Day 71 – Staying in the Game

Chest and Back

invisible lawnmowerToday I elected to take it easy. It’s not that I don’t want to go all out during the workout it is more that I know if I hurt myself now I will mess up my ability to get the floors done. If I do that, we will be living on bare floors for a while. So, with caution at the forefront of my mind I was careful specifically with the lawnmowers and the bent over flys. I am not enthused about the bent over rowing in the first place. They call them Heavy Pants and it is an exercise which I think is unnecessarily risky for most people. They have a one arm at a time version called locomotives which basically raises the same questions with me. However, with good form, you can mitigate some of the risk but the exercise still comes with a huge amount of safety precautions for anyone with a weak or compromised lower back. Needless to say, my heavy pants were more like a well worn pair of underwear! Plus I am still reeling from the realization that next week isn’t a rest week, something I should take advantage of, not sulk about, but you know…

It is funny doing the chest and back workout because it is the first workout that you do when you start the program. Tony is on his best behaviour, everyone is working hard and looking good and it is just that little bit more polished and professional than the rest of the days.

Today was a struggle for me anyway, I think I may have had an extra coffee and that made me a little shaky and nauseated. I was OK during the workout but by the last move I was exhausted. This is very unusual for me especially after a day off. Just goes to show that the quality of your workouts depends in very large part to both the diet you had yesterday but also what you ate and drank today. You have to become very familiar with your body and how it reacts to food and drink in order to give yourself the best shot in the gym. This probably goes without saying for some of you but you would be amazed at how many people don’t know how to make themselves feel great with their diet. It is a mystery to them how some days they feel good in the morning or at the gym while other times they are dragging their butt like an old itchy dog. At the very least you should be able to explain your body state and how you created it and be able to recreate that state at will. Imagine that, being able to make yourself feel great whenever you wanted!

Eat right and exercise and you will find out how to do just that.

Days 68 to 70 – Floored

Legs and Back, Kenpo

As usual, the weekend took a toll on my workouts. Not that I don’t have time t0 get them done, but especially this time I have other things to occupy my time. I took Friday off, something which I think is inherited from my father who took Friday evenings as his “decompression” time. I started parts of the floor prep making lists and to do priorities. Saturday meant early legs and back which was enjoyable and it was a nice bonus to get it done early. However, with a day of hard physical work ahead I knew I may be in for a world of pain.

800lbs of floor.

Truck, 800lbs of floor and a challenge!

I went to Home Depot and got the flooring, manhandled it into and out of the truck and started on the floor. First I had to pull the carpet and since we don’t have a lot of room in which to work it meant moving furniture around to clear floor space. I spent a lot of the day bent over removing staples which held the foam underpad down. Whoever installed it was obviously fixated on the staple gun since they used it like it was their newest Christmas present. With large areas of the carpet removed I spent Sunday getting the last of it out and removing the trim pieces that will need reinstalling once the floor is in. I also spent about an hour and a half trying to cut the bottom of the fireplace with a hand saw until I realized that I had recently seen a tool on TV that would be ideal. It was, however, $400 so I went to Home Depot again and found the Dremel knock off which would have saved me an enourmous amount of time had I thought of it earlier.

tackstrip vs foam

Long and painful story short I was too tired and had worked too damn hard to do Kenpo on Sunday. So I officially am skipping a workout and getting back to my Chest and Back workout on Monday.

That is when I realised that the buggers at Beachbody have slipped in an extra week of workouts at the end of the program. I thought that this being the 3rd week of Phase 3 that I had one more week of weights and then one rest week and I would be done. Not so! I actually have 2 more weeks of weights until the final rest week. This brings with it mixed emotions, at least it gives me 2 more weeks to coem up with some of the conditioning for gym, it also gives me an extra week to get myself in even better shape however it means the finish line is now a week further away than I thought it was!!!

I almost went to the gym on Sunday to do my Legs and Back workout, a session which lends itself well to that transition. I feel like it has been forever since my days at the gym and I think it will be a welcome change to get back there. September is going to be a month of significant change around here!

So here I go, 2 more weeks of weight work and then one more rest week and I am done! A real, bona fide completion of the program. I can’t wait.

Day 67 – Yoga Can Lay My hardwood… Maybe


You see this is the problem with 90 days of journalling, eventually you get bored and so do I of the same discussion about how I can’t wrap my arm under my leg and around my waist like a human pretzel or how my elbow hurts when I do pullups. Those things are still important but repetitive. I am planning to scan my workout sheets and post them so that anyone doing the program will be able to see the changes in the weights and reps I have been doing but ultimately that is only going to be a few posts at most.

hardwood darkFor now, you will have to put up with my tangential rantings until something really weird or cool happens with my P90X journey that I just have to write about. Until then, we are in cruise control for the next week or so until it is time to lay the hardwood floor and then time to go back to coaching. At that point I will be able to tell if all this has been worth it. I am hoping that in some really bizarre twist of fate that yoga will help me lay my hardwood floor.

We shall see.

At the very least, my prediction that P90X would help me with coaching should meet it’s test. When I started, even though I was confident that I would be able to stick with it and finish, I was just hoping that it would help me to get over the inevitable soreness and potential back injury that comes with the first few weeks of coaching. Throwing small children around (and some not so small after a summer of PS3 or Facebook) brings with it a myriad of risks for me, hopefully this year I will have worked hard enough to mitigate those risks.

Speak of the devil, today is yoga day! I am heading to work now so I will fill you in on the gory details later.

Later… Yoga was horrible today. My balance was off, my arms felt like jello and it is really hard to clear your mind for almost 90 minutes when I am thinking about the hardwood installation every spare minute. I found out that apparently carpet underlay is not the right stuff for hardwood underlayment. I also found out that our main floor upon which the hardwood will lay is actually 2 different floors, one wood and one a skim coat of concrete. Very weird. It may be that the skim coat of concrete is actually only over by the kitchen since that area is tiled. I am not sure but what I am sure of is I am going to have some surprises when I take up that carpet. As I said Yoga was not good today and in fact I found myself thinking of checking out some TV Yoga as a bit of a break. Tony would not be impressed I am sure. However, I remain committed, which this close to the end is becoming increasingly difficult. I find that I am not really finish line driven which is bizarre for someone so competitive. I find that once I get close to the end of something I tend to lose interest. Kind of like the way Nicole always gets up to leave 5 minutes before the end of almost every show we watch. Maybe I am more of an eat the best bits and leave the rest person instead of a clear my plate person. Somehow that doesn’t sound like me though. The point being that finishing this program will be the hardest part. Starting was tough enough, making it through to day 68 has been killer but I just know that performing that last 8-14 days is going to be the real test for me.

Day 66 – Biggest Loser Finale Day

Back and Biceps

scaleI am responsible for running a program at my workplace for people interesting in losing weight. Although it is called the Biggest Loser the similarity ends there. There is no set workout schedule, no training only weekly information and motivation from me and the accountability of the weigh in. This is the 3rd installment of the program and to date our participants have lost a total of 153lbs!

The purpose of my doing the P90X program was not primarily weight loss. I stated from the start that I took up this program as a challenge both to see if I could do it, but also to confirm to myself that regardless of how I may feel every day from a pain perspective, that my body is still capable of amazing things even after my (now long past) back surgery. I remember talking to a guy at a gym I used to go to who had a similar scar on his back (this was only months after my operation) and he was 8 years on. He was playing squash every day and told me that he was doing the things that he did before his back started giving him problems. I aspired to that, but at the same time I was concerned that it may take the 8 years to get back to “normal”. Well, it is now 8 years down the road and I suppose a few months ago I would have complained that I was not capable of things I would have done before my back problems. However, today I would be proud to say that I can do things that I would probably not have attempted back then, even though I would have been 8 years younger!!

So Bob was the biggest loser, he swept the last month and the final grand prize. I think the program has proven it’s value, not only to the winners, but also to the participants who have an accountability system in place which is helping them control their weight. It amazes me that even though we work in a Health Care institution, we have practically zero fitness programs or facilities at work. In doing the nutrition course I am finding that the vast majority of the health problems people have are caused by, not only aggravated by, diet and lack of exercise. I was floored to find out that 77% of cancer related illness is CAUSED by diet. Isn’t it common sense then that we should be working harder on prevention than on curing? Can you imagine the effect on the economy if even 25% of hospital visits, prescription charges, doctors fees and so on were cut by people being healthier? If nothing else, imagine the effect on your income tax rate!! Canada in 2008 was projected to spend around $180 Billion  on healthcare. Even if we could cut those costs by a mere 10% we could (apparently) eradicate homelessness (cost:$3.5B) (ref: ) we could ALSO provide day care and early childhood education from age 2 to JK completely free for every Canadian family which (although figures are up for debate) would cost somewhere in the region of $10B. That would still leave $4.5B for infrastructure repairs, increases in salaries for teachers and the police and to employ enough judges, court staff and jail space to ensure than anyone caught using a gun in Canada or selling drugs to kids is jailed for the remainder of their natural lives.

But I digress…

Day 65 – Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing


The Wolf is always behind you…

The Wolf is Always behind You

The theory behind P90X and indeed any weight bearing exercise is stress. Stressing the muscle, if not to force it to grow, at least to force it to adapt to changing workloads. Muscles, much like people, work best when they are faced with unpredictable workloads and stressors. It forces the body to adapt, it forces the mind to focus and it keeps us sharp in so many ways. Stress though is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. It is required for growth and yet produces chemicals and reactions in the body which can be harmful if overdone. It helps to bring out the best in our workouts and in our lives and yet we run the risk of defeating ourselves if we push too hard, or push in the wrong way. For that reason I tend to rely on my phlegmatic outlook on life to avoid any such risk. I am not afraid of stress nor am I afraid of work, however I am not the crazy little stress monkey that some of the people around me seem to be. In my physical life my relaxed demeanor if often misinterpreted as laziness. In fact, generally speaking my laid back attitude can often be misunderstood as being the approach of a lazy individual however I have learned along my journey in life that there are ways of getting my brain to do things the most efficient way. People often talk about “tricking themselves” into doing things a certain way and very often in the fitness realm we talk about the body the same way. We believe that tricking our body into thinking it is stronger than it is or that it is capable of more will give us the best results and in a lot of cases that is true. The theory of complete muscle failure depends on the ability of an individual to push their body beyond the point of it’s own capabilities. I find that fascinating especially when it relates to the rest of our lives. Stress is key for humans and animals alike, it is part of the fight or flight response that is hardwired into our brains as a preservation technique. For this reason it is critical that we stress our bodies in new and unique ways every week in order to keep things both interesting and challenging.

Stess also kills.

Stress is linked to so many illnesses, diseases and mental disorders that we question the existence never mind the value of it. However there is a subtle nuance that in my opinion is the difference between Dolly and, well, take your pick among Little Red Riding Hood, the Three Little Pigs or the boy who cried wolf, all of whom starred famous, yet nameless, wolves. That difference is the way in which we react to the environment around us. Physical stress in the gym is very different from psychological stress because the stress in the gym, or on the road if you are a runner or a cyclist, is tactile, direct and ultimately controlled. The stress in your life from the crazy kids, the pressure to get married or get a job, the fact that your boss just quit, the bill payments and so on is not so predictable or controllable. It is the unpredictable nature of these stressors and the fact that they are 24 hours a day which is the real killer. However, the secret to managing these unpredictable stresses are to treat them just like you treat your physical stress. As difficult as it may be to do, each stressor needs to be dealt with in a window and left in that window. Far be it from me to tell people how to live their lives but doesn’t it sound reasonable that you should not be worrying about your bills while trying to deal with your kids, or allowing the stress of your relationships to interfere with the execution of your job? In an indirect (and evidently fairly convoluted) way this related directly to your workouts. Any physical program of conditioning relies on physical stress on the muscles. It would therefore not make any sense that you would spend all day sitting at work flexing your legs and arms because you are worried or stressed about your upcoming workout. You treat the stress of the workout during your workout time, not before, not after. This is something that comes fairly naturally to most of us and enables us to compartmentalize our workouts and enjoy them as a break from our routines. However, there are many people out there who bring the stress confusion from their lives into their workout schedule and spend the 20 something hours between workouts worrying about having to do the next session. That, simply put, is craziness. You should not wake up in the morning thinking about the workout you have to do that night. That kind of thinking will cause psychological stress which will ultimately affect your physical ability to perform.

Which brings me, finally, to my point.

The P90X program, or indeed any decent Personal Trainer workout will provide your body with a challenge and with the stress is requires to grow and to stay strong, flexible and durable. However, allowing your mind to stress about your workout during the day or the night before will only be counter-productive. This is a fairly common issue especially with people who are new to working out or who are taking up a particularly challenging system. The way to avoid this is very simple. Time management. Just as in your daily life, scheduling and time management will save you from the psychological stress of your workout. It allows you to put your workout both physically and psychologically into a slot in your day where it can remain, undisturbed and without interfering with the rest of your life until it is time to bring it out and get it done. This will provide you with the ability to separate it from the rest of your life and to prevent it from bleeding over into other aspects of your day. If you are the type of person who dreads their workout or who stresses all day in anticipation of it then you need to practice a little separation and time management.

Put the wolf in the cage and don’t let it out until it is time to fight.

(I am sure there is some subconscious reason for this post. I just don’t know what it is… It does seem a little odd, doesn’t it?)

Day 64 – Straight Numbers and Stupid Carrots

Chest, Shoulders, Triceps

You would think that just keeping the right day on the right numbered post would be easy wouldn’t you? The truth is that for the most part I write these posts the following evening before I work out that night so keeping the right date on the right day isn’t necessarily something I can just look at the schedule and confirm. Especially since I am skipping updating the weekends since a day of cardio and a day of stretching after 2 months isn’t the most interesting thing to read or write about. So I was off by a day, which means that when I noticed today, my Day 60 post celebrating 2/3 of the program is now listed as being Day 59. Not the end of the world…

nocarrotI planted carrots quite some time ago. It did not say on the package that they were shy, uncooperative or stubborn so I have to assume it is something about their environment that they don’t like. Since my Romaine Lettuce are crowding each other out now I suspect that at some point this week the carrots that should be will turn into the mulch for some transplanted Roamaines. It is almost the end of summer, I am almost finished P90X and the organic garden that I planted to assist in the fulfilment of my new healthy diet to date has provided exactly zero. Next year, if there is a next year for this grow your own malarkey, I will plant early, put the boxes close to the window and let the spring sun start the process early. I will also not waste my time with carrots or leeks. Stupid vegetables.

The chest, shoulders and triceps workout is one of my favourites, I think it is because I somehow feel that my triceps get left behind with all the pullups. As my rear delts begin to bulge, my triceps feel like they are shrinking away. This is factually not correct but since I used to do quite a lot of work on my tri’s I find that I miss it. Today fed the tricep monster that still lives inside my arms and he was happy! This workout also gives me the opportunity to work some shoulder presses which I also miss due to the fact that my last real goal at the gym was to get my military press over my bodyweight again. I had met that goal and was happy with my shoulder strength regardless of the significant pain I had to endure. This may sound insane to some of you but it’s really difficult to let go of something you are good at and comfortable with. This workout gives me access to that feeling of accomplishment without the unnecessarily heavy weights. However, I do have to admit that some of the movements in the workout I have replaced with barbell moves for triceps. This is primarily due to the issues I have had with my shoulder and elbow pain however it is also due to the fact that I just can’t help myself when it comes to isolating muscles properly.

Day 61 – I Can See Clearly Now The Rain Has Gone

Or in Nicole’s case, I can see clearly now you have cut open my eyeball and burned off part of my retina with a laser!

It appears, at least initally, that the surgery was a resounding success. Her comments to me are similar to the feelings I recall from my own surgery and since I ended up with bionic super-vision I have high hopes for her.

Today was legs and back – Torture for my poor sore hamstrings and bum.

Unfortunately it is now a few days later and after a weekend in Niagara Falls my recollection is dim at best. What I can tell you is that my chinups are miles better than they were and it seems like the elbow and shoulder pain I was having initially is subsiding somewhat. I can also tell you that Phase 3 of the workout is basically Phase 1 plus Phase 2 weeks kind of mixed in together. So this week I did week 1, next week I will be doing week 5 workouts.


Day 60 – The Eyes Have It


Nicole went in for laser eye surgery today at LasikMD, the same place I got my bionic vision from a couple of years ago. For that reason I was home early from work and managed to get my workout done relatively early. That meant time for studying my nutrition course, something I have not done at all this week! Of course, I left my book at work so studying was out the window. There was another massive storm tonight, apparently there were tornadoes in Vaughan, some really amazing videos on youtube! I didn’t really want to do Yoga, I have to admit, I was ready for Kenpo but in the end it turned out to be a really surreal experience.

I had the lights off in the basement, it was late afternoon so the sun was still beating in through the doors. Once the clouds came, the skies darkened and the winds picked up. Across from our yard I could see the trees straining with the wind, and rain lashing across the pond. The lightning was astonishing and the thunder both immediate and terrifying. I worked through the yoga poses, the amazing symphony of weather outside, calming me with each movement. I stood motionless in Royal Dancer, the wind so vicious it brought the force of the storm into the room, swirling around me with cooling magnificence. I felt in touch with the storm as it raged outside my window, lashing huge rain drops against the screen, spraying it’s fine mist into the gym. It was a very bizarre and yet strangely inspirational experience.

I was reviewing the P90X booklet, and in the Phase 3 section is says I should have significantly better flexibility and balance. I can’t say it is significantly because my balance was pretty good to start with but my flexibility is noticeably improved. All, that is, except for my twisting poses. I am not sure what prevents me from twisting, if it is a physical obstruction or a physical limitation but I find that any time a movement calls for twisting I fall short. Maybe it is the tightness of my back, maybe it is the fullness of my torso, but whatever it is, I can’t twist like a thin person.

Damn them all.

Day 59 – 2 Out Of 3 Ain’t Bad

Shoulders and Arms

It’s official, I am 2/3 done P90X!!! I am staggered by my tenacity and perseverance. Well, they are the same thing which makes me amazed at my complete disregard for my Literature Degree! Redundancy in all forms should be eliminated. You will notice I didn’t say completely eliminated, but I digress…

I feel like I am back at the first week again. I am sore all over but I love it! It is amazing to me that the week off does you so much good while feeling like it is doing so much damage to your progress. I guess you have to take a step back to take 3 steps forward in this case. I never subscribed to the notion of rest weeks since I worked ona 4 days off 1 day off schedule. It always seemed the case that 2 or 3 times a year I would be forced to take time off anyway due to vacations etc so it never really bothered me. I certainly never thought of taking a week off out of every 4. Once I have revamped the workout a bit for the long term I think I will stick with the week off schedule although maybe stretch it out to 1 week off in every 6 or 8. I just realized how sore my traps are. OW!!! The shrugs in the shoulders and arms workout are the ONLY trap exercises in the whole system. That is something I will need to address going forward. I think that every time you do shoulders you should address the traps also. I will have to look closer at the exercises but I don’t recall ever doing shrugs or upright rows other than during the S&A workout. At the very least they could incorporate some upright row into shoulder press…. Oh wait… Maybe I do remember now… I will have to check and get back to you.

I also found last night that I had modified the workout quite heavily to accommodate some higher weight tricep exercises. I found that the kickbacks, something I despise as a workout move, were insufficient and that my triceps were simply not getting an adequate workout. I also had a lot of joint pain between my sore shoulder and sore elbows I needed to change things quite a bit to get the right workout. For example, I substituted any of the tricep movements with laying close grip bench press. I can do 135lbs with ease and after about 30 reps or so I am on fire. That is how it should be, but if I stuck with what Tony was doing (we are getting along much better this time!) I was nowhere near where I needed to be fatigue-wise. Since I get a lot of pain form my elbows doing fully supinated curls, I had to modify to give me a decent burn while sharing amongst straight, hammer and french curls. For some reason I had done the Congdon curls on one knee which I replicated last night. The stress on my spine doing it like they do in the video is reckless in my position.

The sun was out, I was doing weights with the sun beating down on me, I was a happy camper.

DAY 58 – Put Down The Pork


The workouts are the easy part, the real challenge is writing about it every day!

Actually, looking at the scale this morning, the diet is obviously the challenge for me. Rest week obviously made my body think we were on vacation and didn’t have to bother losing any weight.

No-porkPlyo is one of my favourite workouts but for some reason tonight my legs were heavy and even with some recovery drink in my water I was struggling to finish the 30 second sections. I realized afterwards that I had not had a single vegetable all day and in fact the only living thing I ate was a banana early in the day. That explained it all, my body was short on hydration due to the low water content and high calorie density food I had been eating. It is amazing to feel the differences that small changes in your diet make, and it is frustrating to realize that you are having to torture yourself because you were too lazy and/or inattentive to eat some greens and fruit. I have always been a high protein type of eater, I knew from an early age that starch didn’t agree with me and that pasta made me fat. I love meat so I tended to stick with that and it worked OK for me when I would diet, cutting out the complex carbs was fairly easy. Nowadays I have found a more healthy approach and that is to replace the majority of the protein with fruits and vegetables which gives me much more energy and still enough protein to synthesize the tissue my body requires. For years I overloaded my body with too much protein, something that is very hard to quit doing but the more I learn about too much protein, the more afraid I get…

Hard to believe but there are less than 3 weeks left until coaching starts. One of my primary motivations for doing P90X was to get in better shape so that I could test the conditioning for the girls at gym. I don’t expect them to do anything I wouldn’t do as far as conditioning goes and so far over the years that has been the case. It is definitely getting harder to keep up but this year I think there will not be an issue…

Edit (Feb 15, 2011): Notice the lack of evidence given regarding the “too much protein” comment. It’s interesting to note how much information has come to light since this entry. In actual fact, I was always of the belief that too much protein was simply rejected as waste (although I am not sure how I would have explained this biologically). 2 1/2 years later, I am eating the same as I was here, but the protein outweighs the carbs by quite some distance. However, I still get the heavy feeling if I don’t get enough water. Hydration is a key element of any Paleo diet, and I still struggle with it. And by “it” I mean peeing like I am a in my third trimester.