Sadly it seems there are people out there stealing these reviews and posting them as their own. I guess that’s life but it still bothers me to see my handywork on another site, even if it’s in a foreign language!
Anyway, I will continue with the reviews until the end since all I can find on the internet are Beachbody coaches trying to sell the other systems or supplements on the back of the name P90X2 without any knowledge of the content, it’s incredibly frustrating so call this a public service!
Warmup is the same as most other P90X2 workouts:
Stability ball work
twists, squats, side bends, lunge back, shelf stockers.
Foam Rolling – Myofascial release using the foam roller
This is a great section to do daily and even better to go into more detail with when you have tight spots or knots.
Roller Sphinx
Worlds Greatest stretch (runners stretch with a double twist) alternating legs with brief hold each count.
Inch Worm – from standing, hands on floor, walk out to plank and back
Scorpion – Laying face down arms out 90 degrees, bend knee bring your foot up to your butt and lift away from the floor. Gently twist the leg to the opposite side of the body but don’t go too far!
Groiners – runners stretch foot switch
Workout (Extended Warmup Transition):
Dumbbell Squat Press – Or Thrusters if you talk Crossfit
Mountain Climber – Elbow plank on stability ball, knees alternate in to ball in a run
Water Break
Sphinx to Plank Plyo Bounce – Go from elbows to hands on stability ball (don’t step)
1 Leg Plyo Squat Reach – Â Squat on 1 leg, come up to hop and reach up
Russian Twist – Â Mason Twists with med ball between knees, one dumbbell in hands. Move knees opposite way.
Sphinx To Plank Roll Up – Same as 1st exercise but roll up to hands from elbows
4 Direction 1 Leg Squat Hop – Hop, touch foot, hop to next quadrant of 4
Forearm Alternating Side Plank – On stability ball with elbow, reach opposite arm to the ceiling and hold
Water Break
Decline Sphinx Plank Press – Feet on stability ball in elbow plank, push to high plank
Weighted Katherine – Mary Katherines holding dumbbell at your side. Do not switch or go overhead like Killer Katherines.
Plank X Crunch – Fron plank, lift arm and opposite leg then bring the lifted elbow and knee to touch
Renegade Row 1/2 Lolasana – From plank on dumbbells lift right db to chest, lift left db to chest then jump in to balance on the dumbbells like a crazy in and out but with your feet off the floor (Yes, it is as insane as it sounds, and no LOLing!)
Glute Bridge Roll Out – Feet on stability ball with straight legs, back and  hips off ground. Roll ball in towards your butt and back.
Over/Under Boat – In V sit with towel or bands across hips, bring feet in and circle your bands around your feet and into your butt and then back. Requires good flexibility and/or no belly!
Water Break
Warrior Row Press – From Warrior 3 with a single dumbbell row to chest, stand up and press
Split Lunge – Standing lunge with rear foot on top of stability ball
Crawly Crab Press – Support shoulders on stability ball, crab step to left and come up onto right elbow, raising hips and arm (or dumbbell) to ceiling. Repeat other side, by crabbing across to right then raising up.
Lateral Plyo Pushup – One hand on med ball, do a pushup then switch to opposite hand.
Lunge Kneel Knee Raise – From a one knee kneel with dumbbells in hands at your shoulders bring your rear knee forwards and up to a knee raise while pressing dumbbells overhead.
X Plank Spider Twist – From high plank kick right leg through under body and touch the toe with your left hand. Repeat other side, once you have done one of each, go down to elbow plank and repeat. Repeat both for 30s.
Water Break
Dumbbell Row To Side Plank – Just like it sounds, from plank on dumbbells, raise one arm up twards the ceiling until arm is straight then repeat other side.
Dumbbell Super Burpee – Pushup burpee with dumbbells on 1 leg
Plank Ball Crunch – With shins on stability ball and hands on floor, bring feet in towards body until toes are on the ball and your knees are in yo’ face!
Cool Down
I liked this one
Almost every move incorporates abs / arms / legs / cardio in – with all the balance moves and extra weights
Moves up almost instantly to 1 of the favorite workouts, from P90X / Insanity series (I have never done Asylum – thought Max Insanity’s were hard enough)
Only move that I didn’t like was the Crawly Crab Press – couldn’t seem to figure that one out – but the Dumbell Super Burpee were great! and hard!!
Did this one for first time this am…
Really surprised me — even after multiple years of P90x & hammering Vol 3 One-on-One’s the past year, this one really trashed my core…
No single move stands out as the breaking point — I think it was more the combination/sequence/timing of them that cumulatively wore me out…
Last thought — I find all the core workouts to be fun and interesting — but this one has the difficulty factor as well — its a keeper in my rotation.
I agree, I wasn’t really looking forward to this but I found it incredibly challenging with the balance combinations thrown in. The crawly crab press is still defeating me, I can’t seem to nail it with 35’s in hand.