Round 2, Days 39-43. Niagara Vacation

So I have been away and trying to fit something into my schedule. For the first time in a long time I worked out at a gym in the hotel only to be ashamed at my lack of brutish strength. I realize that this will bother me forever now that I have shifted my focus but I just can’t help myself. I did take my Insanity DVDs with me also however the room was prohibitively small and they had really nice treadmills in the workout room so I opted instead for some tried and true relatively fastish walking…

I did however manage to get Pure Cardio, Legs and Back, Chest, Shoulders and Triceps done while I was out of town. I also did quite a lot of walking around the area however with a very pregnant wife by my side, walking isn’t what it used to be! So back to today with what is supposed to be max interval plyo. I have to admit that the hardest part of this Round 2 is keeping track of where I am and what day I am on. Not only is it difficult to maintain my focus on the P90X portion but it is equally hard with two forced rest days a week to keep motivated. I have found much to my disappointment that I have been largely unable to do 5 days a week with the 2 coaching days off. I have found that extra rest day creeping in regardless of what I plan.

Here is what I have scheduled on my list for the next 5 workouts. That should, in theory, take me to Monday. I guess we will see.

The message here I guess is that if you are going to plan your workouts without a structured 7 day routine, make sure you have your 90 days written down and take it one day at a time.

Max Interval Plyo
Back & Biceps, Ab Ripper X
Max Cardio
Legs & Back, Ab Ripper X
Max Interval Circuit

Max Interval Plyo

Back & Biceps, Ab Ripper X

Max Cardio

Legs & Back, Ab Ripper X

Max Interval Circuit

I have also just noticed that I was supposed to start the Max workouts last week and failed to do so. I will therefore introduce myself to Max tonight. I just hope he is nicer to me that Shaun T.

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