R7D62/4 – My Ironic Life

No, Alanis, it's not ironic

As if to poke me in the eye with the sharp stick of irony, my life took great pleasure in denying my right to work out this weekend. We had to drive to Penetang for the family reunion, that meant staying in the retirement home again which, in fact, is better in some ways than a hotel, means there is no gym, no pool and nowhere to work out. Not only that, our weekends always seem to consist of staying in the townhouse eating cold cuts and talking about the relatives. I slept in a little on Saturday in order to catch up with the sleep I had missed last week. That meant no workout on Saturday, by the time we got home on Sunday I was exhausted from driving but attempted a short Back and Biceps workout. It’s amazing how drained I still was regardless of the great sleep I got on Saturday night on the Ditex Sapphire Millenium mattress in the old folks home. At the end of last week I could tell I was overtrained / under-rested because my heartbeat was just not getting into my usual zone, I was pushing as hard as I could but I couldn’t get over about 140bpm. Sunday’s workout wasn’t much better even though it was a P90X workout, my bpm should have been better. Now I am locked into 2 out of 3 days off coaching HOWEVER since I feel the girls are maybe not pushing quite as hard as I would like I may join in tonight and make it a bit of a fitness test / you vs. the coach deal. That would get me a short and not too stressful workout and allow me to fill the voids that are causing my Firstbeat Coach to be disappointed in me!

This title got me thinking, do you suppose that Alanis knew that her song contained no irony and therefore was the very epitome of the thing about which she was singing? I think not, that would give her too much credit, not that she is not talented, she’s just not that talented. It is ironic that the whole song contains nothing but coincidence, bad timing and life being a pain in the ass however and I find that amusing when seemingly oblivious to the irony of the intention, she warbles on about rain on her wedding day and lottery winners kicking the bucket. Irony, its funny that it’s the hardest thing to nail down. But I digress.

I stole this little nugget from paleofitmd today:

These are some of my CrossFit PRs

Baseline: 3:58
Fran: 7:18 (totally lame)
Jackie: 7:25
Back Squat: 235#
Strict Press: 115#
Deadlift: 315#
CrossFit Total 655#
Max Pushups: 40
Max Unbroken Muscles Ups: 5
Max Overhead Squat: 125#
Max Clean and Jerk: 160#
2K Row: 7:35

I probably should apologize to him for nicking his stuff but I need a little something to concentrate on and getting these numbers for myself is something I would like to do. Also, I think that his site may be a good read, certainly his “start here” page states some of the reasons I am frustrated with the medical profession.

So here are the descriptions of what those numbers mean:

21 Thrusters 95lbs
21 Pull Ups
15 Thrusters 95lbs
15 Pull Ups
9 Thrusters 95lbs
9 Pull Ups

1000 meter row
45 pound Thruster, 50 reps
30 pull-ups

Back Squat – The basic regular squat we all love to hate
Strict Press – Shoulder press, from standing, front of shoulder (I prefer back of shoulder, but my body is weird).
Deadlift – I’m going to assume everyone knows this. Lift the bar from the floor until you are upright. Keep back discs intact!
Crossfit Total – Simply add the totals from the previous 3 lifts (with each attempted 3 times for max)
Max Pushups – Unbroken push ups, no rest, full range of motion
Max Unbroken Muscles Ups – Again, no stopping to max
Max Overhead Squat – 1 rep max for overhead squat, just regular squat with arms extended overhead
Max Clean and Jerk – Probably the most misrepresented, misunderstood and challenging lift of all.
2K Row – Get on a rowing machine and go until your lungs explode!

By the way, in the thruster video, that’s my cousin (by marriage) Davey Havok singing the soundtrack. Google AFI, go see them in concert or go to itunes and download their CDs!



R7D53- Rest. Crossfit Games Are Here!

Finally took a rest day since I was completely exhausted after work.

Taking some time to take in the Crossfit games today, go to games.crossfit.com and check out the live feed.

It’s weird to see these people swimming, but I think it’s a great addition to the skill set testing after all, a true mega athlete should be able to swim, no?

Check out the skills part of the workouts here: http://games.crossfit.com/finals/workouts

R7D43 – Getting Hot In Here

It was 40 degrees today with the humidity, and Wednesday and Thursday are supposed to be even hotter with a humidex of 46 on Thursday, that’s 115 degrees for those still stuck in the 70’s. That means today was a hot one in the gym and at these temperatures you really have to be careful of overtraining, overheating and cramping. That is the greatest challenge of summer training in facilities without air conditioning, and before I go on let me state I am not in favour of air conditioned gyms, either for gymnastics or for your recreational weight lifter. Summer does present unique problems though and the work rate is significantly impacted due to the heat. That said, we are still going 3 hours a night and did manage to do a Death By Chelsea workout tonight as follows:

1 chin up
1 push up
1 squat

Add 1 rep each minute to 20 (or max). We managed to get to 10 before it was over 60 seconds to completion so we started again at 1 and got to 5. It meant a 15 minute workout of the three things they need most, arm strength, back strength and leg strength. We still need to develop some plyo workouts but at these temperatures that is asking for trouble.

It’s a smoking hot monday night and at least we all did something productive!

R7D38-42 – Pure Cardio. Pure Hell Part 3 (and the worlds worst excuse).

I just realized that through the evolution of my workouts from my first days with Tony to my divorcing ShaunT, albeit temporarily, I have stuck to one notion when it comes to the Pure Cardio workout. After typing the entry heading I thought it looked familiar so I went back and checked. I already have 2 entries entitled Pure Cardio, Pure Hell. I guess that speaks volumes about how I feel about this particular workout. You want to know what the problem is? It’s the fact that you get so used to doing 30 second stints that when you are confronted with the notion of doing 15 full minutes it is a touch overwhelming. Possibly also because you forget (at least I do) that it’s 60 second intervals until the workout is already started and there is no getting out of it. I hate the bait and switch!

Getting through the workout however is a great feeling of accomplishment and leaves you knowing for sure that your choice to get to work that day was the right one!

To end the week, I managed to finish back and biceps for the first time, yet again confirming that once you take some time away from P90X it can be just as good as it was the first time around! I thoroughly enjoyed the workout even though I voluntarily cut it short, realizing that there really isn’t enough you can do to your biceps in an hour that you can’t get done in about half that time. I do still enjoy the workout, regardless of whether I choose to modify it a little or not. The weekend was not good to me, I was supposed to do something, anything, but didn’t quite make it. I am thrown off my game by not having a heart rate monitor at the moment and I used that as possibly the worst excuse in the world not to work out.

Speaking of which, I am hoping to get my hands on a Suunto T6D for the price of a T3D tomorrow. If not, I will have to order the T3D online and pay the ridiculous shipping. Too bad my local MEC store doesn’t have stock, as I found on the weekend after driving to Barrie. If anyone has experience with the Suunto T6D please let me know your feelings. My plan is to use it in conjunction with the Firstbeat software to give me a much better idea of my fitness and if I am working hard enough to meet my fitness goals.

Warrior Dash Part 3 – The Epilogue

It’s your just reward for a job well done. A $7 turkey leg and, if you like, a free beer for turning in your timing chip. Immediately following the race we were greeted by a finishers medal, a couple paper cups of water and a mountain of bananas. From there we wandered, dazed and exhausted to the “showers” which, I have to admit, I had thought would be like the misting booths at Canada’s Wonderland but were, in fact, two firemen taking an inordinate amount of pleasure in spraying the participants with massive fire hoses. The water was freezing cold and the only thing that really didn’t work for me. It could have been done equally well by feeding the hoses into an overhead tanek and just letting the water cascade down over people like an open shower. The way they did it was inefficient and borderline barbaric which I suppose fits with the theme but was a bit of a harsh ending to an already taxing event. The mud wouldn’t come off without the water and so changing was really the only option. None of these ‘complaints’ dampened my enjoyment of the day I have to admit. The pride I felt in finishing was enough to make me happy no matter what and I think has led me to a new chapter in my life.

Although every male in the 60-65 age category was quicker than me!

That said, if you are going to do this at age 60 or above my bet is you are pretty confident in your ability! This weekend did open my eyes to one thing though. For the last 10 years I have been the guy who had back surgery. I have often used it as a reason, occasionally an excuse and, very rarely, as a crutch. However, the reason for it is only because of the fear of a repeat performance in the hospital. I was never really sure that I had recovered and even though my legs are different thicknesses and probably always will be, it seems that is the only legacy of the event. I can no longer claim that I am not capable of the same things a person who hasn’t had surgery is and although I may still occasionally get sidelined by a careless shoe tying incident, I think I am just as capable and resilient as I ever was.

If this weekend left me with scars, and it definitely left it’s physical mark, then I am also left with an indelible mark on my psyche. It’s the kind of boost no person could ever give me, an undertone of confidence that no fit test could ever provide. It is a shot in the arm for my physicality that could only have been gained by facing up to an epic challenge and regardless of the pain, the exhaustion, the bruises and scrapes, getting up every time I fell down. It’s the raw adrenaline rush gained from crawling through mud to the finish line, getting up and standing proudly over the body of my felled opponent.

It’s a sense of pride that will replace that little piece of herniated disc they took from me so long ago. I’m no longer the guy who had back surgery, I’m proud to call myself a Warrior!

R7D36/7 – Warriors Part Deux

I had my heart rate monitor on but the incessant pounding in my ears was enough to tell me that I was hovering above the 160 mark pretty much the whole way around the 5K course. After we extracted ourselves from the darkness (including bumps on the head) we climbed and descended, jogged and walked our way to the spider obstacle, so called because it resembles getting stuck in a spider web. Unfortunately I was particularly out of sorts when we got there and kind of bulldozed my way through tripping and tying up my fellow runners as I went.

That really outlines my one frustration with the day, I was really looking forward to the obstacles but there was so much damn running that when you got there you were too tired to really enjoy the challenge. I guess being a “better” runner would help but I am so unwilling to go down that training path I would rather find another way.

So far, it was great, we were pretty much completely in the forest, out of the hot sun and still having fun. When we got past the spider webs it was a long run up and down and around to get to the wall climb (I’m pretty sure that was next) which was really a simple 10 foot wall with foot holds and ropes, making it ridiculously easy to traverse. After that came the first really tricky obstacle which was the rope cross. It was a matrix of ropes strung across a frame that you had to navigate and although it was made easier by hanging onto the frame, it was by no means a piece of cake. I would have liked it better had it been a closer mesh that you could actually run across with some spring to it, those are deceptively hard to cross and far more fun. Especially since there was another rope based obstacle later in the race, something slightly different would have been cool.

By this time we were all silent, breathing hard, there were people standing around before and after each obstacle getting their breath back and the race was well and truly taking it’s toll. As we exited the rope nets the really tough climbs began, out in the sun, running up very steep ski hills, the fun part was definitely over. I admit I had to stop halfway up one of the hills, my heart felt like it was about to explode but more than that, I was starting to overheat. Fortunately, at the top of that hill was the water station, where they gleefully told us we were HALF WAY ROUND!!! Excited by the news and the added information that it was “all downhill” from there (a blatant lie!) we barrelled across the top of the hill and towards the first really big descent. Usually this would be a piece of cake, but with the distance already covered, going down a steep hill is just as painful as going up. Quads on fire, pulse racing and feet occasionally giving up their grip it was a harrowing and challenging change of pace. Of course, what goes down must once again go up and the long climb that lay ahead was almost too much to bear. There were participants littering the steep slope, the barely available shadows on the hillside crammed with exhausted and overheated victims. I was soon one of them! Nicole and her friends were racing ahead of me now, of course, Nicole didn’t leave me to suffer, she held herself back to keep me company. If not for me, I am sure she would have finished a good 10 minutes ahead such is her athletic prowess! At the top, we were welcomed by more obstacles, which for me was a welcome change from the monotony of running.

The next few obstacles were a great part of the course, a set of tires, (thanks to Tony for practice with this one!), a mountain of hay bales which was a hoot and a couple of old cars that we got to run across. It was pretty funny watching the boot of one of the cars come open as someone landed witha  thud on the roof, her heart almost jumped out of her chest and she screamed like a kid hearing the ice cream truck! We could sense we were coming to the end, a short gully followed by a sandy hill climb assisted by ropes and wooden footholds once again and we were at the slip and slide, usually a happy and fun activity, this one was more of a plastic covered rock garden where I got multiple contusions and abrasions on my back and butt from the ground under the tarp. Both Nicole and I narrowly missed getting taken out by large out of control individuals whose battle with gravity was obvioulsy completely one sided! Had we made contact, there would no doubt have been copious amounts of bloodshed. Nevertheless it was bringing us closer to the end, which was almost in sight! The end of the slip and slide led us to the rope wall, which to me seemed like it would pose the biggest challenge for most people. Not only the fatigue, but also the fact rope ladders are notoriously hard to navigate. We managed to make it across without issue and were greeted by the sight of hundreds of spectators, two lines of fire blocking our path and the innocuous looking mud pit. We flew across the fire, but on entering the “mud” pit found that much like the rest of the course it was not mud but a muddy mix of gravel and sand which by that time felt like glass shards. The mud was thick, so thick in fact that it took all our strength to make it through. By the time we exited the pit, my shoulders were screaming, my knees were ripped apart but we knew, just by the raising of our tired eyes that we had made it!

58 minutes. About 45 of which was reasonable and the last 15 of which were a complete nightmare. Would I recommend the race? Absolutely! Would I do it again, HELL YEAH! But next time, I’ll be wearing knee protection!


R7D30-35 – Warriors In Sickness And In Health

The week leading up to the Warrior Dash was not great. I coached Wednesday despite having a fever and after spiking over 40 degrees I was off work on Thursday and Friday with only some gentle walking on the treadmill and outside to count as exercise on Friday. My throat was extremely sore, and to me that is a serious issue, but Nicole apparently thought I meant I had a “tickle” in my throat because when she finally saw the white lesions back there she immediately suggested I go to the clinic. It’s been so bad that I can hardly eat, because swallowing anything is like inserting a stick blender into my throat. The clinic doc tells me it’s not Strep but it is a viral infection and it is both contagious and incurable. Great. Despite being weak from fever and feeling like my head is connected to my shoulders by a lit sparkler I wasn’t about to miss the Warrior Dash due to start 930am Saturday. Oh and one more thing that I neglected to mention, I burned the roof of my mouth on Friday so badly that I can’t actually bite into anything because the roof of my mouth HAS NO SKIN LEFT!

Of course I can’t sleep, so by the time 5am rolled around on Saturday I didn’t feel like I had rested at all in preparation for what was billed as “The Craziest Day Of Your Life” by the Warrior Dash peeps. We dropped off the baby and drove up to Horseshoe Resort in Barrie. The fact that this race was set to be hosted at a ski resort should have been my first indicator that it was going to take more than a couple of days running “hills” to train properly for this. It was too late for regret, and I would have to lean on my every day training to get me through. In reality, the course ran up and down ski hills with alarming regularity, and for at least 2 of the ascents we were on black diamonds I am sure (at least it felt, and looked that way). We were all pretty excited to get started, the feeling of the park was not unlike being a soph in university, all of the enjoyment, none of the drunken froshness. The place was flooded with participants even though we were some of the earliest waves to go (I would suggest doing that!) and even as we lined up to drop off our gear, there were plenty of people already finishing, caked in mud with a banana and a huge smile. I have to say that there were all kinds of people participating. It wasn’t just a bunch of crossfit and bootcamp knuckleheads, it was basically the same kind of crowd you would see at a 5 or 10k fun run, most look like they belong, some look lost and some look like they maybe should have thought this through a little better but kudos to everyone for coming out and giving it a shot!

We dropped our gear, took one last drink and headed to the start line and with the crowd buzzing, and cracking jokes it felt lke we were in line for a concert, not about to have our asses handed to us by a mean spirited and ugly 5k of hell. But we were blissfully unaware and as the countdown finally came and the flames leaped from the start gantry we were off! Naturally, the first few hundred yards were a laugh, everybody was talking and having fun, jumping over a small creek thinking that was a measure of what was to come. Funny thing is, there were people trying to get around the little creek not realizing that the first obstacle is knee deep mud from which there is no escape. By the time we got through the mud, there was a definite air of annoyance mixed with frustration and more than a couple of lost shoes. The fun run continued and for me that was the tough part, not being a runner, and also having a lingering malady to carry with me. Nevertheless I carried on with the hills getting steeper and longer (through woods at the start) and the pace being fairly respectable for an old guy! Second came the dark crawl, basically like going through someone’s tent at night, being too drunk to see and crawling out the other end. There were beams inside so you had to stay on your knees and since the ground was mostly gravel and rock it was a wonderfully refreshing experience! With knees smarting and heart screaming we continued on.

More to come…

R7D25-7 – End Of Rest Week. Bring The Pain.

Probably since it was rest week and the pressure to perform was off I managed to do some satisfactory workouts this weekend. Friday I was able to crank out a 30 minute RKC workout with 5 ladders (34543) and some swings, one arm swings, clean and press and some snatches. Not having to worry about the ceiling made a huge difference as did being able to drop the KB if I needed to on the grass. Working out in the outdoors really does rock! Saturday we had poutine again from Larry’s Chip Truck and I have to say they were not as good as the ones I had at RIV the day before. With all those carbs in my system I decided it was best to get somthing done so I did the following:

100 pullups
100 box jumps (24″)
100 Push Ups

In addition to being active all day and out in the fresh air, this made for a perfect weekend from a physical perspective. Sunday was the 5 hour drive back home and that was always going to be the day off!

This week it’s the start of phase 2 of my mashup as follows:

4×3 Clean and Press Ladders Plus Dice Roll Snatches
Chest, Shoulders & Tris, Ab Ripper X
4×3 Clean and Press Ladders Plus Dice Roll Snatches
Speed and Agility
Back & Biceps, Ab Ripper X
Plyometric Cardio Circuit
FOY Yoga With Tony

5×3 Clean and Press Ladders Plus Dice Roll Snatches
Chest, Shoulders & Tris, Ab Ripper X
5×3 Clean and Press Ladders Plus Dice Roll Snatches
Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs
Back & Biceps, Ab Ripper X
Vertical Plyo
FOY Yoga With Tony

5×3 Clean and Press Ladders Plus Dice Roll Snatches
Chest, Shoulders & Tris, Ab Ripper X
5×4 Clean and Press Ladders Plus Dice Roll Snatches
Speed and Agility
Back & Biceps, Ab Ripper X
Pure Cardio
Yoga X

3×3 Clean and Press Ladders Plus Dice Roll Snatches
Core Synergistics
3×3 Clean and Press Ladders Plus Dice Roll Snatches
Cardio Recovery
Core Synergistics
Cardio Core and Balance
Yoga X

I also realized this morning that I didn’t post the workout sheets online so here they are, the log sheets for P90X.


R7D23 – The Hills

Standing all day yesterday at my new upright desk made my legs tired. I knew when I got home that I was going to have to go and run somewhere to get my running muscles back into shape before Warrior Dash. So after a quick rest on the couch and once the baby was in bed I ventured out to the large hill just by my house and beat the snot out of myself for half an hour. I haven’t run in a long time and as anyone who knows me can attest I hate running more than anything. Sprints and hills are different though, it’s more of a test of will and courage than the dishonour of jogging. So I blasted up and down this large grassy hill for what seemed like an eternity making sure my heart rate was at least as high as when I do Insanity workouts. I have to admit, as far as “running” goes it was OK, at least it’s something I can see myself doing again. It was a sub for chest and back, but realistically it was actually a rest week workout. I will maybe squeeze some of the original workouts in here too, transforming a rest week into a cardio week. I can count running as a bona fide skill since Crossfit requires some short distance (usually 100-400m) runs as part of certain WODs.

The plan, as it was, looked like this:

3×3 Clean and Press Ladders Plus Dice Roll Snatches
Core Synergistics
3×3 Clean and Press Ladders Plus Dice Roll Snatches
Cardio Recovery
Core Synergistics
Cardio Core and Balance
Yoga X

I think the revised plan will look like:

Monday: Off, coaching
Tuesday: Hills and Sprints
Wednesday: WOD with gymnastics girls
Thursday: Cardio Recovery
Friday: Core Synergistics
Saturday: RKC
Sunday: RKC

I have also FINALLY updated the links on the right to reflect the P90X content page which outlines all the exercises in all the P90X DVDs. There are not really any explanations of the moves, those are found all over the internet but just the names. Check it out!


21 Days Was Enough. Time For Round 7.

I am surprised and a little disappointed in Insanity Asylum. It was an OK workout but I think that the ladder and the bands made it a little gimmicky, more so than I could tolerate. Sure, agility ladders have a place, but you can’t expect to build a workout around one, especially not when you are aiming at an audience that is comprised of P90X and Insanity grads. It was an OK system, I think if it was the first Beachbody product I had bought it would have held my attention longer but the fact that they provided a p90X and Insanity hybrid says to me that they knew the product wouldn’t stand on it’s own for most people. That said, I will be using a couple of the workouts in my new SuperHybrid workout (that I really need a better name for).

It’s almost Monday, so time for a change. Not only that, my daughter is now into her 1’s having turned 1 this weekend so it’s a great time for things to move to the next level. In fact , speaking of time, it is almost 2 years that I have been posting my progress and workouts here, in 13 days I will move into year 3. It’s amazing how time flies.

So welcome to R7, let’s hope that this time I can make it through to the 90 day line, or at least a healthy percentage thereof. I think with the plan firmly in place as it is and a wide variety of workouts, this may be the one!

This week, brought to you by the number 7.

Monday: RKC 10 minute 25 swings, 5 min TGU, 5 min C&P, 10 snatch
Tuesday: Chest & Back, Ab Ripper X
Wednesday: RKC 10 minute 25 swings, 5 min TGU, 5 min C&P, 10 snatch
Thursday: Plyometric Cardio Circuit
Friday: Shoulders & Arms, Ab Ripper X
Saturday: Pure Cardio
Sunday: FOY Yoga With Tony

By the way, if you want to join in and you have 90 days and a bag full of energy to spare (and the P90X, Insanity and Insanity Asylum videos and a couple of kettlebells) then come along for the ride and let’s see how much pain we can inflict on ourselves in the name of feeling young and strong!!!