Last week I made myself a heavy ball.
If I had chosen to buy one I could have spent $120, yeah, not kidding but since I am committed to making as much of my own equipment as I can I thought I would give it a shot.
Basketball from Walmart – $9.96
Sand from Rona (open bag sale) – $3
Duct tape – $0
There you have it. A basketball full of sand weighing in at 26lbs. I cut out the valve and inserted a funnel and after about an hour I was done. If I had super dry California sand I am sure it would have been a few minutes but since it was slightly wet Canadian sand it was stoutly uncooperative. Still, lots of money saved and a wall ball to use.
Today was shoulders and traps so I made up the following:
With 25lb dumbbells 5 rounds for time with a 2 minute rest
Side raise x 10
Front raise x 10
High Pull (Upright Row) x 10
Wall ball (26lb) x 10
Plus 50 shrugs with a 135lb barbell without putting the bar down.
It was enough, but not really that difficult. Maybe 8-10 rounds would have been better.