15 Plate Curls
15 Plate Press
15 Weighted Dips
15 Sumo high pull
10 chin ups
10 Squat curls
10 Squat press
10 weighted dips
10 squat sumo high pull
10 chin ups
no weight
20 in and out
20 bicycles
20 Crunch hold pulse
20 russian twist
15 Plate Tricep extension
15 Suitcase lift floor touch each side
15 Weighted Hip Lift feet on block
15 Sumo high pull
10 chin ups
with plate
20 in and out
20 bicycles
10 full situp
20 russian twist
no weight
20 air squats
10 each proposal squat
10 each lunge front no step
20 each weighted calf raise
10 pullups
20 plate air squats
10 each plate proposal squat
10 plate each lunge front no step
20 plate each weighted calf raise
10 pullups
10 Laying chest plate press
10 Laying chest plate pullover 2 way
10 Shoulder fly front to overhead
10 Shoulder fly front with high pull
10 halo
no weight
10 arms up in and out
10 arms up bicycles
10 crunchy frog
10 boat roll back to shoulder stand
10 Laying chest plate press
10 Laying chest plate pullover 2 way
10 High Pull