Frosh Week Workouts and The Return To TDEE

OTW_banner_UCS1So it’s been 10 days since I stopped the cut, went to Cuba on vacation and ditched counting calories in favour of what I would consider a major refeed. I learned a couple of things during this week, first that my strength takes a major hit when I am cutting, something that I have missed. Second, my sense of what is enough (in other words portion sizes) has taken a major turn towards normality. Even though I was not going to restrict my calories on vacation I just didn’t feel like I needed to fill myself every time I ate. Even once we got back home and had unlimited access to everything I love I just didn’t feel the need to stuff myself. This means that since the end of the cut I have only gained 2 lbs and have actually lost almost 2% fat which I know is not realistic. The only thing I can think is that for some reason adding back some carbs has filled me out a bit and fooled the scale into reading a different composition. Whatever the reason I am now sitting right at 227 at 17%. But now it’s back to reality, or should I say my new reality. I am sticking with keto for the near future, or maybe some would call it paleo / primal but basically just protein and vegetables with very little purposeful carbs. I am thinking about having a small rice or  yam snack after my workouts. 100g of brown rice for example is 23g of carbs, which is about what I was eating per day through the cut. The question becomes what can I tolerate before my body starts to modify it’s energy expenditures and storages. I know that science doesn’t change and that the same thermodynamic laws still apply regardless of what I eat as long as the TDEE number is the same but we all know that your body is a very strange machine and to a large degree what you eat is important in determining your personal efficiencies. So the plan is simple. 5 days back on cut to clear the system and get keto back working again. 1 week of adding an additional meal but not carbs. Followed by 1 week of the carb meal after workouts. I am thinking that I used to eat a rice and tuna snack and that should work.

As for the workouts, it’s Frosh Week at Universities all over Canada and in honour of those who have left, some for the first time, some for a second or more I am publishing some of my favourite workouts that you can do at home, in your dorm room or the living room that will at the very least clean out the cobwebs from the night before and burn some of those beer calories away.

Today is Barbara, not much to remember and enough rounds to get a decent workout. If you can’t do pullups (find a way!) then you can substitute pushup burpees.

One thing I will say to those of you at school. There are some exercises that will keep you in shape no matter what but you need to find a way to do them ALL. Also, if you love Crossfit, here is a link to 20 CROSSFIT WORKOUTS FOR HOME

Squats / lunges
V snaps
Kettlebell swings (for cardio there is nothing better – Kill the treadmill before it kills you)

For now, here’s Barbara

5 Rounds, rest 3:00 between each round:

20 pull-ups
30 push-ups
40 sit-ups
50 squats

Keeping Up With The Kids hard…

Last week for gymnastics conditioning we completed a second legs and abs workout and a step aerobics like class for cardio involving blocks and lots and lots of jumping. The cardio day was basically a copy of THIS DAY but the legs and abs work was a little tougher. It was labelled as Legs And Abs Millennium Edition.

Here’s what went down.

Legs and Abs Millennium Edition

5 round of 200 reps:

10 squats
10 pop squats
10 tuck jumps
10 front lunge left
10 front lunge right

10 crunch
10 side crunch left
10 side crunch right
10 vsnaps
10 crunchy frog

10 super skater left
10 super skater right
10 squat knee raise left
10 squat knee raise right
10 back lunge left
10 back lunge right
10 single calf raise left
10 single calf raise right
10 side lunge left
10 side lunge right

Plus 90s shoulder burn

Monday Workout

Overhead Cable Triceps ExtensionBack to some basic movements today for gymnastics conditioning. There is a lack of arm strength so we are going to address part of that today. They should glow red like that after this…

Tri Tri Again
Dips legs up
Pushups on boxes
Handstand shoulder touch
Plank to Sphinx push not step
Military pushups
Decline shoulder touch

Bonus 10’s on my count

Pushup nose to hand
Diamond pushups
Hindu pushups (under the fence)

Thursday Cardio. Join In Everybody!

July 16 2015 – Cardio

Because life will chase you down and eat you…

2x section
20 squat jumps
20 belt kicks
20 swing kicks
20 vsnaps

2x section
20 Hit The Floor
10 2 line Suicides
20 switch kicks
20 double switch sit up

2x section
5x long jump run back – single double triple repeat
10 river jumps
5 3 line suicides fwd and back with pancake
4 long jump to burpee to every line and back

2x section – Plank cardio
10 runs
10 squat thrust
10 ski abs
10 pushup jacks

2x section
20 squat half turn
40 front jack side jack
10 jack MK switch 1+2
50 happy knees to elbow

20 jacks
10 jack plus tuck jump
10 jack plus tuck plus jump full turn
40 sprint MK AFAP (as fast as possible)

This Week At Gym

tiredFor me, things are status quo. No lifting records or goals, just some kettlebells added to my regular routine and a sense of comfort and happiness with my situation in the gym. This has included an addition of the bootcamp at gymnastics which gives me a little added activity 3x a week which so far has made me very sore but determined to continue. For the record here are the workouts for this week not including the plan for tonight. The kids seem to be enjoying and completing the workouts but since its only 30 minutes that shouldn’t be a surprise. They do look a little tired after though…

Monday Bootcamp

10 regular pushups
10 military pushups
10 sphinx to plank step or drop
10 pushup side hold
10 pullups

20 shoulder crunch
20 leg up crunch
10 full situp double twist
10 side crunch
10 hanging leg raise

20 Air squats
20 step back lunge front kick
20 belt kicks
20 front lunge
10 pullups

20 shoulder touch
20 hip touch
10 spider each side
10 knee to elbow each
10 knee to opposite elbow each

20 single leg knee raise
20 super skaters
30 second chair pose
20 side lunge
10 pullups

10 pushup step out
10 clap pushup
10 plyo pushup

Wednesday Legs and abs
(Taken from Liza and Elissa return)
Sets of 10, single legs are EACH LEG

shoulder crunch
Hands down in and out
crunchy frog
hands down bicycles F and B
full situp

front lunge
pop squat
back lunge
super skater no alternate

hands up in and out
crunchy frog
hands up bicycles F and B
Russian twists

Pop squat
Sissy squats
super skater alternate
1 leg toes touch knee lift
Full squat to floor

vsnap + pushup
crunch + full situp + vsnap
Side crunch + power crunch + side crunch


laying feet on box hip lifts 10 and hold for 10
Up and down single leg up 10 each side
HIps fully extended hold with leg lift pulse 10 each side

Standing hip flexor burn

bent lift
straight lift
bent extend

following are front and side consecutive no rest.
foot on floor lift x10
foot on box lift x 10

Finally A Working Cut

parting is sweet sorrowStarted June 6 at 250, after 16 days I am down 11.2 lbs.

800 calorie deficit seems to be the right amount for me.

What has helped? Cutting dairy almost completely (that means not drinking milk for me). I still have a bit of cheese for breakfast and milk in coffee but I have stopped making my shake with 800ml of milk and instead use vanilla almond milk.

That’s 420 calories and 39 grams of carbs vs 210 calories and 4g of carbs and since this cut is based on Keto (under 25g of carbs a day) that works just fine.

Nuts, although awesome, are not a snack. If you think they are a snack you will get in trouble. They are a measurable commodity not something you should grab a handful of when you are bored.

As for my workouts, I have been going between traditional weightlifting body parts split and some bootcamps. I would like to call it intuitive training, I do what I want to in the framework of what needs doing. If it’s shoulders I can do presses and flys or I can do cleans and shrugs and kettlebells. It’s been a relaxed and fun approach for the last little while. I am going to start doing bootcamp with the gym kids for 20 min a day during the summer so that should also add a little variety. I did some light deadlifts the other day and didn’t die, so I may start adding that back in. Very light of course, nothing over 135 for now. I don’t want another back scare like last time.

I know I haven’t been documenting like I should, but it’s been a tough couple of weeks, the end of the coaching year is never a happy time for me and I have, almost predictably, crawled into my shell the closer we come to today… The last day of classes. This year especially with two girls who took difficult injuries and are now leaving has left me with a couple of tiny gymnast shaped holes in my heart. Some years I really, really hate this time of year.


30WOD2D29 – Suddenly Bootcamp

thisisbootcampIt’s not that I am avoiding the last WODs, that I hate the look of the 7 I have to do, not at all, I just was looking at the picture over on the right and knowing that the reason I was looking like that was the bootcamps I was doing. So I have decided to do a warmup bootcamp now and then once 30WOD2 is over (not that it’s been a big success this time) I would commit to a 3 day a week bootcamp and the rest Olympic lifting. In my head it would look something like this:

Bootcamp – Bodyweight
Bootcamp – Weights
Oly lifts – Cleans and DL
Bootcamp – Cardio
Squats and leg work
Off / Yoga

Here is tonight’s workout, these bootcamps can run from 200 – 450 reps, so I am starting with a certain degree of trepidation. I know each section says x2 but that’s bullshit, there are 435 reps in there, no way I would have time or energy ever to do 870 reps.

D1 – 5.1.1 – Bodyweight

10 regular pushups
10 military pushups
10 sphinx to plank step or drop
10 pushup side hold
10 pullups

20 shoulder crunch
20 leg up crunch
10 full situp double twist
10 side crunch
10 hanging leg raise

20 Air squats
20 step back lunge front kick
20 belt kicks
20 front lunge
10 pullups

20 shoulder touch
20 hip touch
10 spider each side
10 knee to elbow each
10 knee to opposite elbow each

20 single leg knee raise
20 super skaters
30 second chair pose
20 side lunge
10 pullups

10 pushup step out
10 clap pushup
10 plyo pushup
10 pushup side raise leg raise
5 Worlds slowest burpee with / out clap, plyo etc

Back To Basics? No Problem.

keep-calm-and-get-back-to-basics-5What is the most basic workout you can do to “survive” as an athlete? Injured, out of focus, surgery, distractions, University we all come up against times in our life when we need to get back on the wagon and maybe going straight to the gym isn’t the preferred method. Maybe a gym isn’t available, maybe at home is where the work needs to happen. If that’s the case then we need to take a quick look at what components we need to succeed. First let me say that anyone can afford the bare minimum of workout equipment which is a 25lb kettlebell for women and a 40lb KB for your average man. This is your health we are talking about and since you won’t be spending $8 a pop at Starbucks any more, the KB will be yours in a week. There are a MILLION youtube videos about kettlebell workouts, I don’t need to cover them here. Let me just say that the greatest full body movements there are involve kettlebells.

You can read this for a start!

The basic components of a successful eating plan are:
No sugar. Period.
No grains if possible.
Plenty of protein and quality fat.

The basic components of an at home workout of the most basic type are:

Here’s a basic starter workout that can be done every other day:

30 Jumping Jacks
20 body weight squats
10 push ups (on stairs)
20 stair dips
20 walking lunges
10 Burpees
10 dumbbell rows (using a gallon milk jug or a cat)
30 second plank
20 body weight squats
30 Jumping Jacks

If you have access to a bar:

5×5 chinups
5×10 leg lifts

Here’s the kicker for the pushups and the bar work.

Start your pushups on the stairs, hands on the 3rd or 4th step up, nice easy incline. Each 2nd workout move down one step until you are doing them on the floor. Then, every week, progress up the stairs with your feet until you are basically doing 45 degree incline pushups like a boss.

For the bar, if you can’t do a strict chinup yet, start with kipping or beat chin-ups to help. Eventually you will be able to do 5 without stopping. Every other workout try to do one or two sets with maximum reps just to see how many you can do.

Leg lifts can be done as tuck ups at first and then bent leg lifts then straight leg.

This is a beginner workout and should be done for 4 weeks MAX. After that amount of time (or before) your body will be requesting more activity. As you go, you can increase the rep count as you see fit. FOR EVERYTHING not just the stuff you like.

By week 4 you should be doing something like this (it should be noted that these totals will be broken down into sets of 10 or so NOT INCLUDING THE JACKS)

50 Jumping Jacks
40 body weight squats
25 push ups (on stairs)
40 stair dips
60 walking lunges
25 Burpees
40 dumbbell rows (using a gallon milk jug or a cat)
60 second plank
40 body weight squats
50 Jumping Jacks

If you have access to a bar:

10×5 chinups
10×10 leg lifts

After 4 weeks it’s about time to step up the intensity and you should start to look at interval training and weight training. If you still don’t have access to weights you can still get a kick ass workout with bodyweight (or buy a kettlebell for $20):

Tuck Jumps
Military Pushups
Pistol squats (One leg)
Hindu pushups
Feet on stairs shoulder press
Vsnaps with power crunch
Plank hold with hip touch
Pushup tuck jump pancake burpees

There is plenty that you can do in “Bootcamp” format to get into formidable shape. In fact, you can click on the tag cloud on the right and select any of the bootcamp tags or search bootcamp in the search box at the top of the page and find literally dozens of pre-made, pre-approved and successfully tested bootcamp workouts.

Liza and Elissa Want A Workout…

Sets of 10, single legs are EACH LEG

shoulder crunch
Hands down in and out
crunchy frog
hands down bicycles F and B
full situp

front lunge
pop squat
back lunge
super skater

hands up in and out
crunchy frog
hands up bicycles F and B
Full situp double twist feet off

Pop squat
Sissy squats
super skater
1 leg toes touch knee lift
Full squat to floor

vsnap + pushup
crunch + full situp + vsnap
Side crunch + power crunch + side crunch

Jumping jacks
frog jumps
tuck jumps

With heavy bar
Back squats
full situp bar on chest
Full situp bar by feet

front lunge
back squat

front lunge + back squat 1-10
vsnap+pushup 1-10

R11D29-30 – One Third Done!

pizzathirdsToday was not a great workout but over the last few weeks I have been reticent to do workout with the kids at gym because frankly I am not sure I could keep up. Then again, there is no motivation better than leading any kind of fitness routine. So Monday we grabbed the dumbbells and did a 25 minute full body workout including some isometrics, some eccentrics and even a little abs. It was OK, and it reminded me that I really should be pushing them by pushing myself. It was far from the bootcamps of old but I think for the sake of everyone we should be getting back to the grind of full 30 minute workouts to get them used to what level of work is expected from them.

Tuesday was another “in the wild” workout as I spent another 25 minutes shovelling and breaking ice from the driveway in preparation for the snow that is supposed to be coming tomorrow.

This is a milestone because in the world of at home workouts usually 90 days is the length and again usually they are divided into 3 sections. T25 and P90X3 are no exception, T25 having Alpha Beta and Gamma and P90X3 being divided predictably into 3 months that contain different workouts. This time P90X3 only contains one workout for the third month that has not already been performed but since I have never divided up the workouts like that before, maybe the other DVD sets are the same. Anyway, here I am at the end of 30 days and although I am not actually following a program I am still committed to doing 90 days of the workouts. This 1/3 mark is usually where things start to get harder, the assumption is that after 30 days of their workouts you should already be getting into shape. So how am I doing? 30 days ago when I started I was in pretty rough shape, I had just come off a bout of pneumonia and a trip to England, I had been sick for quite some time and to be honest I was a mess. My weight at work was over 250 but that only means that I was right around the 250lb mark at home. I know my weight went up by 8lbs as I started to work out again which I expected but now, a few days into February I am right around 254 which means I am down about 4lbs or so. I know it’s not much but I really had not been keeping my diet as strict as I would like, and now I have Fitday on my side I estimate a loss of at least 3lbs a week. It is pretty frightening that I am 20lbs away from my ideal weight of around 230lbs but then again, having back surgery will do that to you, the important thing is that I am back on track and heading back to the top. The funny thing is that the only rule I was breaking for my diet was the 100g of carbs, and once I have that under control I am sure good things will follow. It’s easy to get away from that without really noticing or eating anything “bad” but starch after a workout and too much fruit will tip your balance easily. If you don’t think that veg and fruit are able to put weight on you, take a peek at the latest instalment of the “5000 calories a day” guy. He is on a vegan diet and gaining weight all the way.

I had earmarked Feb 1st as a goal for having my Olympic lifts back up to 135lbs which I have achieved, I also wanted to be able to run 1500m in a reasonable time without stopping but I have been staying away from the treadmill in favour of T25 workouts. I wonder how I would fare at a 1500m run right now.

Below is my Fitday from Monday and Tuesday for your enjoyment.


fitday feb 3 2014


fitday feb 4 2014