BSRD48 – A Matter Of Perspective

fgbIt’s time to start summer conditioning at the gym. The difference between summer and season conditioning is that summer conditioning may or may not be related in any way to gymnastics. It’s more a general functional conditioning system to help the kids get in overall better shape in order to handle the rigours of training more easily. I have a feeling that I may be getting the new influx of kids sooner rather than later and the average age of my group is about to take a massive nosedive. That said, I will have a new group of kids who are not used to the kind of conditioning my groups do and summer training will give them a chance to acclimatise to the system before we start hammering them with required skills and gymnastics specific drill sets. That said, my current kids still have at least a couple of weeks and maybe even the rest of the summer. So tonight, it’s the second day of my summer WOD system. On Tuesday we did a kind of Chelsea version with the following:

5 Burpees
10 Vsnaps
15 Squats


5 clean (50lb)
10 pushups
15 Squats

Today is a little different, we are going to do our version of Fight Gone Bad, in other words 5 minutes work with 2 minutes rest x3. It looks like this with one version for an athlete with a bad shoulder and the other for the rest of us.

22lb push press
26lb Sumo Deadlift High Pull
box jumps
30lb ball clean x10 with 25m run

20lb weighted squats
Box jumps
wall handstands with jump
stand roll back to shoulder stand to stand


10.57-59 – Thinking On My Feet / Fight Gone Bad

Monday we decided to do Millenium Abs Massacre as follows:
100 of each:
Half Crunch
Full Crunch
Butt Lift (not quite to shoulder stand)
V Snap
Side Crunch
In and Out
Crunchy Frog
Laying Bicycle cross

Turns out, doing 100 squats in a row without much of a warmup is not the greatest idea.

Tuesday nobody showed up for bootcamp so instead of forcing my kids to endure cardio class I decided at the end of training we would do a version of the infamous Fight Gone Bad workout. Rather than stick with the 75lb (since we didnt have the weights available) I did 95lbs for the hight pull and push press. We also replaced the final rowing with chinups instead so it looked like this:

3 rounds of 5 minutes with 2 minutes rest:

Wallball Shots: 12 pound ball, 10 ft target. (Reps)
Sumo Deadlift High-Pull: 95 pounds (Reps)
Box Jump: 16″ box (Reps)
Push Press: 90 pounds (Reps)
Chinups (Reps)

I quickly realized that you really need someone to time and count for you, I kept count through the high pull and lost it on the jumps. I don’t know how anyone can count and do that much work at the same time! Wednesday was a short treadmill and chinups program for my own entertainment and now it’s time for bootcamp bodyweight which I will report on next time!

WOD’s I Have Done

Here is a list which will be expanded as I do more. In addition, there is a great list of the descriptions of the “Nasty Girls” workouts here:

Nasty Girls

(Thanks to Colin McNulty for the hard work)

21 Thrusters 95lbs
21 Pull Ups
15 Thrusters 95lbs
15 Pull Ups
9 Thrusters 95lbs
9 Pull Ups

Each minute on the minute for 30 minutes

5 pullups
10 pushups
15 squats

AMRAP in 20 minutes:

5 pull-ups
10 Push Ups
15 Squats (Air Squats)

Fight Gone Bad:

  • Wall ball: 20 pound ball, 10 foot target. Each rep is scored as 1 point.
  • Sumo deadlift high pull: 75 pounds. Each rep is scored as 1 point.
  • Box Jump: 20″ box. Each rep is scored as 1 point.
  • Barbell push-press: 75 pounds. Each rep is scored as 1 point.
  • Row: Your butt off. Each calorie burned (according to the monitor) is scored as 1 point.

Five rounds, each for time of:
20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats

21 – 15 – 9 Reps
135lb Clean
Ring Dips

21 – 15 – 9 Reps
135lb Clean
Ring Dips


For time, x 5, 2 minute rest between sets
30 wide push ups + 10 wide pull ups
30 regular push ups + 10 reverse pull ups
30 military push ups + 10 narrow pull ups

Round 4 Day 32 – El Improvisario (FGB)

After completing the workout, he said it felt like a "fight gone bad"

I don’t know if that is even a word but my improvising skills are getting better and better as I try to keep up with some of the signature Crossfit workouts. Today, as promised, was Fight Gone Bad but since I lack the basic necessary equipment I had to improvise.

The workout Rx (as prescribed) is like this:

You rotate through five stations, spending one minute at each:

  • Wall ball: 20 pound ball, 10 foot target. Each rep is scored as 1 point.
  • Sumo deadlift high pull: 75 pounds. Each rep is scored as 1 point.
  • Box Jump: 20″ box. Each rep is scored as 1 point.
  • Barbell push-press: 75 pounds. Each rep is scored as 1 point.
  • Row: Your butt off. Each calorie burned (according to the monitor) is scored as 1 point.

Rest one minute, and then repeat the five stations. Rest another minute, and then repeat it all again. Three rounds total.

Wall ball is simple, just throw the ball at the 10ft target and catch. However, once you catch the ball, you have to go into a full squat at the bottom.
SDHP is also a simple move if you know the mechanics of a deadlift. Even if you don’t, as long as you keep your head up and back flat you should be OK with only 75lb.
Box jumps can be anywhere from 18″-24″ depending on  your comfort level
Row – Since there are many people who don’t have rowers at  home, you could sub outdoor sprints or treadmill running in a pinch. Since many of the WODs include sprints or short distance runs I don’t see the harm in this but your score would be off.

For me, working in my basement now that winter is closing in, this was going to be a challenge. I didn’t have the ball or the height to do wall ball and I have read that you can sub thrusters instead if you want. Not knowing this, I opted to use dumbbells and throw it as high as I could which in a 8 or 9ft ceiling basement isn’t far. I should probably have used more than a 20lb DB too but I can try that next time. For the SDHP I wanted to use the bar not only for the pull but also as a target to jump over for the box jumps so I put 25’s on the Olympic bar, rested the bar on 2 small boxes and had a decent set up. With my back history it was important that now I am moving back into Olympic lifts that I go easy so having the bar a little higher than it would normally be with bumpers was a bonus. The bar was only about 18″ off the floor so I had to make sure in my jumps I was clearing it by a decent margin. As you have figured out, my SDHP was done with 95lbs not 75.
I used 35lb dumbbells for the Push Press which left me 5lb short.
Instead of the row I had to run on the treadmill and since  the treadmill we have doesn’t like me running on it the fastest I can go is around 5mph, after that I blow the fuse.

So there you have it. With the warm-up and the WOD it was about a half hour workout. 3 rounds of 5 minutes plus extras.
My counts were (I am sure) pitifully low but here you go:

DB throw – 30 – 40 – 40 (110)
SHDP (95lb) – 8 – 10 – 10 (28)
Jumps – 14 – 15 – 14 (43)
Push Press (35lbDB) – 20 – 15 – 16 (51)
Run  ?

Without counting calories – 232

Round 4 Day 32 – What to do…

So I am feeling really tired. I know that everyone is going to say it’s the diet but truth be known my sleeping habits are awful. I usually don’t get to be until around 12 or 1 and am up at 530. I think that in the spirit of improving everything I need to look at my sleep and do something about it.
I also hurt my knee last night. I wasn’t doing anything, just noticed that at some point it started hurting. I have been lucky so far for someone so heavy that my knees have held up. Strong quads help but in the end I am sure my weight can’t be good for them.
I tried cold brewed coffee this week. It’s my latest bandwagon onto which I happily throw myself. From what they said, you just brew your coffee the same way you would with hot water but instead you use cold water and then let it sit for 12 hours, press and drink.
Now, I have been in the coffee business before so I think I know a little about it and I had never heard of this. Colour me skeptical but I tried it anyway. I have never been able to drink coffee black, it is just too bitter and unpleasant but as I took a sip of the clear brown deliciousness I was shocked, yes, shocked to find that the taste was extremely pleasant. No bitterness, just a really nice nutty caramel taste. This shocked me not only because I was expecting the whoile thing to be bullshit but also because I had used Folgers crappy coffee not even the Time Hortons good stuff! Now some people will tell you to use 4:1 ratio of water to coffee but that is a crazy way to start and gives you more of a syrupy super-coffee. if you just follow your usual directions using your French Press then it will work out fine. You can increase the coffe by up to 50% if you wish before it starts to get too strong and require dilution to drink. Don’t forget though, this is an exercise in patience, the coffee should sit for about 12 hours before drinking.
I was also looking forward to doing “Fight Gone Bad” tonight however I can’t find a 20lb ball to throw against the house…
I also don’t have a rowing machine and the way my knee feels, well, you get the idea. I will have to find another way to work out tongiht.

So I am feeling really tired. I know that everyone is going to say it’s the diet but truth be known my sleeping habits are awful. I usually don’t get to be until around 12 or 1 and am up at 530. I think that in the spirit of improving everything I need to look at my sleep and do something about it.

I also hurt my knee last night. I wasn’t doing anything, just noticed that at some point it started hurting. I have been lucky so far for someone so heavy that my knees have held up. Strong quads help but in the end I am sure my weight can’t be good for them.

I tried cold brewed coffee this week. It’s my latest bandwagon onto which I happily throw myself. From what they said, you just brew your coffee the same way you would with hot water but instead you use cold water and then let it sit for 12 hours, press and drink.

Now, I have been in the coffee business before so I thought I knew a little about it and I had never heard of this. Colour me skeptical but I tried it anyway. I have never been able to drink coffee black, it is just too bitter and unpleasant but as I took a sip of the clear brown deliciousness I was shocked, yes, shocked to find that the taste was extremely pleasant. No bitterness, just a really nice nutty caramel taste. This shocked me not only because I was expecting the whole thing to be bullshit but also because I had used Folgers crappy coffee not even the Time Horton’s good stuff! Now some people will tell you to use 4:1 ratio of water to coffee but that is a crazy way to start and gives you more of a syrupy super-coffee. if you just follow your usual directions using your French Press then it will work out fine. You can increase the coffe by up to 50% if you wish before it starts to get too strong and require dilution to drink. Don’t forget though, this is an exercise in patience, the coffee should sit for about 12 hours before drinking.

I was also looking forward to doing “Fight Gone Bad” tonight however I can’t find a 20lb ball to throw against the house…

I also don’t have a rowing machine and the way my knee feels, well, you get the idea. I will have to find another way to work out tonight. By the way, if you have an extra Concept 2 rowing machine just laying around that you don’t want…

..more later..