What burns calories best? Should I run 3 hours a day to burn fat? Why are you making us work so hard? All valid questions from my little proteges at gymnastics. Being as it is that I am their Strength and Conditioning coach, they often come to me looking for (simple) answers. Running 3 hours a day vs working out 30 minutes a day? Sounds like the stuff I tell my wife about wasting her time on the treadmill. Once again, the interwebs come to the rescue.
The study to show HIIT (painful, hard workouts) beats lower intensity longer cardio sessions (A bit, well, dry)
Yet more information about why not to eat grains including rice!
In honour of the benefits of HIIT, I literally drove myself into the ground yesterday.
Using a 90lb barbell and a 18″ box (due to height restrictions in my basement):
10 Box Jumps
1 Sumo Deadlift High Pull
9 Box Jumps
2 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
8 Box Jumps
3 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
7 Box Jumps
4 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
..and so on until…
1 Â Box Jump
10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
I collapsed and I think I set a new HR record of 166 bpm which for me is pretty good. I usually peak at 160 and I really felt those extra 6! I don’t really know why I was so tired after, however, I also did my RKC 5 TGU per side so that may explain it.
I shouldn’t complain, my competitive girls work harder than I do… I make sure of that!