R14D15 – Held Back / Frustrated

MaroneyMemeTopI have a lot to be frustrated about at the moment.

However, I can’t let it distract me from my goals of constant improvement. I can only learn from my mistakes, and be happy that at least it’s not a repetition of a past error.

On the physical side of things I am frustrated also by my calf taking so long to heal. After coaching on Wednesday it was very sore, worse that when I did it but by Friday morning it felt almost better. It’s seemingly toying with my emotional stability but I won’t be rushed into working it since last time I did that it was 10 days after the injury and I re-injured it again. So I have been very careful, my cleaning has been restricted to shoulder pulls and leg drive but no toes finish which is difficult. The deadlifts seem to be OK, and of course I can still do pullups and bench with no problem. It’s just walking that hurts. I have tried a bit of everything, wrapping it at gym seemed to help and heat pad at home is a constant. It’s a real pain of an injury though and even though I don’t do a lot of cardio, I was supposed to be getting back into it especially since I am participating in the weight loss competition at work. I am however increasing my pullups, the 12 lbs I have lost already is a big bonus in that department and I am back to being able to do at least some sets of 10 now. My most recent pullups workout was with deadlifts and I broke it out like this (DL then PU).

3-3-5-10-7-10-10-10-7-5-5-5-7-5-3-5  = 100 reps of each

I had done the same thing a few days earlier at 135lbs for Power cleans and pullups which was also a great workout. My latest bench workout was with 135lbs also and was 15 reps with 10 reps of close grip right after for 10 rounds. That is a total of 250 reps. You may be wondering why the weights are so low, well, I spent a lot of the summer building up my strength and size from when I was off with my surgery and although it’s a long time ago now, the effects had lingered. Once my strength was back where I wanted it I realized that I had gained a not insignificant amount of weight. That weight needs to come off and so I am working the muscle I have to keep it active while trying to increase my cardiac output and lengthen my workouts a little. That is how you burn fat not muscle, too much stress on the muscles and the body will start to break down the fibre for fuel. It’s probably going to take until Christmas but I need to get back under 240 and then set my sights on 230 again. Just to finish the workouts recently I also did a Deadlift and Power cleans. If you haven’t noticed, my front squat work hasn’t yet made me able to do squat cleans…

R14D9 – Interrupted

kbswingyMy calf has been bad enough that I spent all weekend heating it an staying off it. It’s insanely painful to walk on and even now, a week later it is still painful enough that I am limping. I tried foam rolling, heat, ice, you name it, apart from chiropractic (obviously). I was not going to allow it to derail me completely so for the last few workouts there has been no cardio and very little in the way of warmups. Thursday and Saturday were taken off to try and rest both due to work calls and the calf issue. Friday I did bench and dips however coaching really made my leg sore which was when I decided to try and stay off it. Sunday I did my Healvy Oly day since deadlifts and power cleans didn’t seem to hurt at all. I stuck with 135 and managed I think around 75 reps total. Monday I did pullups only since I felt like I had been neglecting them. A simple round of 100 in sets of 3 5 7 and 10. Today is Tuesday and tonight is supposed to be cardio so I don’t really know what to do. I think maybe kettlebells since I know my heart will be racing and my calf should really not be involved so much. So KB swings it is! If you are wondering what I do for my KB workouts, it’s still similar to the Man Maker or RKC that I used to do. I found that when doing sets of 5 I was more likely to keep proper form and focus doing 3-3-4-5 as a set instead of 1-2-3-4-5. So when I do 5 sets of 5 that is what I do. Clean and press 3-3-4-5 with 20 swings in between each set. I would usually do the same amount of pullups as C&P but since I did pullups yesterday I will go with swings instead. Once finished with the C&P plus swings I will probably then do a pyramid set of swings something like 20-30-40-30-20 which will either make my head or spine explode.

R14 – It’s COW Time

belgian blueCardio, Oly Lifting and WODs. That is the nature of the next 3 months or so. I also have to take into consideration that there is winter weather on the way and I will not be able to stay in the garage much longer. My program will be mostly what I outilened a few days ago which looks a little like this…

I have been conscious of keeping a heavy bench day in there and also room for some specific bicep work that I can incorporate into the WOD. The light Oly / WOD days can also be bootcamp days since they are not too heavy on weights but provide enough muscular work to not be considered just cardio. The only issue I have is that I really want to increase my pullups again and as my weight falls (4lbs off this week! woohoo!) they will get easier but only with practice. I have already done day 1 and 2 of the program with Heavy DL work on Monday and Heavy bench for reps on Tuesday.

That’s a Belgian Blue BTW, not a steroid or GMO bull…

1. Heavy Oly DL Clean
2. WOD Reg WOD jumps and pullups or bench
3. Cardio DVD Insanity
4. WOD / Light Day Bodyweight WOD
5. Off
6. Heavy Oly Clean Squat
7. WOD oddball WOD stuff pullups wqllball rope
8. Cardio Insanity or MMA
9. Light Oly / WOD Snatch c&P biceps
10 Off


Monday in fact was the first time in ages that I have worked DL reps with 185. I am not sure when the last time was but this day was a full 75 rep workout which I am pretty sure is unheard of. Tuesday I did a similar thing with bench, using 225 as the working weight and managing just over 75 reps in sets of 10. That means today is cardio day and with a buffet of choices from P90X Plyo to P90X3 Accelerator to Insanity Pure Cardio and Insanity Asylum or T25 Alpah, Beta, Gamma. The worst thing is that I just can’t remember what they are all like so I can’t really make an informed choice. I will have to document them and try to make a chart of the differences. Since I have George St Pierre Rushfit (which I recall being awful) and TapoutXT and some kettlebell workouts a handy reference sheet would be good. If you already have one, please let me know.


30WOD Day 39 / 30 Workouts – Do What You Hate

OHS I WILLIn a kind of weird anti-celebration I decided that for my final day of WODs I would do something that I have avoided the whole 39 days. I read an article the other day entitled “How To Suck At Crossfit” and one of the things that I feel must be very common was the notion of cherry picking workouts, or intentionally not going to the box on the days when you see there is a workout that you don’t like. I just googled the article and now find that it was probably plagiarised by someone. The basics are this:

1. Train for a marathon.
2. Cherry-pick your workouts.
3. Under-eat/don’t fuel properly.
4. Don’t give yourself time to recover.
5. Take your lifts personally.
6. Compare yourself to everyone else.

These are all things that I talk to my girls about at gymnastics and I have to say that I am guilty of a whole slew of these with the obvious exception of the marathon because I am not a COMPLETE IDIOT. The whole marathon as a goal for people on weightloss journeys is a whole other topic that makes me angry but that is an aside.

The point here is that I did, to a very small extent, avoid doing some of the things I didn’t want to this 30 workouts. I did not skip the Double Unders even though at the start I had never done more than 1 DU in a row and now I can chalk up 3 in a row to my name. Other than DU’s there were 2 other things that I would never do. Front Squats and Overhead Squats. Maybe it’s just how my shoulders and upper torso are built or currently function but I find the FS very very difficult, my arms are big enough that they interfere with my rack position (although I did read an article on how this is avoidable recently) and for OHS my shoulder and back flexibility are prohibitive. In fact, until today I had NEVER successfully done any OHS with my Olympic bar, it just didn’t feel possible. Whenever I tried, I would lose my balance, I would tip forware due to my lack of shoulder flexibility and I would not be able to go more than a couple of inches down (no joke!).

So, like I said, as a celebration for completing 30 WODs I thought I would finally train the things that I hate the most. So I took all the weight off the bar, and proceeded to do FS and OHS, 3 then 5 then 7 reps in groups of 5. By the end I had done 75 reps of each and at one point I had actually almost been able to get down to parallel with the OHS. The FS was not too bad, once my wrists were warm and flexible but the bar was not heavy enough to push down onto my deltoids. That is an easy fix, I can’t FS 135 yet but I bet if I put 95lbs up I would have that resting in rack just fine. I know that when I clean with any weight I do get a proper rack position, just that I can’t prevent myself from tipping when I squat. That tipping is fixed by better lower torso flexibility that enables you to get the weight over your heels even when you are in front with the bar. As I got warmer, the FS got a lot easier. As for the OHS, knowing a big part of the trick is the hand width I was still getting very painful cramping up my mid back from the arch that was developing under the strain. As my shoulder flexibility improved it was easier but even with the bar far behind me, I could feel that my lack of arch was really hindering me. That is the good news though since I now know that if I can work on that arch a little and get my mid back to move some, I should get better. I am not really sure what would happen with 95lbs up there, but since I can power snatch at least that much I know I can practice.

So there you have it, 30 WODs in 39 days. What is next I haven’t quite decided since I did the T25 Speed 1.0 workout with Shaun T the other day as my cardio workout and remembered how much I need that kind of work in my life. My last post addressed what I think I should do, and I think it’s appropriate that I don’t abandon the WODs.

30WOD Day 36 – Biggest Loser @ Work Starts – The Plan

ArnoldworkMy limp to the finish line looked a bit like this with some running (not a great day) and some arms (Lacking in the Crossfit world). I am workout number 28 today and I will review the whole thing this weekend.

Friday, 09/05/2014 24 Running hills 25 minutes – felt like hell
Saturday, 09/06/2014 25 Bench press 215 reps at 155lbs
Sunday, 09/07/2014 26 Hang cleans and pullups @135
Monday, 09/08/2014 26 off
Tuesday, 09/09/2014 27 Biceps and Triceps Day dips n curls 100 reps each alt

It’s been a long and weird summer. I thought when I started my summer workout planning that I was going to try and go for some weight loss, get back to 230 where I was before my second back surgery. Then I got caught up with Body Beast and was lured by my addiction to the pump back into thinking that size matters above all. It’s not that I have been unhealthy but I do know that subconsciously I have been piling on the weight both on my frame and on the bar and kind of enjoying being a bit of a monster again. But it’s time for that to end, I am ungainly, my pants don’t fit any more and lumbering around in the gym coaching gymnastics I am frightening the small children. The all too famous R12 was supposed to cover me off for the summer and give me an HIIT workout pattern to make sure I stayed in cardio shape as well as including my Olympic lifts. I am not exactly sure where it went so pear shaped but I do know that by August I seem to have wandered severely off track. I think the problem is that having a framework is great, but if you are trying to coach yourself then you really need to nail down day by day what the workout will be so that you don’t have any decisions to make on the day that will be exposed to mood swings, apathy, laziness etc. That’s the secret to P90X etc, a daily no exceptions rule that you just do it. That’s why when you compare June and July with August it’s night and day, at least during the 30WOD workouts I was able to just do as I was told and if not, I always had a craving for something. Yesterday for example I wanted and really felt like I needed a good biceps and triceps workout. There are ring dips in Crossfit but try and find an isolated bicep workout… So I was happy to do arms like I used to do with Tony only heavier and faster.

Which brings me to what will happen after 30WOD is over. 60WOD? I did think about that, but I am finding that the workouts occasionally are short and my brain, after doing what it was told to do is very, and I mean VERY resistant to add more stuff. What I should do is take the 30 workouts, pick the 10 I liked best and worked best for me and add them to some pure Cardio (probably Insanity) 2 days a cycle. Weeks are becoming less and less relevant at this point and my workouts I think I will cut into blocks rather than adhere to a 7 day regimen. For example if I am planning to do 8-% workout density then maybe I need to work on an 8 day sched, 4 days on 1 off x2. My only glaring habit seems to be taking Fridays off and with coaching the cardio days can easily be T25 instead of full Insanity. I am just thinking here, don’t hold me to this. But, thinking about it with a 4 day split which is relatively normal in the workout world I would require the following:

1 Cardio Day
2 Heavy Days
1 Light Day (high reps or yoga type day once very 10 days)

The only issue I would run into would be potentially not doing the right body part splits however since most of the things I do are full body that is less relevant and if I make sure that I balance my efforts I would be able to do WODs I like and Oly lifts I want without sacrificing anything. My split would potentially look like this:

1. Heavy Oly
2. WOD
3. Cardio
4. WOD / Light Day
5. Off
6. Heavy Oly
7. WOD
8. Cardio
9. Light Oly / WOD
10 Off

What has initiated this? Well, not only is it the Biggest Loser at work starting but my weight when I got on the scale at work was scary. 274lbs. That is a full 40lbs over where I would like to be and while there is probably a good 8lbs of clothes, extra water etc for Day 1 in there, it’s still pretty bad.

So this time there will be weekly pictures, a daily regimen to follow and in 3 months a win for me! What is my goal? I want to be back under 235 lbs by end of year. There, I said it. 3 months roughly 39lbs is 13lbs a month or 3.25lbs a week. Totally doable given my current bloaty self. All it takes is a little hard work, right?

20 Crossfit Workouts For Home

Thanks to The Athletic Build for this…

In order from easiest to hardest (Approximately)

1) 5 Minute AMRAP  (as many reps/rounds as possible in 5 minutes)  10 air squats, 10 push ups, 10 sit ups

2) 21-15-9 of air squats and push-ups (21 reps of each then 15 reps of each then 9 of each)

3) 50 Burpees for time

4) Run half mile, 20 burpees – 3 rounds

5) 2o burpees, 20 push ups, 20 sit ups,  2o squats for 4 rounds

5) 100 Pull-ups.

6) 12 Burpees, followed by 12 pull-ups x 10 rounds.

7) Complete 5 box jumps, followed by 10 pull ups, and 15 knees to elbows as many times as you can in 20 minutes.

8) Run 1 mile with 5 burpees EMOM (5 Burpees every minute on the minute)

9) 4 rounds as fast as possible - 400M sprint  then 50 squats

10) 20 minutes – AMRAP 5 Pushups, 10 Situps, 15 Squats

11) 100 Push-ups , 100 Sit-ups, 100 Squats

12) 20 minutes AMRAP 5 Handstand push-ups, 10 Pistols (single-leg squats)

13) 50 Sit-Ups – 50 Double-Unders – 50 Sit-Ups – 50 Walking Lunges – 50 Burpees – 50 Sit-Ups

14) 50 Burpee Pull-ups for time

15) 21-15-9  Lunges (each leg) Handstand Push-ups

16) Poor Man’s Seven: 7 Handstand push-ups, 7 squats, 7 pull ups, 7 burpees, 7 push-ups, 7 sit-ups, 7 knees to elbows – 7 Rounds for time

17) Angie For time: (complete in order) 100 pullups, 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats

18) Barbara 5 Rounds, rest 3:00 between each round:  20 pull-ups,  30 push-ups,  40 sit-ups,  50 squats

19) Chelsea On the minute, every minute for 30 minutes: 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 squats

20)  Murph For time: 1 mile Run,  100 pull-ups,  200 push-ups,  300 Squats 1 mile run

There you have it, 20 good workouts you can do without even leaving home. Enjoy!

30WOD Day 30! – No Time To Reflect

stallonethumbs30 Days of WODs but so far only 23 workouts. To be  honest I feel a bit better but also a whole lot more bloated. That’s not the WODs fault but I think it’s making me too hungry to keep my diet in check.

THU SEPTEMBER 04, 2014 09042014
Deadlift (1-1-1-1-1-1)
Take 20 min to build to a 1 RM
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

12 min AMRAP

10 Deadlift @ 185#/135#
25 DU
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

12 min AMRAP

10 Deadlift @ 135#/95#
50 Single Skips

I had a slight issue with this workout so I changed it a bit and did this:

6 rounds
5 Power cleans @95
5 Power Snatch @95
60 skips (30 DU)

I had originally planned to do 12 rounds but the power snatches took a lot more out of me than I thought they would. After about 20 minutes of working like a dog I quit at 6.

Today which is actually day 30 there is no workout posted on the Ark site so I guess it’s up to me. I was thinking last night that I need to get away from the Oly lifts for a day or two and this is my chance. I think I may do some ring dips and pullups today with possibly some wallballs too.

In that vein, here is a list that I found today of 20 Crossfit workouts you can do at home…

In order from easiest to hardest (Approximately)

1) 5 Minute AMRAP  (as many reps/rounds as possible in 5 minutes)  10 air squats, 10 push ups, 10 sit ups

2) 21-15-9 of air squats and push-ups (21 reps of each then 15 reps of each then 9 of each)

3) 50 Burpees for time

4) Run half mile, 20 burpees – 3 rounds

5) 2o burpees, 20 push ups, 20 sit ups,  2o squats for 4 rounds

5) 100 Pull-ups.

6) 12 Burpees, followed by 12 pull-ups x 10 rounds.

7) Complete 5 box jumps, followed by 10 pull ups, and 15 knees to elbows as many times as you can in 20 minutes.

8) Run 1 mile with 5 burpees EMOM (5 Burpees every minute on the minute)

9) 4 rounds as fast as possible - 400M sprint  then 50 squats

10) 20 minutes – AMRAP 5 Pushups, 10 Situps, 15 Squats

11) 100 Push-ups , 100 Sit-ups, 100 Squats

12) 20 minutes AMRAP 5 Handstand push-ups, 10 Pistols (single-leg squats)

13) 50 Sit-Ups – 50 Double-Unders – 50 Sit-Ups – 50 Walking Lunges – 50 Burpees – 50 Sit-Ups

14) 50 Burpee Pull-ups for time

15) 21-15-9  Lunges (each leg) Handstand Push-ups

16) Poor Man’s Seven: 7 Handstand push-ups, 7 squats, 7 pull ups, 7 burpees, 7 push-ups, 7 sit-ups, 7 knees to elbows – 7 Rounds for time

17) Angie For time: (complete in order) 100 pullups, 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats

18) Barbara 5 Rounds, rest 3:00 between each round:  20 pull-ups,  30 push-ups,  40 sit-ups,  50 squats

19) Chelsea On the minute, every minute for 30 minutes: 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 squats

20)  Murph For time: 1 mile Run,  100 pull-ups,  200 push-ups,  300 Squats 1 mile run

There you have it, 20 good workouts you can do without even leaving home. Enjoy!

30WOD Day 28 – PRs, Mix Ups and Finally Hotshots 19.

MEME-One-of-the-greatest-momentsI finally did the thruster workout but if I am honest towards the end there it took a turn into front squats and presses but you do what you can, right? I took a day to see what my PR would look like for DL and cleans. I had previously cleaned 185 but the heaviest DL I ever did was a paltry 200lbs. I didn’t fare that much better however I was working up to weight and did multiple reps for my DLs. The final weights were:
DL 235 for reps
Clean 185 for reps
Power snatch 155 for reps
I am pretty sure that I can push that DL up to around 275 if I try, it’s just a case of getting all the gear together to try. Once I move the gym from the garage back to the basement I will have a lot more weight at my immediate disposal and I will try to hit 275 and then 300 by end of year. 300 is a bit intimidating but then again I used to think that about my 300lb bench too…

After the PR workout I was mixed up with where I was so I did the Hotshots 19 with a modification so that it looked like this:

6 rounds of:
30 squats
15 power cleans
7 pullups

That was not pleasant but I finished, but I have to admit it took everything I had not to stop at 4 rounds. It was a tough one. Today I am not too sore but I do have a little tightness running down the left of my back. That could easily be from coaching too… There were other workouts in there too, I think one was DLs with skipping (DUs) and pullups but I really am struggling to remember. 2 more days until the 30 days are up and then a few more days until the 30 workouts are done.


30WOD Day 25 – Beastly

thrustersarecomingSometimes I look at the WOD and think, that’s 12 or 15 minutes, that’a a piece of cake. Today I got that notion slapped out of me.

I took yesterday off in prep for my 2-5 am shift with the firewall last night so I will try yesterdays workout today. However, Ark is closed Sundays which means I have to do today’s workout tomorrow and it will be a beast.

Hotshots 19 (Time)
6 Rounds for time of:
30 Squats
19 Power Cleans, 135# / 95#
7 Strict Pull-ups
400m Run

That’s all I really  have to say. I am glad I have Monday and Tuesday off work! I will report back later after I have done the Thrusters workout from yesterday.

30WOD Day 24 Actually – The Final Week

watermelonsleepySince I started this back on August 6th this will be day 24 of my 30 days of WODs.

I haven’t done 30 workouts, and I will continue until I have, the projection for that is around mid September some time but for now it is looking like I will have done 23 or 24 workouts during the 30 day “challenge”. I will review what I have learned after I have done 30 workouts I think. For now, I have learned that you never forget the workouts you hate, love or love to hate. Such is Chelsea and her twin Cindy both of which are horrid little children. It looks so simple at first, pullups pushups and squats but one round a minute and after 10 rounds you are cursing, 15 rounds you are insanely angry, 17 rounds you are almost dead but the last 2 are always somehow deceptively easy. As a measure of how “unfit” I am since the last time I was doing a lot of bodyweight stuff (you can read that as how out of cardio shape I am) I struggled to 15 rounds last night and with coaching looming and time a small factor I allowed myself to quit. I shouldn’t have, it was really only a 20 minute workout with the warmup and a few doubleunders (not together) at the start. I was shocked at the lack of energy I had. I am not sure if it’s a lack of something in my diet but for some reason I am really lagging in the energy department. It could also be because I have cut back on coffee somewhat and where I would usually be finishing my third of the day before my workouts I am now reduced to 2 in the morning and nothing after about 1pm. I should really be eating more veggies too but I can’t be arsed at the moment to examine my macros and do the whole exact balance thing. I will have some watermelon when I get home, that should fix me right up.

You know, I should have some milk before I work out since it makes me so wiggy before bed time, maybe I can use that as a pre-workout pick me up. Now I know that the pre-workout industry is a massive one and I know some people swear by pre-workout stuff but I was never into that stuff. A coffee maybe but never a protein shake or whatever these people have in their little shaker cups at the gym. I even tried some energy balls that came in a tiny pringles can (not sure if they are still around) but it just never seemed to do anything for me. I remember years ago using ephedrine too but other than keeping my up all night I am not convinced it did anything for me. I tried Hydroxycut too but it just made me shaky and angry and lethargic which is weird.

Today is basically thrusters and double unders so more skipping and more broken toe nails and scarred feet for me.

I think what I will do is 10 squats at 135 or 185 every minute for 10 minutes. That’s already 100 squats and then do 10 rounds of 15 thrusters at 95lbs with 60 skips. I promise I will do a few minutes of DU practice too…

Metcon (Weight)
Take 10min to warm up to a moderately heavy Front Squat 1 rep


10 min EMOM

1 Front Squat

all at the same weight
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

10 min AMRAP

15 Thrusters @ 75#/55#
30 DU
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

10 min AMRAP

15 Thrusters @ 45#/35#
60 Single Skips