20 Crossfit Workouts For Home

Thanks to The Athletic Build for this…

In order from easiest to hardest (Approximately)

1) 5 Minute AMRAP  (as many reps/rounds as possible in 5 minutes)  10 air squats, 10 push ups, 10 sit ups

2) 21-15-9 of air squats and push-ups (21 reps of each then 15 reps of each then 9 of each)

3) 50 Burpees for time

4) Run half mile, 20 burpees – 3 rounds

5) 2o burpees, 20 push ups, 20 sit ups,  2o squats for 4 rounds

5) 100 Pull-ups.

6) 12 Burpees, followed by 12 pull-ups x 10 rounds.

7) Complete 5 box jumps, followed by 10 pull ups, and 15 knees to elbows as many times as you can in 20 minutes.

8) Run 1 mile with 5 burpees EMOM (5 Burpees every minute on the minute)

9) 4 rounds as fast as possible - 400M sprint  then 50 squats

10) 20 minutes – AMRAP 5 Pushups, 10 Situps, 15 Squats

11) 100 Push-ups , 100 Sit-ups, 100 Squats

12) 20 minutes AMRAP 5 Handstand push-ups, 10 Pistols (single-leg squats)

13) 50 Sit-Ups – 50 Double-Unders – 50 Sit-Ups – 50 Walking Lunges – 50 Burpees – 50 Sit-Ups

14) 50 Burpee Pull-ups for time

15) 21-15-9  Lunges (each leg) Handstand Push-ups

16) Poor Man’s Seven: 7 Handstand push-ups, 7 squats, 7 pull ups, 7 burpees, 7 push-ups, 7 sit-ups, 7 knees to elbows – 7 Rounds for time

17) Angie For time: (complete in order) 100 pullups, 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats

18) Barbara 5 Rounds, rest 3:00 between each round:  20 pull-ups,  30 push-ups,  40 sit-ups,  50 squats

19) Chelsea On the minute, every minute for 30 minutes: 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 squats

20)  Murph For time: 1 mile Run,  100 pull-ups,  200 push-ups,  300 Squats 1 mile run

There you have it, 20 good workouts you can do without even leaving home. Enjoy!

10.26-29 – The Long Weekend

It was Canada Day here this past weekend and so that meant a long weekend and an extra day off from coaching. After Bootcamp cardio during coaching on Thursday I took Friday off and took Saturday as an Olympic lifting day in order to try and work a little on my shoulder strength and mobility. It’s a little foggy now but I think it was something like:
25 Shoulder Press
25 Squats
25 Clean and Press

Although I was only using a light weight to dedicate my concentration to my form it was still a bear to get the mechanics of the press correct without compromising my lower back.

Sunday I took in an X2 Yoga class, which was actually very enjoyable and although I do like the Fountain of Youth Yoga with Tony, it’s a little dry. At least with X2 you have others to watch and emulate.

Monday was a DIY WOD out on the balcony, I decided to take a familiar apporach and do things I enjoy but also get some pullups in since I am disappointed in my ability on the chin up bar recently.

10 rounds:

5 Pullups
10 55lb kettlebell swings
15 Pushups
10 Full Squats
5 Ring Dips

It was a satisfying workout, I am still a little disappointed that  I didn’t get in a RKC workout this week but I can always get that done next time.

Tuesday will be bootcamp bodyweight day, a return to the shcedule!