BSRD48 – A Matter Of Perspective

fgbIt’s time to start summer conditioning at the gym. The difference between summer and season conditioning is that summer conditioning may or may not be related in any way to gymnastics. It’s more a general functional conditioning system to help the kids get in overall better shape in order to handle the rigours of training more easily. I have a feeling that I may be getting the new influx of kids sooner rather than later and the average age of my group is about to take a massive nosedive. That said, I will have a new group of kids who are not used to the kind of conditioning my groups do and summer training will give them a chance to acclimatise to the system before we start hammering them with required skills and gymnastics specific drill sets. That said, my current kids still have at least a couple of weeks and maybe even the rest of the summer. So tonight, it’s the second day of my summer WOD system. On Tuesday we did a kind of Chelsea version with the following:

5 Burpees
10 Vsnaps
15 Squats


5 clean (50lb)
10 pushups
15 Squats

Today is a little different, we are going to do our version of Fight Gone Bad, in other words 5 minutes work with 2 minutes rest x3. It looks like this with one version for an athlete with a bad shoulder and the other for the rest of us.

22lb push press
26lb Sumo Deadlift High Pull
box jumps
30lb ball clean x10 with 25m run

20lb weighted squats
Box jumps
wall handstands with jump
stand roll back to shoulder stand to stand