R8D45/7 – Head Down, Blinkers On, Legs Pumping

I feel like a racehorse during a long race. I remember when I was young we used to live by a horse racing course which was quite a large circuit, I would guess 4 miles or so. There was a big stand at the far side of the Knavesmire in Dringhouses that lined the start / finish line but the course itself went around the whole area, at one point coming close to the woods where my mates and I used to play on our bikes. I remember on occasion when the races were on that we would peek out from the woods, hanging off the railings watching these magnificent animals screaming past as the jockeys shouted at each other to make room, or occasionally, laughing with each other at full tilt. Because we were at the very back of the course, it was a lull in the race, the jockeys obviously relaxed, the animals well out of ear shot of the grandstands but there they were, heads down, blinkers on, legs furiously pumping as they carried their tiny payloads towards the finish. That’s exactly how I feel during the dog days of a 90 day program, it’s more than half over, but you are in that 60-80% range where the end seems too far away and the start is a distant memory. It’s the time when you need to cruise on autopilot for a while, stick to the plan and keep your head down.

My days 45-48 looked like this:

RKC 34555 plus extra presses – With a 45lb bell, but extra 45 presses per arm
100 pullups 300 pushups – sets of 30+10 with some active rest (jacks or jog)
2k+3k runs – Yes, I actually did 2 2k runs, in fact, the second one was slightly over 3k if I remember accurately.
Bootcamp 9 – 20-14-8 –  As outlined on the next post.

Day 49 should include some pullups at the gym with the girls and then a weekend of Beachbody specials, Insanity and P90X!


R8D43 – Bootcamp 8, The Blocks

Bootcamp this week was a good one, but a weird one. On completing the workout I wondered if it was enough, if it was difficult or interesting enough and for the first time during this bootcamp I was a little nervous about it. Turns out though that this was a hit! We used the blocks that the athletes use, they are about 5 feet long, 18 inches wide and maybe 10 inches high. They are good for jump ups, step ups and even for dips although higher boxes would have been better for the dips. I was pretty much putting all my eggs in one basket because if we had seen enough participants we would have run out of boxes! Anyway, it worked out fine and we did the following:

For sets of either 10 or 20:

Section 1:

step up
step switch
jump up
box jacks

10 incline pushup
10 decline pushup
10 uneven pushup – 5 per
10 step up push up or sphinx

Section 2:

jump up and down run back
Clear jump run back
side to side step down jump down
end jump up jack down jack up jump down

10 dips
10 stack foot dips 5 per
10 leg up dips – 5 per
10 alt shoulder touch dip

Section 3:

shoulder bridge hold 30s
10 per alt reach to vertical
10 per alt heel touch
10 per alt leg lift


The shoulder bridge is hard to imagine but it’s kind of like pilates, but difficult… In stabilizing the shoulders off the floor you are able to prevent the participant form using their arms to stabilize themselves and therefore they are forced to use their core.


R8D42 – O-Lifting Practice – My Not So Nice Rack

I have yet to master the front squat. Maybe it is anatomically impossible given my back history, but since I am able to back squat no problem it’s bothering me. I think there are 2 pieces here, I have large protruding anterior deltoids and a thick chest which means I have a very hard time racking to a high position on my collarbones. This means I have a large pull towards the front when I rack which makes it impossible to sit back into the squat properly.

The rack should sit far back towards the throat, with the upper arm almost parallel to the ground. My specific problem is a lack of flexibility in the involved joints including my wrists coupled with large muscled arms and thick shoulders. Having said that, I think that the biggest problem is my flexibility of the wrist because let’s be honest, I don’t have the arms or shoulders of a Roger Estep for example. Not having the bar in the correct position means that the weight does not sit over your balance plane which should drive the weight through the heels. Instead it sits forwards which when you are standing is no big deal because you can effectively counterbalance yourself. However once you start to go into squat, the extra pull forwards instantly pulls you off balance. It is such a large effect that you can’t (and by you I mean me) even get partway down to squat.

I suppose it’s like anything else, I will have to practice with unloaded bars to get the hang of it but this is one of those things for which I don’t hold much hope. It’s a little like the front press which I find very hard due to the unusual position of my neck and head. I have a natural forward incline in my neck which means I can back press like a beast but my front press causes me to arch painfully to get the weight overhead.

Anyway, last night I was planning to do some combo clean and press with the clean to full squat. it wasn’t happening so I ended up with this:


5 Deadlift
5 Clean
5 Strict Press
5 Combination (Clean from floor, push press)

It doesn’t sound like much, and I was only using 115lbs but it was cold in the garage, I was trying to be quiet because the baby sleeps in the room above the garage and to be perfectly honest I was already kind of tired. I managed to struggle through, mostly by virtue of doing some light KB swings as a warmup which always gets me in the mood to work. I also didn’t figure in any pull ups but I will stop whining now… It’s bootcamp tomorrow so I know taking it easy was OK.

R8D38/41 – The Return Of Cardio Plyo And A Brief Rest

Like I said yesterday, it’s been about 6 weeks since I did an Insanity workout so I was a little nervous about getting my ass handed to me while Shaun T tells me to “push, push, push” like a midwife on crack. I reckoned enough was enough, it was time to get back at it. Shaun T did not disappoint however I was very happy to find that I was able to do the whole workout at his pace without stopping except to stretch my calf during the warmup. I was so impressed with my achievement and the fact that I was able to do a legs and abs workout the next day for bootcamp that I decided (subconsciously of course) to take a couple of days rest. I took 3 of the next 4 days off and I think my body was just about ready for it. It’s funny how if you push yourself hard you still realize when your body NEEDS a rest. I am sure it always wants a rest but to listen to your body crying out for a break is a critical skill for the fitness enthusiast. I no longer feel guilty about taking a few days easy, I have learned to ignore the softness of my waistline after a couple of says off knowing that I will be back to the grind sooner rather than later.

My triumphant return was completed yesterday, even though I had made a secret deal to wait until November 1st. I went out to the deck and did the following:

5 chin up
10 ring dips
15 air squats


5 chin up
10 pushups
15 24″ box jumps


5 chin up
10 push ups
15 air squats

It felt great to get back to work, although it was only about 7 degrees outside I still just love being out there working hard. I really wish I had an extension to the house where I could have the benefit of the sun during the winter during my workouts. Hopefully I can make that dream real in our next home. Next it’s some arms and shoulders and then a tough cardio based bootcamp on wednesday to sweat all that candy out of the participants.

Happy Halloween everyone.

R8D37 – Bracing For Impact

I know it’s only October but let’s be honest, Halloween is a week away, after which it’s only 7 weeks until Christmas then a week until 2012. That means it’s time to get a little more serious. There will be meals out, parties that will interfere with the schedule, cold weather that will make workouts on the deck all but a faint memory, all of that will conspire to prevent me from making my 2011 ultimate goal, to be 220lbs for New Year. At that point, it will be the first year in my memory that I will not have “lose weight” as my primary New Year’s Resolution.

We have 68 days to go until 2012. I have around 12 lbs to lose. That should be easy.

Well, it would be easy at any other time of year, but the end of the year is always more of a challenge. In order to rise to the challenge I need to change a couple of things to get me to the end. I think one needs to be less nuts and seeds, it’s an easy calorie win and if I replace those calories, or part of them, with more fruit and veg, it should make a significant difference. I also need to drink a little more water and get more sleep. In fact, I think that getting more sleep may be the biggest untapped resource I have for my weight loss. Typically I get around 5 hours of sleep a night, but it’s getting to the point where I am napping when I get home from work, a sure sign I am not getting enough shut eye at night. I don’t like to nap, when I nap my body thinks that the day is over and it goes into sleepy mode, something that is not conducive to doing a workout later in the evening. So my lack of night time sleep is directly affecting my performance, not only because of lack of energy but also because it’s throwing my schedule off.

Last night I did a very short workout at gym with the kids, they did some dumbbell work doing squats, curls and presses while I did some clean and press plus some snatches with the 45lb kb. Tonight, despite being on just 3 or so hours sleep thanks to a core switch upgrade this morning I think it’s time to revisit with Shaun T. Seriously, I think the last time I did an insanity workout was when I picked up my calf strain in August. It’s long overdue!




R8D34-36 – Empty House

My parents who were here for the last 2 weeks leave today which is sad in many ways, yet a relief in one way. I made a deal with myself that I wouldn’t stress about my workouts or my diet while they were here and I managed to do just that. In fact, my relaxed attitude enabled me to enjoy their company even more and although it seems illogical, I think I worked out just as much as I normally would have. The visit was a great break from work, I did a couple of 2 day weeks back to back which in itself is just as good as a rest! I am happy to report that the visit was a resounding success! It is a relief though to get back to the comfort of my usual schedule. Here is a brief list of what I did the last few days including the bootcamp class on Wednesday.

D34 – Bootcamp

Week 6 – Weights and Cardio

5 moves repeat 3x with 10’s at least.

military push
double dumbbell jump
double dumbbell agility apart

high pull
alternate press
pushup and db pull
circle run
dumbbell jump back to front

curl and press
in and out shoulders
plank dumbell walk (one line to next fwd/back)
lunge walk

4xpushup burpee
4xpushup run burpee
4xpushup run in and out burpee

abs work for last 15
for 10’s
in and out
arx bicycles
jack and jill 1-5
leg up toe touch (half vsnap)
triple flat bicycle
Full rainbow
jack and jill 5-10

D35 – Abs with gym girls and single run through of above bootcamp (instead of 3x)

D36 – Olympic Lift compound move

Start with loaded barbell
Deadlift to standing
Clean to shoulder
Push press to extend
Lower to back of neck
Back Squat push press to extend
Lower weight to shoulder
Lower to thigh
Lower to ground

I planned on doing the same as I do for RKC, that is to say do 1 rep, do 1 chinup, 2 reps, 2 chinups and so on to 3 then 4 then 5 then 4 then 3.

That gave me a total of 6,10,15,10,6 reps plus pullups for a grand total of 47 reps with 115lbs. It was not tough all over, but it was hard on my back and the next day I was quite sore. However, it is a great compound workout for doing basically everything you need (especially once you add in the pullups to hit the biceps). It is also a good benchmark of my strength and something I can work towards as a whole body conditioning indicator. Maybe I should try and get back to 155 on the bar and try it again, but it’s not something I relish doing.

I think this week it’s time for an Insanity workout, seems like weeks since I saw Shaun T.

R8D33 – Risky Business

I decided to try the WOD from yesterday’s Fitbomb entry which looked like this:


Turkish Get Ups (45lb KB) (I made it through 15 per side, 1-2-3-4-5)


5 sets:
12 deadlift 155lb
9 hang clean 155lb
6 push press 155lb (it was actually jerk press but I decided to push)

I got through the first set OK but felt like my back was not comfortable with the weight so for set 2 I dropped back to 115lbs instead. The last thing I need right now is a back injury after all. I managed to struggle through 4 sets and for the last set since my back was aching I decided to do 27 pullups instead. Since I had done 15 turkish get ups each side to start I figured it wasn’t a bad workout overall. However, I know that my strength really needs work since I stopped going to the gym and doing static weight training.

I’m not going to dwell on it though, if I can only deadlift 115 for my workouts instead of 155 it’s not the end of the world, no matter what the demon in my head tells me.

R8D31-33 – Variety Or Laziness?

Day 31 was Friday, as in the past weeks I took Thursday after bootcamp as a rest day. Friday I did a mini Fran with the girls at gym but instead of just thrusters and chinups they did:


Chin Ups
Push Ups
V Snaps

Saturday we were at a hotel out of town so I took my trusty 45lb kettlebell and did the following:

1 clean and press per side
1 snatch per side
10 swings

then followed with 2 plus 20, 3 plus 30, 4 plus 40 and finally 5 plus 50. I did the whole thing twice which netted me:
30 clean and press each side
30 snatch each side
300 swings

I had designed it to revisit my ability to do longer term swings. It was just as tough as I recall doing 40 then 50 swings and having my grip almost fail towards the end.

Sunday – off

Monday I decided I would run a 5k so with a pace that would probably make an arthritic dog feel fit I ran the treadmill to try and give my upper body a break. I didn’t even work out with the girls at gym Monday night, which I have to say I felt a little guilty about.

I am going to try and get back on track somewhat, it seems like forever since I actually put a DVD in the player and followed along. I feel like I am being lazy not following a program and improvising what I am doing. That and I also feel like I am not rotating the workouts properly either. I feel like my weight is going up, something that I am too scared even to confirm on the scale, but I know I am not wrong.

Time to get back to basics I guess.

R8D25-30 – Ketchup

Day 26 – Short Crossfit type workout at gym with girls:

5 pullups
10 sumo deadlift high pull with 25lb kettlebell
15 pushups
20 bicycle crunch

Day 27 – Olympic Lift Practice

5 deadlift
5 clean
5 hang clean
5 strict press
5 push press
repeat 3x with 65lb then 3x with 115lb
Finish with 30 squats at 115lb

Day 28 – off, drive to Hastings
Day 28 – Thanksgiving Monday – Chest and Back with gymnastics rings

This was a hell of a workout, I didn`t  anticipate that the rings would make that much of a difference but the next day I was extremely sore through the chest and shoulders. Not only that, my numbers for pushups were down by at least 30% for the workout. It was a real eye opener that I hope to repeat.

Day 29 – Tuesday, 34543 RKC
Day 30 – Wednesday, Bootcamp week 4 as follows:

I decided it was time for the bootcamp peeps to do some weight work. With the advent of some dumbbells at the gym and the few light ones I had at home we had enough to go around and do some HIT training with weights. I put together a full body workout with 3 basic and 3 advanced movements for each body part. The workout took the full hour and was really an introduction to weights more than a hard weight based workout. It went over very well, I was happy with the work rate and volume but have to be wary that the cardio component is missing largely due to the inability of most of the participants to move the weight efficiently and quickly.

It all shook out like this:
Level 1
Shouldered weight squats
walking lunge
plie squat
Level 2
arms up lunge walk
plie high pull
Finish 20 air squats

Level 1
Military PU
Laying fly
Level 2
pushup on db with pull
military with db superman
fly with press
Finish 20 pushups
Level 1
Shoulder press
2 way flys
shoulder burn
Level 2
swimmers press
2 way fly plus high pull
shoulder burn
Level 1
twist 1 arm curl
double kickback
Level 2
in and out curls
hold curl 16’s
overhead tricep extension
Finish 20 military pushup
Level 1
chest weight crunch
side bend double db
turkish get up (DID NOT COMPLETE)
Level 2
Arms up crunch
plie squat side bend
plie squat twist
Finish 20 full sit ups

R8D20-22 – Resting Kind Of Feeling

Although I was scheduled to do a rest week, I had decided I wouldn’t. Seems like subconsciously I didn’t like that decision and kind of took it easy this week. By taking it easy I mean:

Thursday: Fountain of Youth Yoga with Tony
Friday: Killer Cage Abs with kids at gym (below)
Saturday: Off
Sunday: Fran (a disgrace) and Olympic lifting practice.

I had bought myself some real bumper plates last week and was dying to use them so yesterday I took my olympic bar up to the garage and set up my new bumper plates. I felt like a real pro with real plates I have to tell you, there is something vaguely emasculating about using those little 25lb plates. I did some strict pressing, deadlifts, snatch, clean and press and thrusters before launching into Fran. I am going to be deliberately vague here and say that Fran took me over 10 minutes to complete, partly because of my discomfort with the chin up bar in the garage and partly because apparently I suck.


Thrusters with 95lbs
Chin ups

Killer Cage Abs:

4 suicides

on count:
in and out
switch bicycles
crunch hold

Full sit up
Full rainbow
vsnap no floor touch
Vsnap and pulse 4/8