21 Days Was Enough. Time For Round 7.

I am surprised and a little disappointed in Insanity Asylum. It was an OK workout but I think that the ladder and the bands made it a little gimmicky, more so than I could tolerate. Sure, agility ladders have a place, but you can’t expect to build a workout around one, especially not when you are aiming at an audience that is comprised of P90X and Insanity grads. It was an OK system, I think if it was the first Beachbody product I had bought it would have held my attention longer but the fact that they provided a p90X and Insanity hybrid says to me that they knew the product wouldn’t stand on it’s own for most people. That said, I will be using a couple of the workouts in my new SuperHybrid workout (that I really need a better name for).

It’s almost Monday, so time for a change. Not only that, my daughter is now into her 1’s having turned 1 this weekend so it’s a great time for things to move to the next level. In fact , speaking of time, it is almost 2 years that I have been posting my progress and workouts here, in 13 days I will move into year 3. It’s amazing how time flies.

So welcome to R7, let’s hope that this time I can make it through to the 90 day line, or at least a healthy percentage thereof. I think with the plan firmly in place as it is and a wide variety of workouts, this may be the one!

This week, brought to you by the number 7.

Monday: RKC 10 minute 25 swings, 5 min TGU, 5 min C&P, 10 snatch
Tuesday: Chest & Back, Ab Ripper X
Wednesday: RKC 10 minute 25 swings, 5 min TGU, 5 min C&P, 10 snatch
Thursday: Plyometric Cardio Circuit
Friday: Shoulders & Arms, Ab Ripper X
Saturday: Pure Cardio
Sunday: FOY Yoga With Tony

By the way, if you want to join in and you have 90 days and a bag full of energy to spare (and the P90X, Insanity and Insanity Asylum videos and a couple of kettlebells) then come along for the ride and let’s see how much pain we can inflict on ourselves in the name of feeling young and strong!!!


The Big Reveal – My Future In 90 Days

Today was weird, I did a short RKC workout out on the deck since my wife had filled the gym with newly painted childrens furniture. I did 5×3 rungs then 30 10 double and 10 single swings plus 20 snatches thrown in at the end for goo d measure. It doesn’t sound like a lot but I was beat by the end. The bigger news is that I think I have finished my schedule for the SuperHybrid workout. I have highlighted it on the sheet of schedules I made up and it can be found HERE… (can you tell I am proud of myself for putting that list together!?)

As a taster, and as a reminder for myself, I will post the weeks as I come into them, starting Monday this is what I am looking at for phase 1:

RKC 10 minute 25 swings, 5 min TGU, 5 min C&P, 10 snatch
Chest & Back, Ab Ripper X
RKC 10 minute 25 swings, 5 min TGU, 5 min C&P, 10 snatch
Plyometric Cardio Circuit
Shoulders & Arms, Ab Ripper X
Pure Cardio
FOY Yoga With Tony

RKC 10 minute 25 swings, 5 min TGU, 5 min C&P, 10 snatch
Chest & Back, Ab Ripper X
RKC 10 minute 25 swings, 5 min TGU, 5 min C&P, 10 snatch
Vertical Plyo
Shoulders & Arms, Ab Ripper X
Pure Cardio
FOY Yoga With Tony

3×3 Clean and Press Ladders Plus Dice Roll Snatches
Chest & Back, Ab Ripper X
3×3 Clean and Press Ladders Plus Dice Roll Snatches
Plyometric Cardio Circuit
Shoulders & Arms, Ab Ripper X
Pure Cardio
FOY Yoga With Tony

3×3 Clean and Press Ladders Plus Dice Roll Snatches
Core Synergistics
3×3 Clean and Press Ladders Plus Dice Roll Snatches
Cardio Recovery
Core Synergistics
Cardio Core and Balance
Yoga X

The reason for the weird RKC pieces in there is because those days I have to coach and have about 40 minutes between work and the gym. Since I have Warrior Dash in a few weeks, I really need this schedule to stick however, if I skip RKC days I know I can make them up easily and the bulk of the cardio work which is where I am weakest is loaded towards the week’s end.

Cross your fingers, I am going to need all the help I can get!