My Olympic Lifting Days

I have been working on my technique in the last few weeks, knowing that I really shouldn’t be trying to achieve higher weights if I want to control my size. I know that now, being a little older, it’s not always better to be or go bigger. That said, I have been trying to work my way into developing a solid clean and press where previously I was using the hang clean to do the movement. It has taken me a while but I am now at a point where I can comfortably do around 10 full cleans with squat and press without feeling like I am going to lose my balance or lose the bar.

I have also managed to work on my rack position so that the bar actually rests on my delts like it should but I am having a tough time with wrist flexibility and arm size. My arms are built in a way that makes it tough to get the forearm and bicep to occupy a similar space and for the wrist to maintain even the most rudimentary grip on the bar. I did notice during the Olympics that the way the pros do it is to take an extra little bump after the rack to get the hands under the bar ready to press. I’m trying to work on that.

Finally, since my squat is pretty solid I thought I would give overhead squats a try. It’s something I have tried in the past with mixed results, and by mixed I mean absolutely zero success. For some reason I can’t get my arms back far enough to balance, that is until I realized that my hands were FAR to close together. Once I slid my hands out to the end of the bar, like one would for a snatch, I found that I could squeeze out a couple of reps. I was pretty happy, but it is a very uncomfortable and strenuous activity, one that will require many many more attempts to become comfortable.

Since I am getting more comfortable I have also started doing multiple movements, specifically going from clean and press to back squat. Not only that, but a 4 movement set of deadlift, clean, clean and press, clean and press with squat. It’s becoming a lot of fun and I can definitely feel the benefit in my legs and my lower back.



10.83 – Mud Hero Toronto 2012

The morning arrived with an ominous forecast of 31 degrees with a humidex of 36+, but at least I was vindicated in my decision to make sure we were in the second earliest group to go. The setup was pretty easy, the parking was close to the event so no buses this year like last time at Warrior Dash (You can read about the Warrior Dash HERE and HERE)We were pretty early but since I was paranoid about my shins I spent about 45 minutes warming them up and asking them to please behave during the hell that was to come. The overall event was much smaller than Warrior Dash but I think was more suitable for us especially given those who were participating, I am not sure even I would have been up for running up ski hills again this year, I wanted more obstacles and less running where possible. In fact, the course delivered exactly that, there was plenty of running up through woods and small hills and over streams mixed in with the “official” obstacles. Even the first part from the start to the first obstacle which I was dreading due to my lack of running practice wasn’t so bad. Probably the adrenaline and the crowds helped though. Speaking of running, I really wish I had practiced at least a couple of times. What made me slow was not the fact that I can’t run, I already know I am not the greatest runner but that due to my lack of practice in my vibrams with actual running my mechanics were terrible. That meant I was working probably twice as hard as I needed to in order to produce the lava like speed with which I was running. Had I practiced and got my mechanical stride in shape, I am sure I would have had a much easier time of it. Not only that, you would think after last time I would have learned to wear shorter, less absorbent shorts, by the time we were past 3 or 4 obstacles my shorts were filled with mud and it was like carrying a backpack strapped to my butt. I did however remember not to let my knees touch the ground in the mud pits because just as I had recalled the bottom of the mud pit is in fact littered with sharp stones and rocks which can really tear up your knees.

The obstacles themselves were far more entertaining than last year, probably because I was not as tired when I got to them, several walls, hay bales, parked cars, cargo nets and so on made it very similar in difficulty and enjoyment. The haunted house was a fun addition and the fact that they had put out actual water slides and not just a tarp over a rock bed made that part far better for me. The people we went with all did great, I have to admit, probably better than I did which was a little disappointing but I know what my issues were and I won’t let them happen again. Fact is that we all managed to stay together pretty much to the end which made the whole experience that much better.

This was about half way through, as you can see my choice of shorts was ill advised. Bruce, one of our participants wore a GoPro camera on his head, the footage of which I can’t wait to see. My favourite part? I am not sure, getting sprayed with water as you are dying from the heat was great, and for sure the hardest part for me was the horizontal cargo net ( I should have walked over not bear walked) but I think my favourite part was the hay bales, being able to throw yourself around on them was a blast, that and the vertical cargo net, for some reason I just love to climb those things.

In all it probably took just over an hour to finish with 19 obstacles covering 6km. The fastest time was around 25 minutes I think but that is just insane.

I am really happy we did it, I am disappointed that all my girls didn’t decide to do it but I have to tip my hat to my one athlete who chose to run with us, her determination, drive and willingness to push through her obvious pains was a real inspiration.

All in all, a really successful day and I hope inspiration to others to come out and join us next year!!


And no, no Usain Bolt poses!

10.74-78 – Weekend Catchup

This is a short one, I took lots of rest this weekend mostly because I was still feeling the effects of the shit splints and soreness from last week. Not only that, stress from work had crept in leaving me short on sleep and feeling a little out of sorts. After Thursday’s bootcamp I did a short Olympic lift workout on Saturday and then took Sunday off since we went out of town to visit with family. Monday I did an RKC workout at work since they installed a chinup bar in the workout room and tonight is Bootcamp. It’s actually supposed to be cardio or agility but with the Mud Hero race this weekend I think we will skip cardio this week due to the risk to my shins. That’s all, look for the bootcamp recap tomorrow.


10.66-69 – My Olympic Lifting Days

Since I moved my bar up to the garage and have bumper plates that I can get decent weights with I am now getting more and more into the Oly movements. On a typical day I will try to do 4 movements, deadlift, hang clean, clean and press and squat. Occasionally I will do push press or power cleans but I don’t seem to be able to nail the regular clean quite yet, my balance seems to let me down. I will try to do 100 movements, it usually takes between 30-40 minutes and it is a great workout. I have a makeshift chin up bar out there too so I can always add chin ups into the mix to make it more interesting. I alternate between sets of 5 and 10 and even add in a 55lb kettlebell whenever I can. I know the weather isn’t going to last, but for this summer I have had a great time building great core strength, back strength and coordination with these amazing movements.

Last week my workouts resembled this:

Friday: 135lb

Deadlift 5×5
Hang Clean 5×5
Clean and Press 5×5
Squat 5×5

Saturday: 5 rounds of:

5 Clean and Press
5 1 arm swings
5 KB Snatch
5 Pullups

Sunday: 135lb

Sets of 10

Deadlift x5
Clean and Press x5
Hang Clean x5


10.65 – Bootcamp Plyo / Agility

I’m trying to keep away from calling cardio, well, cardio. It seems people have an aversion to the notion of a cardio day so today I am trying something a little different, some agility.

For the workout I used 9 hoops as an agility ladder setup and 10 cones as a side shuttle run back. The easiest way to explain is to draw it so the graphic reflects what we did. Well, it may help me to remember, its pretty much hieroglyphics to anyone else!

D17 4.9.2 Agility

10 air squats
10 squat jumps
5 burpee
4 side facing in and back

20 air squats
20 squat jumps
5 burpee
4 side facing in and back

10 front lunge
10 mk switch
5 burpee pushup
4 side facing 2 foot in and through

20 front lunge
20 mk switch
5 burpee pushup
4 side facing 2 foot in and through

10 single leg squat knee lift
10 run stance double squat with switch
5 burpee star jump
4 front facing step in and across

20 single leg squat knee lift
20 run stance double squat with switch
5 burpee star jump
4 front facing step in and across

10 wall sissy squats
10 frog jumps
5 pancake burpee
4 front facing wide to narrow

20 wall sissy squats
20 frog jumps
5 pancake burpee
4 front facing wide to narrow steps

10 step back lunge
10 proposal switch
10 in and out plank abs
4 front facing wide to narrow both feet

10 step back lunge
10 proposal switch
10 in and out plank abs
4 front facing wide to narrow both feet

10.60-64 – Just The Facts

I’m back at my desk again sometime this week, hopefully my posts will reflect the additional time and effort….


5×5 Deadlifts
5×5 Clean
5×5 Clean and Press
5×5 Squat


10×10 Squat and Chinup

Result: 70 Squat 60 Chin up


100 decline suspended ring pushups

Tuesday bootcamp

10 Clean
10 Swings
10 Clean and Press
10 Swings
10 Curl and press
10 Swings

Sitting on Stability Balls Sets of 10 each

Overhead pullover
Laying Fly face up
Sitting press
Sitting curl
Double Tricep extension

Plank row
Floor laying chest fly
Low kneel shoulder press
kneeling single arm curl
Wall leaning tricep extension

Overhead pullover alternating
face up overhead fly alternating
alternating shoulder press
alternating bicep curl
Military pushup feet on ball

High Pull
Incline chest fly
Hammer double curls
Single bent over tricep ex

10.57-59 – Thinking On My Feet / Fight Gone Bad

Monday we decided to do Millenium Abs Massacre as follows:
100 of each:
Half Crunch
Full Crunch
Butt Lift (not quite to shoulder stand)
V Snap
Side Crunch
In and Out
Crunchy Frog
Laying Bicycle cross

Turns out, doing 100 squats in a row without much of a warmup is not the greatest idea.

Tuesday nobody showed up for bootcamp so instead of forcing my kids to endure cardio class I decided at the end of training we would do a version of the infamous Fight Gone Bad workout. Rather than stick with the 75lb (since we didnt have the weights available) I did 95lbs for the hight pull and push press. We also replaced the final rowing with chinups instead so it looked like this:

3 rounds of 5 minutes with 2 minutes rest:

Wallball Shots: 12 pound ball, 10 ft target. (Reps)
Sumo Deadlift High-Pull: 95 pounds (Reps)
Box Jump: 16″ box (Reps)
Push Press: 90 pounds (Reps)
Chinups (Reps)

I quickly realized that you really need someone to time and count for you, I kept count through the high pull and lost it on the jumps. I don’t know how anyone can count and do that much work at the same time! Wednesday was a short treadmill and chinups program for my own entertainment and now it’s time for bootcamp bodyweight which I will report on next time!

10.54-56 – The Weekend

For some reason I feel like I am running on empty lately. My weight is going nowhere and I am eating normally so I am curious as to why I feel so drained. Friday I actually squeezed in a workout and for the weekend I concentrated specifically on Olympic lifting. Sunday was a wash because we were out with friends and I was supposed to do Yoga but I played around in the pool instead.

Monday’s WOD was an interesting exercise. I wanted to see if we could do 1000 abs, it wasn’t that tough actually but ending with 100 squats was a killer. I will take a picture of the actual workout when I am back there tonight, but it was 9 types of abs work plus squats, 100 reps of each for a total of 1000 reps.

Today is cardio, the reason these entries are so short lately is because I am not working from my desk but rather at a remote location and the work is tough and relentless. I am upgrading the network and so I spend my whole day recabling racks of network drops, it’s no fun and is physically very challenging. I will be glad when it’s over and things can get back to normal.

For the record, I bought some new bumper plates and so I have been trying to increase my clean and press weight. I should be at bodyweight, but currently I am a way short of that goal. Hopefully the next couple of weeks will see me getting to bodyweight for deadlift and squat, then eventually for clean and then clean and press.

10.47-52 – Fitting In

It’s been a tough few days around here, we were away for the weekend in St Thomas Ontario visiting Thomas The Tank Engine and staying overnight in a hotel with a pool the size of a postage stamp. That said, I resolved to take my kettlebell and I did get in a KB workout on Saturday night while my wife went visiting with her girlfriends. I was so out of gas by the time Sunday night came around that I took an extra day off which I am sure I will regret at some point! Maybe, it is possible I needed the rest given that I am not scheduling rest weeks. Anyway, it was an enjoyable weekend and my workout schedule looked like this:

47 – Friday Rest
48 – Kettlebell clean and press with swings 5×5
49 – Sunday Rest
50 – Double workout including WOD Century Club (Pullups, Squats, vsnps, box jumps)
51 – Bootcamp Bodyweight (details to follow)
52 – Today, hopefully a day of rest!

10.43&4 – WOD Monday and Bootcamp Weights With Balance!

Tony H bringing stability balls into the male gym rat psyche.

Monday was kind of a compromise, I asked the girls to come up with several moves and I put the numbers up. What we ended up with was a fast (sub-10 minute) workout that was appropriate given the length of training and the heat.

Push Ups
V Snaps
Air Squats
Double box dips

It’s 80 reps of each but for such light movements we really should have gone to 25 which would have put the total at 125 each. Even that would only have been 15 minutes. Without doing pullups, these WOD type workouts are very short, sometimes too short but like I said, given the situation, it was fine.

Tuesday bootcamp was weights and balance which meant stability ball use and dumbbells. I liked this workout, it is basic and at the same time challenging due to the balance component, especially when you alternate sides! It looked like this:

D11 4.6.1 Weights

10 Clean
10 Swings
10 Clean and Press
10 Swings
10 Snatch or clean and press
10 Swings

Sitting on Stability Balls Sets of 10 each
Overhead pullover
Laying Fly face up
Sitting press
Sitting curl
Double Tricep extension
Plank row
Floor laying chest fly
Low kneel shoulder press
kneeling single arm curl
football throw extension
Overhead pullover alternating
face up overhead fly alternating
alternating shoulder press
alternating bicep curl
Military pushup feet on ball
High Pull
Incline chest fly
Hammer double curls
Single bent over tricep extension