R9D68 – Vegas 2012

For the past few years my wife and I have travelled to Vegas with friends and in the beginning it was always a hedonistic trip through buffets and restaurants and for the other three, an alcohol soaked trip through toleranceville. As the years have passed we have learned how to use the Las Vegas Strip as a cardio event and now thanks to the Paleo diet being rolled out of buffets is a thing of the past. This trip it was nice and warm so we even got to spend time in the pool (we usually go during the colder months) and overall we had an amazing time. I did manage to squeeze in a bootcamp workout while I was there but the amount of walking that we did each day was more than enough to count for the daily burn so to speak. The food was fantastic, we did breakfast at Hash House A GoGo which I would recommend and other meals at P.F.Changs and BLT inside Mirage. We also had an excellent meal at Samba, the Brazilian Steakhouse in Mirage and while the atmosphere isn’t quite as energetic as Copacabana Steakhouse in Niagara Falls still the food was very good and the service was attentive. Despite the bad reviews for the Niagara location I still think it was the best Brazilian we have been to, the wait staff make it hard to love, but the food choices are unparalleled. The one good thing about Samba was that the food was not salty, just well grilled and well presented and with 8 choices you are hardly limited in what to eat.

Now it’s back to the grind, I have bootcamp class this evening and it is going to be tough to get over the lack of sleep even though I seem to remember doing a fair amount of napping during the weekend. It was great to get away, and from a fitness perspective, the break was welcomed with open arms.

R4 D65 – The Return

64 OFF
65 WOD with Pullups

Well, I didn’t take 64 off and today and tomorrow will be reinstatement days…

As you have noticed by the date on the post that it has been 10 days since I posted. Thankfully not 10 days since I did anything but a handful due to severe illness. We spent 4 days in Las Vegas doing the typical Vegas things other than a day we spent out at Red Rock Canyon hiking where, finally, my Vibram Five Fingers KSO shoes finally came into their own. I will write more about our adventure this week but for now I wanted to place hold my return to working out after 5 days of severe stomach bug suffering. My return, I decided, should encompass everything in order to get it all moving again, in fact, I thought that 2 days of Tabata covering all the basic movements would do.

Day 1 looked like this:

Tabata Something Else:

20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds rest 8 times.
4 rounds with no rest featuring push ups, squats, clean and press and pull ups.

It ended up being 16 minutes of hell during which time I failed to complete any of the Tabatas. Being off (and being sick) totally sucks.

Tomorrow I thought I would do something similar using shoulder press, bicep curls, situps and chin ups but we shall see how sore I am.

It’s good to be back.