10.72 – Bodyweight and Balance

Aug 14 – Bodyweight Balance and coordination

10 regular pushups with shoulder touch
10 military pushups with hip touch
10 sphinx to plank step or drop
10 pushup side raise
10 pullups

10 military pushups with hip touch
10 sphinx to plank step or drop
10 pushup side raise
10 pullups

20 in and out row
10 roll to boat hold 3 count
20 bicycle with leg extension
20 side crunch per side
10 pullups

10 SB pushup boing
10 SB Burpee lift ball
10 SB Plank to sphinx
10 per SB elbow plank side raise

10 SB pushup boing
10 SB Burpee lift ball
10 SB Plank to sphinx
10 per SB elbow plank side raise

Feet on SB

10 regular pushups with shoulder touch
10 military pushups with hip touch
10 sphinx to plank step or drop
10 pushup side raise off ball with leg raise
10 pullups

10 Crunchy Frog
10 vsnap
10 laying triple bicycles
10 full situps
10 Crunchy Frog
10 vsnap
10 laying triple bicycles
10 full situps

Arms on SB 20 360’s
Arms on SB plank to sphinx 10x
feet on SB walk out and back 20x
feet on ball face down roll ball in to chest 10x
10 face down feet on ball roll back to handstand

20 laying leg lifts with ball between legs
10 per rainbow leg lifts with ball between legs
10 per with ball between legs pass to hands

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