Sets of 10, single legs are EACH LEG
shoulder crunch
Hands down in and out
crunchy frog
hands down bicycles F and B
full situp
front lunge
pop squat
back lunge
super skater
hands up in and out
crunchy frog
hands up bicycles F and B
Full situp double twist feet off
Pop squat
Sissy squats
super skater
1 leg toes touch knee lift
Full squat to floor
vsnap + pushup
crunch + full situp + vsnap
Side crunch + power crunch + side crunch
Jumping jacks
frog jumps
tuck jumps
With heavy bar
Back squats
full situp bar on chest
Full situp bar by feet
front lunge
back squat
front lunge + back squat 1-10
vsnap+pushup 1-10