbell squat snatch, 10 reps, alternating

Saturday – Rest Day
Sunday – Another actual workout:

21-18-15-12-9-6 and 3 rep rounds of:
Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75 pounds
Push jerk, 75 pounds

So there you have it, for your 7 days of Crossfit membership you would have stumped up probably in the region of $200 per month for unlimited use only to have 2 days of what anyone would reasonably think of as a “workout” and have only used equipment that most people probably already have at home (save the rowing machine).

What about body parts? How do these 7 days stack up and what happens if you are only able to work out 4 days? Let’s say like me you are busy this week and due to your commitments only have Tuesday Wednesday and Saturday to work out. That means you are unlucky enough to hit 2 rest days and a day of pushups. Even if you were able to follow the program for the 5 active days let’s just look at what you would have worked:

Monday: Cardio
Tuesday: Rest
Wednesday: Cardio plus chest and triceps
Thursday: Cardio and light core (150 situps is light core, yes)
Friday: Shoulders, Upper back, Traps (If you can count a 35lb snatch)
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Traps and shoulders

My question is this. Where is the leg work (except the cardio). Also, where is the bicep work knowing that pullups utilise a small amount of bicep work which is reduced by the infamous Crossfit Kipping pullup. How about some oblique or lower abs work? You could argue that the snatches do work the abs to a degree but that’s like saying a squat snatch works the legs with 35lbs.

I am probably going to get a lot of flak for this (thank goodness nobody comes here!) but honestly relying on Crossfit boxes as your fitness all-in-one is just not a great idea. You know what is the best idea? Get some equipment of your own and make sure you are getting a well rounded workout each week. I am sure some people would say that taking a week is not a fair measure but I think spreading your whole body across 2 weeks or more is laying it a bit thin.

So what is the solution? Well, for me, Crossfit is the solution. But it’s a home grown hand picked version that allows me to take the workouts from the last month, pick the ones that are most appropriate for me and do them on my time with my own equipment. Sure, I don’t have the camaraderie I would get at the gym but then again I don’t have to keep telling people not to talk to me while I work out. As I have posted many times, I have made some of the stuff I needed to accomplish this, I got cheap chin up bars, a decent olympic bar and some bumper plates, I made a wallball and some dip bars and bought some kettlebells. That is all I needed to invest in order to give me the workout I wanted and avoid the problems that Crossfit inevitably has in scheduling around busy lives. At what cost? The Newmarket crossfit box wants up to $200 a month for a membership. For the price of 2 months I have an unlimited use gym in my house. You can Crossfit if you want, and I would suggest you do, but I also would suggest that you can do it on your own.

By the way, if you are new to Crossfit and Olympic lifting etc. then I would suggest you take out a short 2-6 month membership and have them teach you how to lift. Then hit the discout fitness store and buy some stuff for yourself.

By the way, this is not meant to be a Crossfit bashing entry, just an eye opener for some people who may think that they can’t Crossfit because they can’t afford it or who think that they can’t Crossfit because they can’t commit to specific non-rest days at their box.

Still booting

With March Break and so on we had a disruption in service, however all is back to normal now and I am going to commit to keep more up to date. The problem with not keeping up is not only do I lose the record of what I have done and what I need to do but I get a bit aimless in my workouts away from bootcamp and start to slack off.

Last week we did a bodyweight class with bosu that looked like the list below. After that I alternated with Olympic lifts (deadlift and clean) and a bench day, also a MMA day where I hung the bag in the garage away from everything breakable and did about 40 minutes of kicking and punching along with a little kettlebell swinging. However it all feels a little haphazard and unfocused. So I am going to try and put together a couple of weeks plan here and stick to it. I have to say I have been keeping up with the 5-6 days a week which I am happy with but I have also not been keeping good enough tabs on my dairy intake which I think is keeping me a little bloated.

Anyway, here is last week, I will post tonight tomorrow if that makes sense!

Balance Of Death

x2 in a row 1 off bosu 1 on bosu
10 regular pushups
10 military pushups
10 sphinx to plank step or drop
10 pushup side raise
10 pullups

Sit on bosu

20 in and out
20 crucnhy frog
20 knees to elbow alternate
20 in and out abs hands on upside down bosu
20 side crunch per side

x2 1 on BOSU 1 on SB
10 SB pushup boing
10 SB Burpee lift ball
10 SB Plank to sphinx
10 per SB elbow plank side raise

Feet on SB

10 regular pushups
10 military pushups
10 sphinx to plank step or drop
10 pushup side raise
10 pullups

20 Crunchy Frog
20 vsnap
20 laying triple bicycles
20 full situps

Arms on SB 20 360’s
Arms on SB plank to sphinx
10x feet on SB walk out and back
20x feet on ball face down roll ball in to chest
20x laying hamstring pull

20 laying leg lifts
10 per rainbow leg lifts
10 per scissor hold on count
25 per side to side scissor rapid


Burpee ladder – 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
on the minute every minute (10 min burpees)
rest in plank position.

On The Rebound?

It’s no coincidence that my ongoing struggle with this mysterious 8lbs I have gained is going hand in hand with my inability to keep up to date here. My focus is on work and family rather than on my fitness at this point and I need to redress the balance.

Last week was a strange one, I was on training all week and so after bootcamp monday I did a workout on tuesday but I can’t remember what it was. I think it was probably Tapout XT and tehn another bootcamp on Wednesday. Thursday was olympic lifting, Friday I was off and Saturday I think was a P90X2 workout. Sunday my wife and I went to the new gym up the street for a laugh and I did some push press work and some chinups. It’s now Monday and we are back to bootcamp which should look something like this:

Decending ascending

15 Curls
10 Curl and press
5 Burpee curl and press

15 high pull
10 high pull front raise
5 high pull front raise side raise

15 crunch
10 crunch vsnap
5 crunch vsnap bicycle

15 flat leg lift
10 leg lift vsnap
5 leg lift vsnap full situp

15 squat
10 squat mk
5 squat mk front lunge

15 curls
15 high pull
15 crunch
15 vsnap
15 squat

5 burpee curl
5 burpee curl and press
10 military
10 military row
15 pushup
15 pushup in and out

10 knee curls
10 laying tri cross extension
10 laying pullovers
10 laying fly


A+reportcardsmallAfter bootcamp last week I decided to try not to take Thursday off and keep that day in my pocket in case I needed it. On reflection it was a great idea, I think I made some good strides this week back to my 232lb partial goal and I am hoping to gain some momentum to pass right by 232 without noticing.

Olympic Lifting. I stuck to my plan of increasing my weights slowly but surely. This time I surpassed 205 and went up to 235 with my deadlift. I know, it’s not much but I think once I make it to 300 I will cap it anyway so I am not searching for glory here!

P90X2 Balance and Power. I have been trying to stick with at least 1 full DVD workout each week, partly because it makes sure I get a longer workout than usual and adds to my total time for the week but also because it gives me some inspiration for bootcamp. Balance and Power is a good workout if you are looking for something that is not body part specific and had some good coordination/balance moves incorporated. There is also some abs work which makes it a good all around bootcamp style workout.

Saturday and Sunday:
Bench and Free dips plus Fountain of Youth Yoga. Saturday was the first time in a long time that I set up the bench and did some old school gym workout bench presses. I wanted to see if I was still as strong as I was (I’m not!) and see if my endurance for benching is still where it used to be (it is!). I only managed to get up to 235lbs partly due to the fact I didn’t have the new bumper plates in the basement but also because I chose to ramp up slowly taking sets of 10 reps at each increment. By the end I had completed over 100 reps going from 135lbs up to 235lbs. Mixed in with the bench I was also doing free dips on my home made dip stands which added to the fatigue and therefore lightness of weight. All in all, it was a satisfying workout, and once in a while it’s good to go back to bodypart basics and make some waves! Sunday I decided since I hadn’t had a day off since Tuesday I would spend some time treating my body well and did the FOY Yoga with Tony. It’s only 40 minutes max and I have to admit I skipped the abs so it was only about 35 minutes but it was just what I needed. I got to hit 6/7 days this week and didn’t feel like a total basket case at the end.


Bootcamp Abs and Momentum!

angularmomentumLast Wednesday we did an abs workout for bootcamp, I was sore for days after since we really went after our weakness, the hip flexor. Once the Wednesday was done I had swimming with the toddlers on Thursday so decided to take that day off too. The problem with doing that is I end up with having to face 4 days in a row in order to hit my 6 day quota. Anyway, this week I did OK, for the rest of my 4 days I did an RKC workout at work including 100 pullups and sprints on the treadmill. The weekend I did a Tapout XT workout with the heavy bag despite still having a sore index finger from a blister last time. I also did a short but brutal Olympic lift workout with deadlifts, cleans, power shrugs and power cleans while the power was out at our house. Today is another bootcamp and then maybe, just maybe a day of rest on tuesday.

Here’s the abs bootcamp:

7.2.2 Abs / Cardio Abs

20 Pulse crunch
20 In and Out
20 straight leg toe touch alternate
20 Crunchy Frog
20 Side Crunch each side

5 burpee
5 burpee with 8 run
5 burpee with 8 run and 4 in and out

20 plank jacks
10 plank jacks with in and out
10 plank jacks with in and out and knee cross
10 in and out crunches knees to elbows
10 vsnaps

5 burpee
5 burpee with pushup
5 burpee with pushup and tuck jump

20 standing Knee raise to side
20 alternating high kicks
20 lunge to knee cross to elbow alternate
20 each hip flexor burner (knee, ext, lift)
20 side ITB lift each
20 sitting flex leg cross and back


Falling Tower hold 5x10s
Roll to boat hold 5s
Side plank hold 10s alternate
10 spider each side
10 vsnap / pushup roll


Getting Started

happy new year 2013 on the beachI started the year off right with a run through of Insanity Cardio Power and Resistance, a bootcamp style workout that is heavy on the cardio but mixes in some bodyweight moves at the same time. Next day I did a short deadlift and clean workout to try and grease the barbell clean groove which I have neglected of late. Yesterday, the 3rd, I had to coach for 3 hours so no workout. Today I will probably do some P90X2 to fill in the shoulder and tricep gaps from my latest workouts and then I have to sit down and plan for bootcamp on Monday. It’s been tougher than anticipated being off schedule with no bootcamp to teach and too much time on my hands but overall I think I did OK. I am not about to start out on a new schedule yet, I am only a third way into my current 90 day program but I think I need to be a bit more organized and maybe a bit more committed. I have a tendency to shorten my workouts maybe a little too much so I think doing the DVDs will at the very least get me back into that 45 min to an hour mindset. It’s the new year, I am going to cut myself a little slack for now and just do the work. Oh, and do my measurements and photos too…

Happy New Year everybody.