D23 4.12.2 Weights (Last Day)
10 Clean
10 Swings
10 Clean and Press
10 Swings
10 Curl and press
10 Swings
Sitting on Stability Balls Sets of 10 each
Overhead pullover
Laying Fly face up
Sitting press
Sitting curl
Double Tricep extension
15 Wallball
Plank row
Floor laying chest fly
Low kneel shoulder press
kneeling single arm curl
Laying cross body tri extension
15 Wallball
10 Clean
10 Swings
10 Clean and Press
10 Swings
10 Curl and press
10 Swings
Overhead pullover alternating
face up overhead fly alternating
alternating shoulder press
alternating bicep curl
Military pushup feet on ball
15 wallball
High Pull
Incline chest fly
Hammer double curls
Diamond Pushups
15 wallball