R4 D66 – Tabata My Groin Strain and The 30lb Loss List

I lost that!

In order to get back into the swing, I decided on skipping yesterday, going today and then starting up where I left off again the following day. That means tomorrow it will be back to normal programming and I think an adherence to proper duration and form to get me back to where I should be.

Today, tabata again this time with 135lb bench, alternating lunges, dips and pull ups. I may have strained my groin.

Not much else to report other than the scale claimed I was 251.8 this afternoon which would be more than 30 lbs less than when Mum and Dad left around mid October, a short 2 months ago!

Merry Christmas to me!

By the way, here are some things that weigh 30lbs

A 4 year old child
$600 in quarters
A medium sized Beagle
60 cups of water (around 15 liters)
My Christmas Stocking (I hope… hint hint)

R4 D65 – The Return

64 OFF
65 WOD with Pullups

Well, I didn’t take 64 off and today and tomorrow will be reinstatement days…

As you have noticed by the date on the post that it has been 10 days since I posted. Thankfully not 10 days since I did anything but a handful due to severe illness. We spent 4 days in Las Vegas doing the typical Vegas things other than a day we spent out at Red Rock Canyon hiking where, finally, my Vibram Five Fingers KSO shoes finally came into their own. I will write more about our adventure this week but for now I wanted to place hold my return to working out after 5 days of severe stomach bug suffering. My return, I decided, should encompass everything in order to get it all moving again, in fact, I thought that 2 days of Tabata covering all the basic movements would do.

Day 1 looked like this:

Tabata Something Else:

20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds rest 8 times.
4 rounds with no rest featuring push ups, squats, clean and press and pull ups.

It ended up being 16 minutes of hell during which time I failed to complete any of the Tabatas. Being off (and being sick) totally sucks.

Tomorrow I thought I would do something similar using shoulder press, bicep curls, situps and chin ups but we shall see how sore I am.

It’s good to be back.

R4 D60-61 MetCon and Death By Tabata


D60 – 5K Run/Walk

D61 – Due to be Back and Biceps P90X but I got the foolish idea that I would like to try out the Tabata protocol which according to Crossfit is:

For twenty seconds do as many reps of the assigned exercise as you can – then rest 10 seconds.
Repeat this seven more times for a total of 8 intervals, 4 minutes total exercise.
The score is the least number of reps for any of the eight intervals.

I had planned to do pull ups and double bicep curls and thought that 2 rounds of each would suffice so I did the folowing:

20s of pull ups +10 sec rest x8
20s of bicep curls (25lb) +10 sec rest x8
20s of pull ups +10 sec rest x8
20s of bicep curls (25lb) +10 sec rest x8

The whole thing only took about 20 minutes thanks to my iPhone  and my amazing WODTimer App which at $2 has been one hell of a buy. It does have a preset Tabata interval timer so I didn’t have to think about it too much. However, the timer is the easy part. The work, not the intensity but the sheer volume was the challenge especially when it came  to pull ups. I feel like I got a great bicep workout but since I am not totally proficient at pull ups yet I felt like I hadn’t quite got the workout I could have. We shall see how sore I am tomorrow.

Despite the fact that Nicole and I were both up all night, her with the cold sweats and me with what I thought was food poisoning I think I did a good job doing anything at all. I am now going to melt into the couch for a few hours.