Day 44 – The Return of the Mack

Tuesday August 4 2009. Chest Triceps and Shoulders.

My Personal Saviour Back in the Day

I’m back! The weekend ended up being a bonus in a way, I feel better, more capable, and most of all a lot less sore than I did on Friday. The workout, then, was not easy, that’s not what happens with P90X. I was able to do more than usual, it was just as hard but the output was better. Of course, as I sit in my pool of sweat at the end of the workout the weekend recovery seems eons away. I once again landed on my head doing the inverted shoulder press, something I am not impressed with given that before I started I could shoulder press 275lbs. However, this time I had my feet on the bench, not the upturned bucket so I was almost completely inverted with my feet as high as my knees. My single pervasive thought through the whole workout was next week’s rest week. A whole week without pull ups or push ups. A whole week to give my shoulders and elbow a much needed break but also a week where I need to pull myself together and drop some more pounds.

I know I did this more as a challenge to myself than as a weightloss tool however I think the last month I should really try to push my nutrition boundaries to give me the best shot at getting rid of a few more pounds. I am close to my lightest weight in almost 8 years, back to the weight I was when Nicole and I met and being there again with a large degree of control over my weight would be amazing. I remember that back then the reason I was in such good shape was not because of my diet but because of the Stairmaster. I would spend 2 hours in the gym every morning before work, an hour of which would be on the PT4000 climbing the stair to nowhere. As soon as I was not able to do the work any more, the weight came up. My experience has taught me that in order to be successful at weight control it is not about the 2 hours in the gym, it is about the 22 hours out there in the world. The gym is the easy part. Ironically, I used to tell my Personal Training clients that. I guess I just wasn’t listening.

Days 40-43 Major Malfunction, Long Weekend

So I kind of messed up this week. I did Kenpo on Thursday because I was sure that was the right thing to do. I realized once I checked the schedule that I was supposed to do Yoga on Thursday and Kenpo on Saturday. I actually ended up taking Saturday off (well, I did 45 minutes on the treadmill instead) instead of Sunday and then doing Yoga on Sunday. Then on Monday I built a large TV shelf to sit on top of the fireplace in the living room that would accommodate the tuner, the Satellite box, the DVDRW and both the Wii and the PS3. However, between fixing that up and installing it which took around an hour with the ridiculous amount of cabling involved and the small but significant amount of gardening that I did I managed to miss out my workout all together. So I now find myself on Tuesday without having done my Monday workout which means that I will now have to go without a day off this week.

So here is the plan.

Tuesday: Chest Tri Shoulders
Wednesday: Plyo
Thursday: Back and Biceps
Friday: Yoga
Saturday: Legs and Back
Sunday: Kenpo

This will get me back on track for next week which coincidentally is a rest week which fits perfectly.

So what did I do with my 4 days off? Well, I completely finished revamping the garage so that I actually have room to work and room to park the Jeep again. I built the shelf I just mentioned and installed it however if it works out fine and we like it, I will have to take it down and paint it black so it fits in. I did a good job with it too, routed the edges and everything to make it look professional! I also bought and installed a new stereo head unit for the Jeep, one with a USB port on front so you can use a flash drive for your music instead of CDs. That means I can get an 8GB memory stick and put every song I have ever heard on it! Nicole thinks we need a road trip now so we can listen to all that tuneage!

pioneerp3100I did manage to fix the broken fence on the walkout deck and do some gardening, attempting to rescue our front yard flower bed that I built last year from the grass that has overtaken it. Weird how I still have stupid holes in the actual lawn but the grass grows like crazy everywhere I don’t want it to. I also “fixed” the mirrors in the basement, ever since I installed them I have been meaning to glue them to the wall instead of having them rest on the rail I built for them. I had assumed that if I glued them to the wall they would all be aligned properly and would look perfect. Not the case. In fact, the wall is so messed up that the mirrors are even worse than they were. Oh well, lesson learned that if you want a mirror wall, get a large mirror, don’t try to make one from small mirrors. Actually, it would probably have worked OK if I had stuck the mirrors to a surface I knew was flat and then against the wall. Maybe I will try that if I can get them off the wall now. Stick them to a piece of MDF and then attach that to the wall… hmmm…

So there you have it, a few days of major achievements around the house but not the greatest outcome on the P90X front. Although, even though I missed 2 workouts I added 2 days of cardio. Maybe that will all even out in the long run.

Day 39 – The 4 Days Ahead


So I have a lot of extra days in hand for vacation time at work. I decided to take tomorrow off to give me a 4 day weekend. This way I can get some yard work done, get some garage work done, take care of a lot of outstanding DIY stuff and get my P90X workouts done during the day when I actually have some energy.

Today I did Kenpo, still my favourite and still a workout that I am guaranteed will give me a real challenge. My coordination continues to improve every time I do this workout and I find that the harder I work, the more focused I become and the better I do. I think that is a bit weird but there you go.

Day 38 – 1 Week To The Top

Back, Biceps

I always imagine the half way point of any venture as the top of the mountain, once you are past half way, things always seem to go more quickly towards the finish line. One week from today I will be half way through the P90X program and although my “transformation” is not significant, that was not my goal. In fact, as I stated at the outset my goal for doing this was only for the challenge and the variety. The fact that I have lost a few pounds and made some significant fitness gains is a bonus.

It has been really weird not going to the gym every day and still getting the quality of workout that I have been. I have always been of the opinion that you need to be in the gym to get the quality of workout that you need to succeed in fitness. This stems from the arrogance of my initial certification as an ACE Personal Trainer. When I got certified, the culture was that the gym was the law not the guideline and the notion of working out without weights was almost non existent. Since then a lot has changed, the improvisation of the fitness industry and their desire for money has generated a whole industry around working out at home. From the very early days of at home aerobics to Billy Blanks and his Tae Bo all the way up to P90X and beyond, the fitness industry now accepts the notion that you can get a great workout anywhere you want to. Ask any Personal Trainer worth their salt and they will now be able to give you a dozen alternatives to replace your gym exercises no matter if you are at home, at a hotel or even at the beach. My experience with P90X has taught me that not only is it possible to get a top class workout at home, but also that the workout that I impose on my kids at gym every year is a reflection of my own insight into that area. Without even knowing it I had developed a workout regime that could very easily have served as an at home workout for anyone willing to put in the time and effort.

Speaking of gym, I am going to start (hopefully) to develop the conditioning for the year before we start, that way I will have lists defined, workout schedules made and a well balanced approach to their fitness ready to go. Much as I enjoy making stuff up as we go, it does make me stressed and can occasionally lead to unbalanced workouts. So this year I hope to incorporate some of the Plyo and other P90X stuff into the conditioning and to have a set of workouts of various lengths I can pick from.

Day 37 – The Wobblies


I decided today that I would workout as soon as I got back from work instead of eating, resting and working out at arounnd 6pm. My legs were weak and wobbly, and I am not sure if it was due to lack of food or just that I was tired after the weekend cardio. Either way, the workout was hard today, my quads were burning for a lot of the time but since I am very familiar with the Plyometrics program now it was easy to focus on the finish line and power through the pain. I have to be careful doing this due to my back issues, once my legs get weak, my back has to take an additional load which can lead to my nerves pinching again. However, I seem to be pretty good at pushing just far enough these days that I got an amazing workout and didn’t cripple myself.

It has been raining here the last few days, but the humidity that Toronto is known and despised for has returned. Today I was drenched in sweat since I work out in the gym in the basement with the patio doors open. There was a warm, sticky breeze and the air was difficult to get any refreshment from. Luckily I had my freezing cold water to help but the relief was agonizingly temporary. I felt at times like I was inside an oven staring through the glass door trying to get out… Not a comfortable feeling at all.

Day 36 – Week 6 Begins – The Grind.

I feel like I am in that no-man’s land between the start and the finish. It’s that part of the race where you are too far from the start to be beginning but too far from the end to be excited about finishing. This is the grind. I expect that phase 2 will be like this the whole way through although I will be excited once I finish week 7 and get to have an easy week until the final push into Phase 3. It’s a good job that I am enjoying the new workouts because that is what will keep me going into Phase 3. I am a little concerned that Phase 2 doesn’t do much tricep work in comparison and tends to concentrate on back but then again I was always a chest guy so I am probably over sensitive to the imbalance.

So today I learned that one more rep is not always a good thing. I was doing these butt raised shoulder press things where you have your feet on a bench, your butt up in the air so that there is a straight line between your hands on the floor and your butt all the way through the shoulders. As you press you are actually using your shoulders almost like a handstand pushup but with your legs resting on a bench. However, the higher you put your feet, the closer it is to an actual handstand pushup and as I struggled to do one last rep with my ass in the air my arms very slowly gave way landing the top of my head on the padded floor with a resounding “thump”. I was not amused, especially since my instinct was to stand up but because my arms weren’t working I couldnt stand up either. So I lay on the floor for a minute or two staring at the unpainted ceiling and wondering if I should try that again.

Day 35 – Couch Surfing

It’s Sunday. Rest Day. Cardio day not stretch X.

All for one, and one to the couch...
All for one, and one to the couch...

Nicole worked floor hours this morning and I stayed on the couch attempting not to sleep through the Hungarian Grand Prix. With Lewis Hamilton finally getting the success he deserves it should have been easy but even with the excitement of wheels falling off the cars I was unable to see the whole thing in once sitting. What is really weird is that no matter how far I rewound the DVR to watch it again, I always woke up with 4 laps to go.

I finally managed to finish the race and squeeze in a 40 minute jog on the treadmill. I then set about trying to get motivated to get back in the garage to finish some of the outstanding issues however with the rain and the thunder and so on I decided I would have a leftover steak from the BBQ yesterday and power nap my way through the afternoon.

One thing I can say about P90X is that I don’t feel at all guilty taking a day off like I used to. I know I am working hard enough to earn that rest time and even more importantly I know that I am working so hard that my body REQUIRES that rest time. Me, the couch and the cat, like the Three Musketeers were inseparable.

Did I feel guilty about not stretching? Not really, I actually stretched before and after my run this morning so I really didn’t feel like I was missing out.  I spent the rest of the day in front of the computer sorting and reviewing photos and making sure the backups were done and so on. I was astonished at how many pictures we have at home but compared to people with kids I am sure we are still pretty much bush league. I have 10,000 pictures in my TO SORT folders, imagine going through all that!

Day 34 – Tricking myself.

I find myself in the routine, able to predict how sore or tired I will be and looking forward to the Sunday rest day when I can do a little cardio on the treadmill or outside and take a day off from beating myself up. This is not a bad thing, it is not a rut, it’s a routine. I have been trying to imagine in my mind what the basement would look like if I knocked out a wall down there and created an entire room for the gym instead of having the small desk and the couch against the wall. Other than the aesthetic appeal, I don’t think it would give me much more functional room. Having spent lots of time thinking about moving stuff about in the house I spent the majority of the day, while Nicole was out at a Trainers course, cleaning up the garage and rearranging all the shelving etc. It was a monumental job to do and I was really proud once I finally got round to starting it. It still requires some finishing touches but for now the garage is almost done. Once it is finished I can get to work building and fixing all the stuff on my list including the TV shelf, the stereo in the Jeep and maybe even getting started on taking the wall down in the main living room.

The reason that I mention all this is because I was astonished at my energy levels and mobility. Usually I overcome the shortcomings in my flexibility or range of motion with brute strength. This time however I found myself bending and twisting into corners without a problem, preferring to inch myself into tight spaces to get the job done instead of my past solution of getting a bigger hammer. What is even more weird is the fact that as I was contorting myself around the shelving units I caught myself thinking of the name of the yoga pose I was in. Tres bizarre.

Even after a day of work in the garage I was still able to get the Kenpo workout done. As usual, I was not sure I would be able to do it however a long, long time ago I made a deal with myself regarding my workouts. The deal was that when I didn’t feel like going to the gym I would go anyway and if I still didn’t feel like it after the first 10 minutes then I was allowed to leave. I wasn’t allowed to quit up front without trying but I was allowed to throw in the towel if I had at least tried. Up to this day I have never caved after that first 10 minutes even though there have been countless days where I have made the deal with myself. Today was one of those days. I though I would do the warm-up and see how I felt. Doing that is kind of like giving a dog a bone, once I have it, I won’t give up. Around 10 minutes in I found myself pushing harder, trying to improve on my last session and I laughed a little at my ability to trick my own lazy subconscious. I felt good enough that after I was done I took some day 34 pictures to show my 1/3 distance progress. I still haven’t decided if I will publish those photos…

Day 33 – The Fear. The Choice.

Legs and Back.

Note the opposite twist to the natural hip position. Ouch!

Note the opposite twist to the natural hip position. Ouch!

I was thinking last night after I finished Yoga that one of the main reasons that people fail at sticking to thing such as diets, a workout plan, a 90 day torture session like P90X is fear. I have heard this a lot in the past and it never really made sense to me until now. I am not habitually fearful. I have a confidence in myself that replaces that fear. I get nervous, sure, and there are times when I think that my bravery may exceed my capabilities but I am usually fine with that. However, as time passes and I get older and wiser that fear has started to creep into my life. It is not unexpected given what I have been through with my back I suppose. If I were someone else I would think it is perfectly reasonable to be fearful given my circumstances. But last night during Yoga I realized that the reason I have stuck with this program so far and the reason that I have made such good progress with my flexibility and Yoga is that I refuse to acknowledge the fear in my head. Since my surgery I have lived in pain, it is not something that I like to talk about because I am sure to most people it just sounds like the complaining of a lazy fat guy. However, living in constant pain teaches you how to avoid any additional pain and the one thing I have mastered is staying on the right side of that extra pain line. However, I realized yesterday that the buffer between me and that line is a lot wider than I imagined. In fact, that line is WAAAAAAAY further than I thought it was. Sure, I have discomfort ( I call it pain, but in reality in comparison to ACTUAL pain it is just an inconvenience) but so far I have not caused myself an additional pain. As I went into Twisting Triangle pose last night I thought to myself that only a few weeks ago there is no way I would have tried something like that. Not only would I have thought it physically impossible but I would have assumed that I would twist my spine and like a bent paperclip it would never return to it’s original shape again. When it comes to my back my fear has ruled the roost and up until now it has served me well but I think it is about time that I realize that I may in fact be capable of more than I ever thought possible. Of course, if I manage to put my back out during this 90 days I will come back here and curse myself for my recklessness however one good thing about that fearlessness I spoke of earlier, it always means you will get back on that horse one more time.

Day 32 – Not this again!

Kenpo – Oops, I mean Yoga.


Seriously, I am exhausted, like kitten on catnip withdrawal tired. Everything hurts again, I can’t even start to imagine how I am going to get through tonight never mind the rest of the next 2 weeks. Every time I move something screams with pain and it’s not that I am sitting on the cat, I checked.

So today I got home from work thinking that it was my favourite Kenpo workout only to find out, to my horror, that in fact today is Yoga X! Suddenly my workout time went from 65 minutes to 95 minutes. It’s not that I hate Yoga, it’s just that if you are psychologically prepared for one thing it is hard to get turned around to do something else. In actual fact, the workout went well, I am resigned to the fact that there are some things I just cannot do at this point, and given the size of my arms and shoulders, may never be able to do. But I am enjoying the process now much more than I was in the past. It is weird even when you are not consciously thinking of pushing yourself harder, each time you repeat a workout you find some small way to make things more challenging. Today I did pushups during each Vinyasa, an optional component! As for the tired thing, once I got home and had a small snack I felt better. In fact, it was more than likely the act of getting out of my chair at work and walking around that made me feel better, but that is the nature of my job.

I often refer to my “size” or muscularity as a barrier to my workouts which is rich in irony however no less frustrating. I will attempt to show you what I mean.

sept 27 08 back of neck

That, believe it or not, is the back of my neck. That is what stops me from being able to do such things as the overhead tricep stretch. Every time I try that stretch I strangle myself as my arm pushes all that muscle mass into my neck – where the air goes!