21 Days Was Enough. Time For Round 7.

I am surprised and a little disappointed in Insanity Asylum. It was an OK workout but I think that the ladder and the bands made it a little gimmicky, more so than I could tolerate. Sure, agility ladders have a place, but you can’t expect to build a workout around one, especially not when you are aiming at an audience that is comprised of P90X and Insanity grads. It was an OK system, I think if it was the first Beachbody product I had bought it would have held my attention longer but the fact that they provided a p90X and Insanity hybrid says to me that they knew the product wouldn’t stand on it’s own for most people. That said, I will be using a couple of the workouts in my new SuperHybrid workout (that I really need a better name for).

It’s almost Monday, so time for a change. Not only that, my daughter is now into her 1’s having turned 1 this weekend so it’s a great time for things to move to the next level. In fact , speaking of time, it is almost 2 years that I have been posting my progress and workouts here, in 13 days I will move into year 3. It’s amazing how time flies.

So welcome to R7, let’s hope that this time I can make it through to the 90 day line, or at least a healthy percentage thereof. I think with the plan firmly in place as it is and a wide variety of workouts, this may be the one!

This week, brought to you by the number 7.

Monday: RKC 10 minute 25 swings, 5 min TGU, 5 min C&P, 10 snatch
Tuesday: Chest & Back, Ab Ripper X
Wednesday: RKC 10 minute 25 swings, 5 min TGU, 5 min C&P, 10 snatch
Thursday: Plyometric Cardio Circuit
Friday: Shoulders & Arms, Ab Ripper X
Saturday: Pure Cardio
Sunday: FOY Yoga With Tony

By the way, if you want to join in and you have 90 days and a bag full of energy to spare (and the P90X, Insanity and Insanity Asylum videos and a couple of kettlebells) then come along for the ride and let’s see how much pain we can inflict on ourselves in the name of feeling young and strong!!!