Bootcamp Final Week

5.12.1 Bodyweight and Balance

x2 in a row 1 off bosu 1 on bosu
10 regular pushups
10 military pushups
10 sphinx to plank step or drop
10 pushup side raise
10 pullups

Sit on bosu

20 in and out
20 crucnhy frog
20 knees to elbow alternate
20 in and out abs hands on upside down bosu
20 side crunch per side

x2 1 on BOSU 1 on SB
10 SB pushup boing
10 SB Burpee lift ball
10 SB Plank to sphinx
10 per SB elbow plank side raise

Feet on SB

10 regular pushups
10 military pushups
10 sphinx to plank step or drop
10 pushup side raise
10 pullups

20 Crunchy Frog
20 vsnap
20 laying triple bicycles
20 full situps

Arms on SB 20 360’s
Arms on SB plank to sphinx
10x feet on SB walk out and back
20x feet on ball face down roll ball in to chest
20x laying hamstring pull

20 laying leg lifts
10 per rainbow leg lifts
10 per scissor hold on count
25 per side to side scissor rapid


10 military pushup
10 diamond pushup
10 Hindu Pushup
30s crane

Finally, Kettlebells Come To Bootcamp

I have been trying to get this workout to Bootcamp forever but since we don’t have any KB at the gym I had to bring 2 of mine and one participant had her own so it was time! Why are kettlebells so good? Partly because of the extended leverage the bell gives, partly because they are handy and easy to transport but mostly because they are simply awesome.

Pavel Tsatsouline calls them the “Strength Secret Of The Soviet Supermen” and promises that with the simple kettlebell you can outperform almost any other gym full of equipment. My all time favourite quote from him goes like this:

“You are next. You are now in Soviet Territory and you are becoming a better man. If you don’t know how I will teach you. If you don’t want to, I’ll make you!”

Suffice to say, once I heard that it was game on and I devoured the Russian Kettlebell Challenge and was amazed at what an incredible workout you can get for such a simple lump of iron.

Last night it was the turn of my bootcamp participants. I have to admit, it’s not often that my heart rate goes over 170, but last night was one of those times!

Here is what we did:

5.11.2 Kettlebell Weights

Sumo deadlift
SDL High Pull
Chin ups or turnarounds

double Swing eyes
pass around
Sinlge legf deadlift
Single alt press
Chin ups or hand turns

dbl Swing overhead
clean and press 5ea
Dips on pbars or dip station
leg lifts

Dbl sumo high pull
single swing row
Laying chest press
Laying pullovers

Clean and Press
Clean and Press
Clap Pushup

Double swing
1 leg squat
Single swings
Sumo DL
Horse Stance Hold 30

Bootcamp Cardio Agility

Cardio Legs and Agility

10 Air Squat
10 Jump squat
10 step over fwd and back with tap
10 jump over fwd turn and fwd

20 air squat
10 horse stance jacks
10 over and run around back
10 jump over and run back
walk stairs 10 times

10 pop squats
10 super skater elbows each side
10 toe touch knee raise
20 frog squats no jump
walk stairs 10 times

10 squat jump over
10 super skater cardio jump over
10 single leg squat jump over
10 frog jump over
10 Sissy squats against wall

10 double squat jump over
10 super skater doubles with elbow touch
10 double single leg squat jump over
10 frog jump followed by jump over
10 sissy squats against wall
Walk stairs 10 times

Adding skills

5 jacks then jump over x10
5 MK switch then jump over x10
20 side to side jump
5 pushups 5 jumps x5

10 single burpee with jump over
5 jacks 5 jumps x5
10 single burpee with 5 jumps
5 sphinx to plank 5 jumps x5

Any time left?

25 in and out
10 roll to boat hold
25 in and out arms up
50 crunches
25 side crunch each side
25 floor leg lifts butt up

Wednesday Bootcamp – Abs Focus

I brought the kettlebells again.

Actually, let me be clear about that.

It was 40 mintues before class, I couldn’t find my KB workout sheet so I thought I would print one off. I couldn’t find the list since it was on my pc at work. I remoted into work to get the list, halfway through the remote connection closed because our Citrix admin hasn’t licensed our remote connectivity software properly and so it cuts you off, leaving you with a distasteful licensing note and an inability to reconnect for 2 minutes… I finally managed to reconnect and find the list and email it to myself. Once done, I tried to print the thing only to find that when I turned on the printer 8 thousand sheets of my wife’s printouts from the last week were queued up first causing the printer to run out of paper. I finally got the printout done with only 15 minutes left until class, rushed into my car and halfway to gym realized I had forgotten the kettlebells. I turned around, just yards from Tim Hortons where I could see the drive through was empty as usual. I sped back home, grabbed the kettlebells and went back to Tims. Three cars in line? No problem. However, car #1 was apparently ordering a la carte and having the duck salad with au jus since it was taking them forever to take the order, never mind serve the person. Driver 2 took 3 minutes just to open her window to talk to the simpleton behind the speaker who then commenced to fill 3 screens of information with her order. Finally I got to order my coffee only because I couldn’t reverse out of the drive through and escape. As the drivers ahead moved along the start time for class came and went, and since I had been in line for over 7 minutes as soon as I got to the hole in the drive through lane I made my escape presumably leaving a spotty teenager confused holding my coffee that I can presume with confidence was probably wrong anyway. I got to the gym only to find out that the person for whom I had made all the effort and missed out on my coffee was AWOL second week in a row.

Colour me unhappy.

I searched my bag for a replacement workout and the coffee stained (yes, I appreciate the irony) paper was an abs workout that went like this:

5.10.2 Bodyweight Abs

10 full crunch
10 regular pushups
10 side crunch
10 curl up to bar
10 pullups


20 leg up med ball crunch
10 military pushups / med ball pushups
10 mb situp double twist
10 pullups
10 hanging leg raise

10 side plank leg raise / toe touch
10 spider each side
20 MB shelf stacker 10 per side
10 front lunge
40 side rocker runners each side

40 running backs each arm
10 clap pushups
10 leg cross under hip touch floor each side
10 pullups alternate hands
20 wall sit mb

10 falling towers mb under butt
10 plyo pushup
30 second superman plank each

Bootcamp Weights and Stability Plus Future Rumblings

I had made up a nice kettlebell workout for tonight but since the one person I had designed the workout for didn’t show we ended up modifying an old weights session with stability balls instead. It was based on this workout with some minor changes which I can’t really recall to be honest. It was a shoulder blast, that is for sure. I was a little frustrated at last week thinking that I should have busted out some P90X2 workouts and so in that vein I have serched for someone to loan me either Tapout XT or Body Beast, the newest workout from our friends at Beachbody.

The best thing about being a Beachbody coach is that if I like the product I can get it for cheap. The other great thing is that I can also sell it to others at a discount so if you are interested, hit me up! That said, I have found a person who will loan me the dvd’s to check out for  a few days and I may even be able to produce a review or two. I know it’s probably possible to get the stuff off torrent sites but if there is one thing I have learned about fitness and health, if it works, it’s worth paying for. I am proud to say I have paid for every Beachbody product I own and I encourage you all to do the same.

Here’s that workout.

10 Clean
10 Swings
10 Clean and Press
10 Swings
10 Snatch or clean and press
10 Swings

Sitting on Stability Balls Sets of 10 each
Overhead pullover
Laying Fly face up
Sitting press
Sitting curl
Double Tricep extension
Plank row
Floor laying chest fly
Low kneel shoulder press
kneeling single arm curl
football throw extension
Overhead pullover alternating
face up overhead fly alternating
alternating shoulder press
alternating bicep curl
Military pushup feet on ball
High Pull
Incline chest fly
Hammer double curls
Single bent over tricep extension

Bootcamp Bodyweight and Balance

What I think I look like on the stability ball:












What I feel like on the stability ball:











For those of you following along at home, here you go.

Balance and coordination
x2 in a row
10 regular pushups
10 military pushups
10 sphinx to plank step or drop
10 pushup side raise
10 pullups

20 in and out row
10 roll to boat hold 3 count
20 bicycle with leg extension
20 side crunch per side
10 bent leg roll up
10 SB pushup boing
10 SB Burpee lift ball
10 SB Plank to sphinx
10 per SB elbow plank side raise

Feet on SB

10 regular pushups
10 military pushups
10 sphinx to plank step or drop
10 pushup side raise
10 pullups

20 Crunchy Frog
20 vsnap
20 laying triple bicycles
20 full situps

Arms on SB 20 360’s
Arms on SB plank to sphinx
10x feet on SB walk out and back
20x feet on ball face down roll ball in to chest
20x laying hamstring pull

20 laying leg lifts
10 per rainbow leg lifts
10 per scissor hold on count
25 per side to side scissor rapid


10 military pushup
10 diamond pushup
10 Hindu Pushup
30s crane

Ten On – Day 1-3

As far as this “experiment” goes I am not going to try and pretend there is anything more than a vague and unscientific methodology behind it. I took 10 days off, so I am going to do 10 days on. There is a little information about glucose burnout and inefficiency around the 10 day mark but I think my experience with working out 10+ days in a row is just as valid. Also, it kind of fits with my schedule at the moment given that 10 days will give me 2 full weeks of bootcamp.

Day 1

Day 1 is cake, it’s filled with enthusiasm and determination, it’s a true romance of physical challenge and I felt like there was nothing that was going to stop me. I even pushed aside my frustration with getting tired too fast, with being weaker than I had imagined I would be and the inevitable body shakes which come with a vigorous workout. I knew pain would be coming but it was day 1 so I didn’t care. It was bootcamp, so I had the added motivation of being surrounded by other fitness enthusiasts and my own motivation to stay ahead. Day 1 was great. I love day 1.

Day 2

I foolishly lulled myself into a false sense of comfort and security during day 2. My day 1 workout was at 6pm so of course during the day at work I was fine, a little tired maybe but otherwise in good spirits. It was not until the tail end of the day that I started feeling nagging aches and pains. My triceps started to twitch, my shoulders started to ache and I realized that it had begun. Even though we had deliberately taken it easy on day 1 I was still pretty sore when I went into the garage to do my day 2 workout. The workout was, again, gentle so that I would preserve my recovery. It looked like this:

Using 95lb loaded bar:

50 deadlifts
40 Squats
30 Cleans
20 Clean and Press

It took around 35 minutes in total, probably because I was ensuring that my mechanics were solid and my form was good. The weight was embarrassingly light but then again the pain of my back injury was still fresh in my mind and pushed any ego from my thoughts. By the end of the workout I was loose and although a little sore, I was moving pretty freely. I still was thinking that this was going to be pretty easy as long as I took it in context of a return to form, not a stress test.

Day 3

It’s day 3. My hamstrings hurt. A lot. I have lingering soreness from day 1, sprinkled with a fresh coat of pain and suffering from day 2 in the cold garage with the olympic bar. I am wondering about the effect the painkillers had on me and if they have driven me insane. Even just adding the extra day between the bootcamp days seems like an exercise in insanity. Today was bootcamp weights and although it was a shortened workout it was still a surprisingly taxing process. My arms burned out really quickly, my overall stamina was gone after just a few rounds and I was left clinging to the notion that if I could just get through this day it would get easier. How deluded am I?

Here is the weights workout we did:

D 5.6.2 – Weights Recovery II

Double Curls
Double Press
High pull
Chin ups or turnarounds

Alt curls
Alt press
Front and Back Rolling Shrugs
Chin ups or hand turns

DB good mornings
Sitting shoulder press
dips no weight – legs above hands
dip hops
dips leg up each side

Olympic bar single end push – switch
Olympic bar single end push – waist to waist
Olympic bar single end push – 180 degree throw
Dips no weight – legs above hands
Dips no weight – legs even with hands
Dips no weight – legs below hands

Sitting shoulder press
Weighted dips both weights
Weighted dips one weight
weighted dips no weight
10 Pullups plus 10 full pbar dips

Abs – With DB

In and Out
Full situp
Legs out arms extend up and back overhead


I think I cried a little at the end there.


Tentative Return – Bootcamp Hybrid

Recovery Workout Body and Weights
with blocks
10 regular pushups
10 military pushups
10 sphinx to plank step or drop
10 pushup side hold
10 pullups

Double Curls
Double Press
High pull
Curl and Press

20 Air squats
20 step back lunge front kick
20 belt kicks
20 front lunge
10 pullups

10 military pushups
10 regular dips
10 diamond pushups
10 leg up dips each leg
10 side tri rise

10 lawnmowers each side
10 knee brace curls each side
20 alternating shoulder press
10 chest pullovers on box
20 high pull

10 pushup step out
10 clap pushup
10 plyo pushup
10 pushup side raise leg raise
5 Worlds slowest burpee with / out clap, plyo etc

Bootcamp Bodyweight Abs With Balls

Once again the abs workout went over time, I think it is the bar work that takes so long, not necessarily the chinups because I know they all cheat and only do a couple but rather the leg raises because it’s just a long slow exercise.

This is a good class, but 2 days later I really feel the rotation work we did in my mid back. My abs are fine, but I think doing the shelf stackers with an already sore back was not the smartest thing to do. It also means that whatever I do today is going to hurt!

This week I also got some disappointing news that one of my girls is no longer going to be training with me. I know this is the peril of working with kids this age, they all move along sooner rather than later but it never softens the blow of losing an athlete that you have been really working well with. It’s going to be tough moving on without her, but all I can do is wish her the very best and hope that she remembers her training time with happy memories and the motivation to keep herself active.

Here’s the Abs with Balls workout:

10 alternating foot touch crunch
10 regular pushups
10 full situp
10 side crunch
10 pullups

10 mb foot touch crunch
10 1 arm mb pushup
10 full situp with mb
20 side crunch
10 roll ups

10 mb foot hold SB situps
10 military pushups
10 side plank hip lowers
10 foot on SB roll ins
10 pullups

20 mb foot hold side crunch
10 mb pushups
10 mb side plank hip lowers
10 sb plank 360s each way
5 roll up hold for 5

10 side plank leg raise / toe touch
10 spider each side / double spider
20 MB shelf stacker 10 per side
10 front lunge to warrior 3 / mb twist lunge
40 side rocker runners each side / plus medball hold

40 running backs each arm
10 clap pushups
10 leg cross under hip touch floor each side
20 wall sit mb side touch
10 pullups alternate hands

10 falling towers mb under butt
10 plyo pushup
30 second superman plank each
20 mb standing running back mb in and out each
10 chest pullups


WOD, OLY and Bootcamp Bodyweight (Making Stuff Up)

Friday at the end of training we did a 20 round version of Chelsea, however since I have injured shoulders among my athletes there was some modification happening. I did chinups, pushups and squats but my girls (at least some) did VSnaps, handstands and squats. It was a 20 minute one per minute thing and I am happy to say we ALWAYS finish with at least 20 seconds to go. I remember the first few times I tried this and I would run out of time around about round 15 and never managed to get further than round 21. Now I would easily be able to make 30 in 30 although I have yet to try!

I went into work from midnight until 5am on Sunday morning after having rested all day Saturday in preparation. It didn’t really matter, I was still insanely tired on Sunday but I managed to crank out 100 deadlifts and 100 squats with 95lbs in around 20 minutes.

I am also trying to build a decent ab workout for bootcamp, I have some variations but nothing really bootcamp worthy.

So rather than rely on stuff I could find, I thought I would make some stuff up and see how they handled it.

Here’s the rundown, if you want to know what side rocker runners are, you will just have to email me and ask.

10 full crunch
10 regular pushups
10 curl up to bar
10 pullups
10 side crunch

20 leg up crunch
10 military pushups
10 mb situp double twist
10 pullups
10 hanging leg raise

10 side plank leg raise / toe touch
10 spider each side
20 MB shelf stacker 10 per side
10 front lunge
40 side rocker runners each side

40 running backs each arm
10 clap pushups
10 leg cross under hip touch floor each side
10 pullups alternate hands
20 wall sit mb side touch

10 falling towers mb under butt
10 plyo pushup
30 second superman plank each
10 chest pullups
20 flutters low and middle only

10 pushup step out
10 clap pushup
10 plyo pushup
10 pushup side raise leg raise
5 Worlds slowest burpee with clap