P90X2 X2 Shoulders + Arms Review

Just a quick note about the equipment used in P09X2. You don’t have to have the right stuff to do this workout, you can improvise easily. For example I have a home made medicine ball I created using a basketball and some sand. If I need to use 2 medicine balls, I use 2 dumbbells and stand them on their ends, it’s more work than a med ball, but that’s kinda the point! For the stability ball work you can easily use a chair, a sofa or in fact any kind of ball for the feet part. For the shoulders on the ball it’s a little harder but you can again use the edge of a chair.

This workout includes X2 Ab Ripper and starts with the standard warmup:

Stability ball work
twists, squats, side bends, lunge back, shelf stockers.

Foam Rolling – Myofascial release using the foam roller
This is a great section to do daily and even better to go into more detail with when you have tight spots or knots.
Roller Sphinx
Worlds Greatest stretch (runners stretch with a double twist) alternating legs with brief hold each count.
Inch Worm – from standing, hands on floor, walk out to plank and back
Scorpion – Laying face down arms out 90 degrees, bend knee bring your foot up to your butt and lift away from the floor. Gently twist the leg to the opposite side of the body but don’t go too far!
Groiners – runners stretch jumping foot switch
Table – A staple for shoulder stretching, hips up, hands under shoulders

Workout – 3 rounds of the same thing:

Balance Curl – Double arm curls while standing on 1 leg
Arnold Press – Alternating shoulder press on 1 leg
Overhead Tricep Pull – Tricep extensions with shoulders on stability ball
6 Direction Shoulder Fly – Unless shoulders have changed radically in the last few years I would call this 3 direction. Start hands to side, side raise, hold arms up bring to the front and lower in front. Raise in front, hold up at height, move arms away to sides and lower to sides. The hands here are facing front and you should be on 1 leg – No surprise there.
Crazy 8 – Static Arm Curls from P90X but you guessed it, on one leg
Y-T Fly – Laying face down on stability ball, feet on floor, make sure your back is arched. With dumbbell hands facing front, fly in a Y position, then fly in a T position.
Rocket Launcher Tricep Kickback – In forward lunge position, perform tricep kickbacks
Water Break

Repeat 2 more times!

Cool Down

X2 Ab RipperÂ