Ending On A High Note

new-year-143aOver the break I have so far managed to keep things on track, I did a deadlift workout at home and also did X2 Core which I have to admit I really enjoyed if only for the fact that it’s 18 non-repeating exercises. I haven’t really thought about what I will do for the New Year, if anything, since I think things are going OK. However, I think I may dial back on the HFULC approach since not having any carbs at all makes my snacks and meals very high calorie and I think that is going to push me in the wrong direction. I am going to start documenting my weight and stats more closely, maybe including photos since that seems to be the greatest motivation for me.

Which brings me to my ever present New Year’s Resolution. I said last year that it would be the first time in years that I hadn’t included “lose weight” as the number one on my NYR list. Well, this year is the same, I think my weight is manageable at 230 – 235 lbs but I think this year I will concentrate on something more difficult, and that is to lower my bodyfat. I have been skating around 18% for a while now, and I would really like to try and get down to 15% if possible in the next few months. I am not entirely sure what changes I am going to have to make to get this to happen but I will keep logging it here to let you know what I figure out.

Happy New Year everyone, I hope your 2013 will bring you everything you deserve!

The 12 Exercises Of Christmas

2013CAMBI know it’s a tough time of year for everyone, too much temptation, too much travelling, to much drinking or whatever your vices may be so it’s probably best that you keep it simple this year and cut the workouts down to 20 minutes a day of complete physical annihilation and then get back to the couch! So here is my list of simple moves that I will be doing this season to keep me focused, motivated and give me the ability to stay the course no matter how buy I am. The list includes stuff you can do if you are lucky enough to be able to get to the gym, some for if you are stuck at home with limited weights and several that don’t require anything except your bodyweight and maybe a kettlebell you have in your trunk. You DO have a kettlebell in your trunk, right? If not, I know what you should be shopping for this Boxing Week.

I will list these in order of most challenging / complex to simplest. This does not mean they are less effective the lower you go, just that they require less preparation, equipment or time to accomplish.

1- Barbell Clean and Press – One of the top 2 or 3 exercises there is for whole body strength. If you can’t get to the press, it’s OK.
2- Squats – From air squats to back, front, zercher or overhead squats they are all good.
3- Barbell deadlift – Try to do at least your bodyweight as a starting goal.
4- Pullups – Lots of hand positions, levers, bar roll ups etc, lots you can do if you are luck enough to have access to a chin up bar.

That’s good for the equipment heavy stuff, now for dumbbells or kettlebells (not that you can’t do the above with either!)

5- Kettlebell swings – This is why there is no cardio on this list.
6- Curls – Kneeling, free, hammer, french, lots of types, brace your elbow against something for an extra degree of difficulty
7- Kettlebell Snatch – You can sub clean and press here but the KB is a great way to introduce you to the power required for a barbell snatch.
8 – Free Dips – You will need boxes, a dip station, a couple of chairs or something, but get up off the floor and use your bodyweight.

That’s pretty basic, but what about if you have nothing?

9 – Lunge or Lunge Walk – Some think squatting is enough, if that’s you, do a hundred lunge walks touching your knee as you go and tell me how those squats are working out for you.
10 – Pushups of all kinds – From your knees, to military, incline and up to handstand pushups this is the most basic and effective bodyweight / zero equipment exercise for the upper body.
11 – V-Snaps / Abs – There are a thousand ab moves out there, just pick your favourite and DON’T DO THAT ONE! Do something you are challenged with, the one you can’t quite get a handle on and make it work!
12 – Burpees – I know, everybody hates burpees but if you add a tuck jump and a plyo pushup to them you don’t have the time or energy to remember how much you hate them!

Once you are done, as a bonus tip sign up for a class or download some YouTube videos and do some Yoga. Yes, it’s the ultimate coordination, balance and flexibility workout. Anyone who does heavy weights should include Yoga in their program, it’s just common sense and it will make everything else so much better.

So there you have it, no excuses, don’t wait until the 1st of the year to get going on your turkey laden butt!

I realize I may have omitted your favourite off the list, not all of mine made it either but there is just no place on a top 12 for Turkish Get Ups! Drop me a line if you think I missed something major and have a great New Year!


Following Through – Winter 2012 Part I

Since Wednesday when I did the last bootcamp it was the first test of my resolve to get my winter schedule up to speed. On Thursday I think I did the last of my Olympic lifting for the year, barring a warm spell because it’s getting very cold out in the garage. As a quick reminder here is what I was doing in general for my Oly days:

55lb KB warmup swings, snatches, clean and press halo etc.

Using 155lb bar:

5×5 Deadlift
5×5 Power Shrug
4×5 Squat
4×5 Clean
3×5 Clean and Press

That’s 125 movements which is about the max I ever did.

Friday I was supposed to do WOD at the gym but I had 1 kid and a very sore back so I took the day off. Saturday was supposed to be the first day of the Winter session being Dec 1 and all so I decided on Plyocide.

That’s because I was still sore and wanted to make sure I got some cardio in this week. Returning to P90X2 is going to be fun since I only did 1 real round of the workouts and so I am still unfamiliar with them for the most part. I am hoping to mesh them with the bootcamps and try to ensure a balanced workout schedule, and I think that taking some Insanity workouts also will help to increase my cardio output since I seem to be sadly lacking in that department. So day 1 for winter 2012 was cardio. Day 2 I decided on X2 Core since it is the first of the P90X2 workouts and I wanted something relatively easy because I have to teach bootcamp tomorrow.

That’s the problem.

For some reason now I have developed this “cushion” around my bootcamp workouts where I am overly cautious with them. I forget what it was like to do rounds of P90X with 6 days on at a time filled with tough back breaking quad burning lung busting effort. I think I need to suck it up a little.

That said, X2 Core was  enjoyable, it’s not overly taxing but it’s a well thought out bodyweight workout that touches all the bases from head to toe. No pullups though!

To review a couple of things quickly because of my back problems my last 90 day participation rate was only 60%. I also have been trying to get back into my VLC diet which has caused a little “adjustment” in my weight but that is settling down now and my most recent scale numbers are:

236.6 @ 22.1%

Not great but I am moving in a good direction now.

7 Days Work Plus 12 Hour Shifts = Cranky Caveman

Working 12 hours shifts is nothing i am familiar with nor something I would like to get used to but for the upgrade to our systems this past weekend that was exactly what I had to do. That meant that after my Olympic lifting session on Friday that I had to improvise and do an RKC workout with 20 floors of stairs and 20 minutes on an elliptical. It also meant a wicked arms only workout on Sunday pyramiding from 15lbs all the way to 45lb dumbbells and back down for curls and tricep extensions. It’s now Monday and I have to teach bootcamp tonight which I think will be bodyweight and of course 2 hours of coaching after that.

I’m tired, I am a little frustrated with my weight and I think I am going to try and reduce my carbs a little to see if I can shift a few more pounds. I mean I am not even thinking about my carb load any more and I just calculated an average day when I coach and I was amazed to see the basic elements stack up like this:

Calories 3,099
Fat g 122.7
Carbs g 310.5
Protein g 193.7
The interesting thing is that 210g of those carbs came from bananas and coconut water.
no more bananas for me, and I am going to closely monitor my fruit intake and replace the nuts I shunned a few weeks ago. The goal is to shift my profile from carbs to fat with the same amount of protein and see what happens. My inkling is that I will start to see some weightloss again since my biggest losses came with a HFLC diet when I started Paleo.

How Do I Start?

I received a familiar request the other day, to help someone who is a little overwhelmed about starting to lose weight after the birth of her baby. Although maybe a little heavy handed, this was my response and it’s pretty universal.

The first thing that you have to do is make a decision. Not a decision that you can go back on but a final decision to change.
Second you need to set your larger goal. Your larger goal is nothing to do with losing weight or any of the challenges you have, your larger goal is to be honest, true and faithful to yourself. If you can commit to being honest with yourself and not accepting the old excuses then you are on your way.
Third, stop listening to yourself, you are only confusing the issue.
There is a voice inside your head that wants to derial you. You can either try to change the voice then change your life or you can simply stop paying attention to it until it starts to help you not hurt you. You are smart enough to know the right thing to do but that voice always finds a way around it.
What is better? Food you make at home from simple ingredients or fast food? You already know the answer. What is better, spending an hour watching a tv show or 30 minutes working out and 30 mintues making your food for tomorrow? Same hour, different results. What would you think of someone feeding a can of coke to a baby? Why would you treat your body with any less importance? Six months from now you will be 6 months older, but will you be different? That’s the big question. If you really want your life to change then you have to make some changes in your life. Here they are:
1. Find 30 minutes every day to exercise. Walking is not exercise. If you want to count walking it had better be up and down a flight of stairs.
2. Drink only water and if you have to, coffee.
3. Eat food with one ingredient. If it has more than one ingredient, you don’t need to go near it.
4. That means lean protein, fruits and veg, nuts and seeds (in moderation) and if you want to, a little dairy (yogourt is allowed with no sugar).

Understand that when it comes to fat loss everyone wants a magic pill or fix. That’s why the diet pill industry is doing so well. Well, here it is. Your body creates a substance that forces your body to store calories as body fat. How would you like to turn that process off? It’s not magic, it’s insulin. Eat less sugar and grains and your weight will come off.

Lead by example for your child. What you do will mould who she becomes. Kids learn directly from their parents in EVERY aspect. Be a good role model for yourself, for her and for the people around you who will eventually come to you and ask how you did it.

But do it now. You didn’t start six months ago, if you had, you wouldn’t be reading this.

Due to Halloween, Wednesday’s bootcamp didn’t happen. Instead I opted to do a little Olympic lifting and for the first time since my back went out I did the whole thing with my usual 135lbs. It was the pretty standard 80 reps but with 20 KB swings added in after every round. That kind of threw my week off a little and this was probably one of the times I should have dragged out the P90X2 DVDs and done a pre-programmed workout. Thursday I decided that 100 pullups and 200 pushups would be good since I felt like it had been a while since I had done pullups and I can feel my competence fading. So I did 20 pushups with 10 pullups for 10 rounds after a short warmup with the 55lb KB. Friday I coached and since I had only one athlete who required some extensive stretching I joined in and ha d a good 40 minutes of lower body stretching which felt amazing. Saturday I was a little adventurous and did my Cleans, Clean and Press and Squats with 135lbs for sets of 10×3. Then I decided I would increase my deadlift to get me closer to my goal which is bodyweight. I know, it’s not exactly spectacular but with my history it’s as far as I am willing to go at the moment. That said I managed sets of 5 x 2 with 135, 155, 165, 185 and 205. I was pretty happy with the results and the following 2 days did not produce much in the way of soreness or compromised mobility. That said, I knew that there was only one thing I should do to end the week and promote my recovery and mobility ready for bootcamp Monday so I busted out the Fountain of Youth Yoga with Tony and worked out all my kinks and crunchy bits. It was a good week all in all, maybe not the toughest I have ever had but doing Yoga really made my week.

Ya, shocking.

Ten On – Day 11!

I couldn’t resist the free guest day at my wife’s gym so I thought “what better time to try my 1RM and test my bench”!

The workout wasn’t exactly a tough one but the results were interesting.

If you remember, I was interested to get on the page with the following (I have added Clean and Press):

Strict Shoulder Press 125-190
Squat 250-420
Bench 190-310
Deadlift 320-490
Power Clean 180-300
Clean and Press 150-250

and my goal was for the big 4 to get a total of 800lbs to start, and 1000lbs as a functional working goal. Last night I was unable to really test my squat because some idiot wouldn’t clear his deadlift bar away from the ONE rack they have at the gym (now I remember why I quit). Anyway, leaving my squat short and not wanting to do too much deadlifting I was left with the following numbers:

Squat – 185
Bench – 305
Deadlift – 185
Press – 185

For a total of 860lbs which considering I wasn’t able to do much except for bench is a good result. Add to that my first time, all time record of Clean and Press 185lbs and I was pretty happy. Sore, but happy. I am guessing that 1000lb mark is within easy reach.

I often get asked what else I do for my chest except pushups due to the fact most people think pushups won’t make you strong or even maintain your strength. Hmm…. All I ever do is pushups and I benched 305 last night with no problem. That’s why pushups rock and gym memberships suck.

Ten On, Days 4 – 7

Day 4 – I am running short on many things, energy, motivation, sense of humour…

Last night’s bootcamp has left me a little tired. Unfortunately my nemesis, lack of sleep, is in full effect and my will to participate in this program is waning to say the very least. However I feel like this is the worst this week will be. Day 4 you are kind of over the initial pulse of the blender and into the swing. The soreness should stabilize by now and although you feel like have a concrete spine balancing on glass legs you are able to convince yourself that the worst is over. For me, this is simply lies. Big fat stupid self-effacing lies. I know this because I have to face the 55lb kettlebell today and then at some point in the near future the olympic bar again.

My workout today was a mixture of Pavel’s RKC and what probably looked like a small child trying to lift a Buick.

I managed to squeeze out 4 ladders of 3345 each with 20 swings in between which if I am honest isn’t bad considering I haven’t used the 55 in some time. I am still feeling uncomfortable with my back the way it is. It’s sore, makes weird sounds and feelings and I feel like it is still just on the brink of another episode.

Day 5 – OK I was wrong, this can get so much worse. Having hurled around a lump of iron yesterday I can say with 100% certainty that if you are ever in doubt of the possibility of your body to make you feel like it just doesn’t like you, be assured, if you treat it badly enough it will remind you of just who is in charge. I feel like I went for acupuncture and the therapist (are they therapists?) used skewers and forgot to remove them. My entire body feels like Pinhead from Hellraiser but without the cool clothing and obvious masochistic tendencies. My forearms hurt, not because of the kettlebell yesterday but rather just not to feel left out. My hands look like I peel sandpaper covered corn cobs for a living and I am pretty sure when my neighbours saw me today they must have thought I was working on my Walking Dead character for Halloween.

That said, today I coached for 3 hours and at 8:30pm launched into a painful WOD designed to get my cardio moving a little and introduce me to crunches again. One of the overriding fears I have is that abs work was responsible for my back issue. I can’t be sure, but I am a little gun shy of doing too much ab specific work right now. Here is what we did, the “run” was across the floor and back, a whopping 15 metres or so each way.

Friday WOD

Suicide Plus – Repeat 3 times (should really be 5!)

10 Wallball +3 runs
20 Pushups +2 runs
30 Box jumps + 1 run
10 Dips + 3 runs
20 squats + 2 runs
30 crunches + 1 run

Day 6 – I decided today would be my “rest” workout. In other words I would do a little yoga with Tony Horton and give my body a window of rest. Yeah, right, who am I kidding? Anyone who tells you that yoga is a rest day is a filthy liar. I know I am not the most flexible person in the world but today I felt like my joints were filled with molasses and my muscles were made from suspension bridge cable. I did manage to suffer through, embarrassed and humiliated but that’s what yoga is for right? At the very least I can say that I am far enough past half way after that to call this event almost over!

Day 7 – Is it possible there is light at the end of the tunnel? I woke this morning feeling way better than yesterday. So much so that I was able to stick with my plan to increase my Oly lift weights a little to 95lbs in preparation for a return to 135 for day 9. I was able to do the following before the feeling of weakness and instability in my back made me stop.

20 Deadlift
20 Squat
20 full clean
20 full clean and press
20 Deadlift
20 Squat
10 full clean
10 full clean and press

I really wanted to push through to 135 but it was just not on the cards. I am doing this 10 day return in order to get back into my workouts, not attempt to derail my progress. I wanted to feel stronger and better as time went along, not more beaten down like it was a pressure test. I think that my maturity helps in that respect. I am a much smarter athlete now than I was and dialing back the intensity is something that I am more comfortable with now that I understand the value. So the question is, am I feeling better? I am not entirely sure but I will say that for having worked out for 7 days straight I feel surprisingly good but not quite 100%. I certainly wouldn’t want to participate in a Mud Hero or Warrior Dash at this point!


Ten On – Day 1-3

As far as this “experiment” goes I am not going to try and pretend there is anything more than a vague and unscientific methodology behind it. I took 10 days off, so I am going to do 10 days on. There is a little information about glucose burnout and inefficiency around the 10 day mark but I think my experience with working out 10+ days in a row is just as valid. Also, it kind of fits with my schedule at the moment given that 10 days will give me 2 full weeks of bootcamp.

Day 1

Day 1 is cake, it’s filled with enthusiasm and determination, it’s a true romance of physical challenge and I felt like there was nothing that was going to stop me. I even pushed aside my frustration with getting tired too fast, with being weaker than I had imagined I would be and the inevitable body shakes which come with a vigorous workout. I knew pain would be coming but it was day 1 so I didn’t care. It was bootcamp, so I had the added motivation of being surrounded by other fitness enthusiasts and my own motivation to stay ahead. Day 1 was great. I love day 1.

Day 2

I foolishly lulled myself into a false sense of comfort and security during day 2. My day 1 workout was at 6pm so of course during the day at work I was fine, a little tired maybe but otherwise in good spirits. It was not until the tail end of the day that I started feeling nagging aches and pains. My triceps started to twitch, my shoulders started to ache and I realized that it had begun. Even though we had deliberately taken it easy on day 1 I was still pretty sore when I went into the garage to do my day 2 workout. The workout was, again, gentle so that I would preserve my recovery. It looked like this:

Using 95lb loaded bar:

50 deadlifts
40 Squats
30 Cleans
20 Clean and Press

It took around 35 minutes in total, probably because I was ensuring that my mechanics were solid and my form was good. The weight was embarrassingly light but then again the pain of my back injury was still fresh in my mind and pushed any ego from my thoughts. By the end of the workout I was loose and although a little sore, I was moving pretty freely. I still was thinking that this was going to be pretty easy as long as I took it in context of a return to form, not a stress test.

Day 3

It’s day 3. My hamstrings hurt. A lot. I have lingering soreness from day 1, sprinkled with a fresh coat of pain and suffering from day 2 in the cold garage with the olympic bar. I am wondering about the effect the painkillers had on me and if they have driven me insane. Even just adding the extra day between the bootcamp days seems like an exercise in insanity. Today was bootcamp weights and although it was a shortened workout it was still a surprisingly taxing process. My arms burned out really quickly, my overall stamina was gone after just a few rounds and I was left clinging to the notion that if I could just get through this day it would get easier. How deluded am I?

Here is the weights workout we did:

D 5.6.2 – Weights Recovery II

Double Curls
Double Press
High pull
Chin ups or turnarounds

Alt curls
Alt press
Front and Back Rolling Shrugs
Chin ups or hand turns

DB good mornings
Sitting shoulder press
dips no weight – legs above hands
dip hops
dips leg up each side

Olympic bar single end push – switch
Olympic bar single end push – waist to waist
Olympic bar single end push – 180 degree throw
Dips no weight – legs above hands
Dips no weight – legs even with hands
Dips no weight – legs below hands

Sitting shoulder press
Weighted dips both weights
Weighted dips one weight
weighted dips no weight
10 Pullups plus 10 full pbar dips

Abs – With DB

In and Out
Full situp
Legs out arms extend up and back overhead


I think I cried a little at the end there.


Oly update and Bootcamp Agility

Last night was bootcamp agility again, something that I think my participants are growing very fond of. For me, it’s difficult to find extra pieces to put into the cardio day to keep fresh but the agility ladder made of small hula hoops is a hit. This time we worked on some plank agility too, since your arms should be as agile as your feet shouldn’t they?

Hands behind line
10 plank step over and back
20 shoulder touch
5 burpee on floor
sideway in and out both cones

10 plank step over and back with pushup
10 shoulder touch with pushup
5 burpee on floor with sphinx plank
sideway in and out both cones

10 air squat
10 squat jumps
20 ski pole 90s
side jump in and out both cones

10 frog jumps
10 tuck jumps
10 jump 180s
side jump in and out both cones

10 side plank arm balance
10 superman 3 counts
5 burpee star jump
front facing jumping jacks both cones

10 pushup arm balance
10 superman knee to elbow
5 burpee tuck jump
front facing jumping jacks both cones

10 wall sissy squats
10 frog jumps
10 MK switch
front facing in and out both cones

20 wall sissy squats
20 frog jumps
20 MK switch arms up
front facing in and out both cones

10 pushups
10 Military pushups
10 Sphinx to plank
step in and through tap

10 Clapping pushups
10 Plyo pushups
10 heart to heart pushups
step in and through tap

14 long circle punisher

sideways in and out
sideways in and out jump
jumping jack in and out
step in and out
step in and tap through

Any hoop touch you start over
Try 3 times each

WOD, OLY and Bootcamp Bodyweight (Making Stuff Up)

Friday at the end of training we did a 20 round version of Chelsea, however since I have injured shoulders among my athletes there was some modification happening. I did chinups, pushups and squats but my girls (at least some) did VSnaps, handstands and squats. It was a 20 minute one per minute thing and I am happy to say we ALWAYS finish with at least 20 seconds to go. I remember the first few times I tried this and I would run out of time around about round 15 and never managed to get further than round 21. Now I would easily be able to make 30 in 30 although I have yet to try!

I went into work from midnight until 5am on Sunday morning after having rested all day Saturday in preparation. It didn’t really matter, I was still insanely tired on Sunday but I managed to crank out 100 deadlifts and 100 squats with 95lbs in around 20 minutes.

I am also trying to build a decent ab workout for bootcamp, I have some variations but nothing really bootcamp worthy.

So rather than rely on stuff I could find, I thought I would make some stuff up and see how they handled it.

Here’s the rundown, if you want to know what side rocker runners are, you will just have to email me and ask.

10 full crunch
10 regular pushups
10 curl up to bar
10 pullups
10 side crunch

20 leg up crunch
10 military pushups
10 mb situp double twist
10 pullups
10 hanging leg raise

10 side plank leg raise / toe touch
10 spider each side
20 MB shelf stacker 10 per side
10 front lunge
40 side rocker runners each side

40 running backs each arm
10 clap pushups
10 leg cross under hip touch floor each side
10 pullups alternate hands
20 wall sit mb side touch

10 falling towers mb under butt
10 plyo pushup
30 second superman plank each
10 chest pullups
20 flutters low and middle only

10 pushup step out
10 clap pushup
10 plyo pushup
10 pushup side raise leg raise
5 Worlds slowest burpee with clap