Crossfit Caution

I am intrigued by Crossfit and impressed by certain aspects, most notably the efforts to bring Olympic lifting and compound movements into the mainstream but I have always thought that it is more of an addition to your regular structured training methods than a program you can follow day in and day out. My discomfort with the process as a whole has been summed up eloquently in the article entitled “The Nonsense That Is Crossfit” and although the title may seem harsh, I believe it is fitting.

Read the article here and judge for yourself. I am not saying people shouldn’t do Crossfit, not at all, but I think as a complete workout tool it falls woefully short. As a piece of a well rounded and intelligently designed workout system I think it is a perfect fit. I believe you should take it in moderation rather than rely on it as a complete fitness system because as a well constructed program it is dangerous and inadequate. As a contrast, most fitness “professionals” have a warm and fuzzy feeling about Crossfit which I can’t blame them for, like Mark Sisson says, it’s better than 95% of the stuff out there…

Take a peek at this:

First off, as the name implies Crossfit wants to blend various training modalities to produce an effective workout. Certainly nothing wrong with that, as a general idea. However, Crossfit wants to use various training methods without obeying any of the principles behind these methods. This makes it not only ill-conceived, but even dangerous, especially with the choices it seems to make, over and over again. Crossfitters never deal with questions or even basic principles of exercise physiology. Let’s look at the Overload and SAID principles of adaptive response. In a given workout, which energy systems are you targeting and when and why within the workout? What are the recovery demands of employing this tactic – in the immediate, the residual, and the cumulative realms of its implementation? As I say in every one of my projects, 1) a collection of exercises does not equal a proper workout, and 2) a collection of workouts, does not equal a proper program design…

 Let me backtrack for a minute. Crossfit’s premier fundamental flaw is that it has no methodology behind it, only methods. These methods are flawed because they do not follow recognized principles. By comparison, Yoga is a methodology. Pilates, is a methodology. Jim Wendler’s 5,3,1 is a methodology (and a proper progressive program design). My Innervation Training and MET designs are methodologies. And even P90X, while a little shaky in terms of adhering to principles and methodology – P90X is still a properly designed program. Crossfit is not.

R9D31&32 – Bootcamp Weights Plus Finally A Gap Day Workout (Plyocide)

<– Plyocide depth charge alternate, step up then step into tuck jump.

Bootcamp this week was poorly attended but nevertheless it was a tough one using 35lb plates in addition to the 8lb med balls. This was only the second time the participants had been able to move heavy weight around and I think it went well. This is what was involved:

Spin row warm up

20 air squats
20 step switch
10 each lunge up switch
20 each weighted calf raise
10 each lunge back leg up

add med ball

20 air squats
20 step switch
10 each lunge up switch
20 each weighted calf raise
10 each lunge back leg up

add plate

20 air squats
20 step switch
10 each lunge up switch
20 each weighted calf raise
10 each lunge back leg up

Abs – 25-15-10 free-med-plate

in and out
full situp
russian twist

Shoulder 15 with med ball

weighted box dip
upright row
box dip left leg up
shoulder front fly
box dip right leg up

Shoulder 10 with plate

weighted box dip
upright row
weighted box dip
shoulder front fly
weighted box dip

Abs – 25-15-10 free-med-plate

in and out
full situp
russian twist

Bonus Round

Pushups with plate on back – Mostly failed
Squat half bounce 20 with mb
Squat half bounce 10 with plate

It seems like a lot, but it went pretty fast. We did go overtime but only because we had to wait for the ladies to arrive in the snow.

Last night I decided to be good to my word for the week and try not to take off the day between my bootcamp classes which will make today the third workout in a row of fairly high intensity. I did plyocide last night and the one thing that came out of it was my realization that you don’t need a plyo box to do the depth charge move.

Tony has you step up onto a plyo box, jump down and explode up into a straight jump. Since I have 8 foot ceilings and no plyo box (even if I did I wouldn’t be able to use in inside) I have to modify this and I have found a perfect replacement. Instead of skipping the move completely, if you start on your knees you can step up to standing (alternating each leg) and it’s just like you are stepping up onto a box, then I perform a tuck jump just to stick it to Tony and his straight jumps. It’s a little harder, takes some balance but it’s a great substitution.

R9D28 – Bootcamp 2.5.2 – Bodyweight

Bootcamp was a fun time last night, another piece of hard work but some stuff we haven’t done in a while specifically some hip raises forhamstrings which left my hammies screaming. The big news though was one of my girls sprained her ankle on bars, luckily it should be fine but there were tears that’s for sure. Fortunately we are far enough from competition that I think it will be a non issue.

Here is the workout:

10 regular pushups
10 military pushups
10 sphinx to plank step or drop
10 pushup side raise
10 pullups

10 air squats reg
10 2 way lunge front and side
10 1 leg squat knee raise
10 air squats half bounce
10 pullups

20 in and out row
20 roll to boat hold
20 bicycle with leg extension
20 arms up in and out
20 pullups

10 pushup
10 clap pushup
10 plyo pushup
10 pushup side raise toe touch
10 pullups


10 dips legs bent
10 dips legs straight
10 dips one leg raised
10 leg lifts

regular pushups 10 decline 10 incline
military pushups 10 decline 10 incline
sphinx to plank step or drop 10 decline 10 incline
pushup side raise 10 decline 10 incline

20 Crunchy Frog
20 superman banana with vsnap
20 laying triple bicycles
20 full situps
10 shoulder hip raise
10 shoulder hold hip raise leg up
10 hip raise alternating arm reach
10 hip raise single shoulder to foot touch


R9D23 – Bootcamp 2.4.1 – Bodyweight With Pullups (Monsters…)

The workout was followed by some degree of disappointment by a couple of my kids. They claimed it was not hard enough regardless of the fact that last week they felt the same but it took them 4 days to get their legs to work properly following our leg workout. I guess we will see on Wednesday how they feel about it. Maybe they are monsters in the gym, maybe…

The workout looked like this, since it was bodyweight day.

Legs x20x2
air squat
back lunge front kick
Squat side reach
Hip flexor burners – knee, extend, pulse

in and out
rowing frog
rollback hold
side to side scissor
hanging leg raise

plank right foot left hand
wide leg prone fall to push back
pullups or rack pullup

legs 10x
warrior 3 to lunge
warrior 3 to squat
warrior 3 to knee touch
hanging leg raise

plank 360 spin x 4
pushup side balance leg raise x 10
crown shoulder press x10
elbow, plank, shoulder touch, clap and back x10

As is the norm at this point, the pullups took an inordinate amount of time, keeping the class on track is tough, but necessary to develop true strength through the back and upper torso. I am a staunch believer in chin ups as the holy grail of upper back strength.

R9D20 – Death By Bootcamp Cardio

The bootcamp cardio this week was a bear. I often forget that I am going to have to participate and half way through the class this week I was regretting it. Not only that, we went so quickly that I almost ran out of the workout on the sheet! I had modified a couple of moves from the plan and the real workout went like this:

Spin warmup – 10-20-30-40-50 x2

or 500m row x2


Jump rope side to side 30
Ski down 30
Llunge switch 30
Med ball mtn climbers x40

Med ball run around 5+5
Med ball circle 5+5
Med ball toe touch 360 x4
Med ball plank plyo touch x20

Med ball mary katherines x20
Med ball hop over line x2
Med ball hop touch line x2
Plank or elbow jacks x30

Hit the floor x20
Frog jumps x20
Suicide 3 x20
Jab cross x20
Hook uppercut x20
Jab cross hook uppercut x20

Belt kicks x20
Switch kicks with lunge switch 8’s x10
Step back lunge x20
Level 1 drill pushup burpee with running x10

In and outs 20
Weighted Russian twists 20
Boat roll back 10
Weighted Russian twists 20
Plank side reach under with leg raise 10 per side

I think the plank reaches at the end almost killed everyone. Not enough that they were out of gas by the plank jacks but once they made it through the switch kicks and the level 1 drills I think they were just glad to lay down. Not for long though, I don’t think anyone even managed to keep their hips off the ground for the duration of the reaches even without a leg raise added in.

I guess that’s why it’s bootcamp though, it’s meant to be hard, it’s meant to be brutal and not something you are supposed to “get used to”.

R9D14 – Off Plan

I had a chance to use the equipment at the gymnastics club today which included a rowing machine so I devised a little torture for myself:


Chin Ups
Hang Cleans
Wall Ball
Row 500m

I like how it says smarter, friendlier, quieter but says nothing about harder, more dangerous or may cause your heart to explode…

It was a lot tougher than I thought it would be, partly because  of the time off I have had and therefore the inactivity of some of my working muscles but also because I am still not working anywhere near 100%. I took around 20 minutes to do 3 roudns of 10, I had planned for 5 but there was just no way I was going to make it through. The rowing wasn’t an issue, I used to row when I was in public school and was pretty good, so I am happy to do that work. I am sure my back won’t agree tomorrow, but if it’s bad I am sure I will make a note of it here!


You Need To Know This – Health and Fitness 101, The Basics

I guess I should expect it given where I came from…

I get asked with great regularity about my exercise, diet and motivation. I consider it a privilege to share my knowledge and in that spirit I have put together a basic list of the things that have influenced how I think. Some are my original thoughts, some are not, but it’s all part and parcel of what made me who I am today.

First, let’s get the diet out of the way.

Most of you already know my diet is paleo. It’s what I do and it is what I recommend. Even for kids I don’t see the value in eating grains that are processed and have very little in the way of nutritional value. Eat whole foods, drink water.

Eat like a predator, not prey
What are my reasons for eating paleo? (Other than losing 65lbs?)
Why I eat paleo (By Fitbomb)
Refined Carbs are Just Plain Bad  – including the part about exorphins, or why your body craves carbs like an addict craves coke
Its Carbs not fat that are the problem
Why Paleo isn’t low carb

Now you know how to eat and why let’s quickly address the darling of the weight loss myth – Cardio.

Kettlebells Vs Cardio - The dishonour of cardio
Forget what you think you know – Why cardio is killing you (especially this: 10 reasons I don’t do aerobics)
Why do HIIT – A special nod to my gym girls

The mental game. Why it’s critical to develop mental focus, strength and have a healthy work ethic. Fear and motivation are two topics that come up a lot with my gym girls, and it’s also something I see in the faces of my bootcamp participants. Fear is good, fear is healthy, fear is there to tell you that you are about to become better.

For the kids – Some things you should know…
Fear – Face it, defeat it. Over the years I have had kids who were afraid. Most aren’t any more because they know better.
A big enough WHY? Find your reason, without it you are lost.
Stop listening to yourself – long but well worth the read. PROTECT THIS HOUSE!

So there you have it for now. Some stuff I have written, some links to very good information out there on the web and some stuff I admit I stole because I think it will help you. It’s all important, come back again and again to take what you need and as you do, learn how to coach yourself through life and be the best that you can be for you, your family and those with whom you can share the knowledge.

R8D61/3 – It’s All About The Fun From Here.

After my bout with a sick stomach and my Firstbeat Athlete telling me I am a slacker I am proud to report that after today I will have participated in 10 of the last 11 days. I have a busy weekend coming that will mean some heavy Kettlebell work which should put me in a great position for the start of Bootcamp Doubles next week. I also noted that Courage Wolf at left is correct, I don’t even want to have to say I will drop that last 10 lbs on Jan 1st, I want to be done with the goal I set! It’s kind of like buying Christmas presents… Why wait until the last second to get it done when you can start 30 days early and coast across the line basking in your own little pool of glory!

Christmas of course is diet season for most. Not diet in the healthy lifestyle type way either, it’s the time of year for overindulgence followed by guilt fasting. It’s funny how if someone offered you a plate of blondies and a pie or two in the summer out on the patio while you are in your bikini / shorts you would turn your head away but since it’s snowy and cold and nobody can see your muffin top you are fine with it. Do yourself a favour and just remember that while nobody can see is when you can set them up for the big surprise come the spring. I don’t know why, I always seemed to be better at staying on track and getting results during the winter months. Maybe it was a throwback to my university days, starting in September it was a non stop war on your body until Christmas with the rugby season and then after the Christmas break it was time for intramural sports and teaching aerobics. Summer always seemed like time off to me back then, maybe that’s what affected me. Either way, winter for me was a cake walk, for most others it seems to be a cake fest…

Disturbing quote of the day: “How much more do I have left?”. Got me thinking about the long loooong road ahead. It’s nice that I have come so far, and to know I am on the right road, going in the right direction, but it’s a lifelong journey so I say don’t sweat it. It’s time to switch from the goal oriented, pressure cooker situation of weight loss and base fitness development and time to move into the sheer enjoyment and exhilaration of being in shape, doing sports or workouts you enjoy and using your body for the fun things in life not just as a vehicle to make you feel better about yourself. I see people falling off the wagon all around me and it used to bother me, to stress me out thinking I was next and that always marked the beginning of the slippery slope for me. No more, I can handle it now, it’s not part of my lifestyle any more to worry about my food.

Food is fuel, not love, not companionship, not reward.

The winds of change are blowing. It’s time for floor and beam routines for the gymnastics girls, time to get down to the real work of being a competitive gymnast and for me, to crack down on the slacking and get some results. Also it’s bootcamp doubles for me and a fundamental shift in my workout philosophy starting with my participation in P90X2 once I get my hands on it as an indication not of my need to stick to a planned system, but allowing myself to do something I know I am going to enjoy.

It’s all about the fun from here.

As a matter of record, I did olympic lifting practice on Thursday after bootcamp Wednesday and for Friday I did a 6k run even though I hate running with a passion. Maybe that can be my new year’s resolution in place of weight loss. Give up on trying to make myself enjoy running. It’s stupid, boring, pointless and I hate it and I am just not going to do it any more.

More Bootcamp!

Good news! Starting Monday I will be leading bootcamp 2 days a week, Monday and Wednesday at 6pm at Evolution in Aurora. It’s a boatload more work for me, but it’s a great exercise in seeing if I can apply what I do for myself to other people. With the new gym it should be a great time! If you are in the area, come on down and get the lazy beaten out of you!

Bootcamp 12 – The Finale

Bootcamp 12 – Last Day.

We increased the weights where possible and went for lower reps with perfect form. This is the list:

Week 12 – Whole body Max
80/20 split squats
full sit toe touch
push up or alt ball pushup or bosu

super skaters
V Snaps
military or bosu military
hammer curls
high pull

Single leg squat with hop
flat bicycle triple
laying pullover both ways
laying tri extension
reverse press

walking lunge
rainbow legs
alt leg and arm superman
floor or box dips
front and side fly

rope climb with poles
treasure hunt with poles
sledgehammer with poles

Bosu Bonus
single leg squat