What is my reason for eating Paleo? Well, in hindsight it has been the easiest way I have ever found to control my body weight and composition without really thinking about it. I also believe that for me, simpler is better, the less I have to think about something the better off I am and the better I will do. That is why I think of myself as an extremist in most things, I tend to go black or white since it is easier.
In September 2010 my parents came to visit from their home in Switzerland and during their stay we went to visit my Dad’s brother in Huntsville. The conversation, as it so often does, went to health and we had a long discussion, the three of us, about our family history and the heart problems that are apparently rife throughout our family tree. Not only that, the health problems that my Dad and Uncle have had are at least in part due to poor diet choices and being (even if not grossly) overweight. Since it was 3 months since the birth of my daughter I was at a very emotionally sensitive place and the conversation said something very simple to me: Lose weight and get healthy or die and leave your baby daughter without a father and your young wife without a husband.
So, since October 2010 I have been eating Paleo which for me means basically eating most things that don’t even have labels. Fresh meat, veg and fruit, some nuts and seeds and lots of water. It’s been pretty easy, I have lost around 40lbs (50lbs from my heaviest) and I have to say that it has absolutely changed my life. I know lots of people say that, from movies to seminars to sporting events but there have only been a few things in my lifetime that have affected me as much as this. For example, emigrating to Canada from England changed my life. Getting married to the girl of my dreams changed my life. Having a beautiful baby and becoming her father has changed my life and along with those momentous things, changing to Paleo has changed my life.
It’s not a joke. I have written about it a couple of times and still I can’t explain it completely. So I will keep this page and add to it while I can. It probably won’t turn out as good as my standard reference page from Fitbomb, but I can try… right?
So consider this a work in progress…
The Paleo Pitch– From Whole9
Bad Grains 1 – From Whole9
Bad Grains 2 – From Fitness Spotlight
Bad Grains 3 – From Mark’s Daily Apple
Sugar, and Fructose (Fruit Sugar) are to blame, so eat fruit, but sparingly.
What if I don’t enjoy eating meat? – From Whole9
In fact, the Whole9 MANIFESTO page is a great read for any Paleo related questions….
Refined carbs, the problem in a nutshell – From Details magazine via Fitbomb