And People Wonder Why I Eat Paleo

sugar_kills_580Oreos as addictive as cocaine…

Sugar Kills…

Suck it up buttercup, protein, veggies, fruit, nuts and seeds… and if you want, a little dairy.

How do you start? Grab a handful of self control and a goal.

Vancouver Sun Gets It Right (buried at the back in the Health Section)

The articles in theVancouver Sun this week about the problems with the way we eat sugar are giving me the warm and fuzzies.

“Canada’s Food Guide does not include sugar in any of the recognized food groups, although it does advise Canadians to limit sugar intake.

While the government sets an upper limit for the amount of salt and fat a person should consume each day, there are no such limits on added sugar, as distinct from naturally occurring sugars such as those in fruit.

Yet sugar has replaced fat as our society’s food pariah.

Implied in all the dietary hand-wringing is that sugar consumption is high and rising. The truth may surprise you.

Sugar consumption in Canada has been dropping since the 1960s, from about 33 kilos a year per person to about 24 kilos. But that toplevel data obscures two important trends.

First, we have changed the way we eat sugar. Nearly 90 per cent of the sugar we eat comes to us in packaged, processed foods rather than in home cooking, as was the norm 40 or 50 years ago, according to Sandra Marsden, president of the Canadian Sugar Institute and a registered dietitian. Sugar is the most common food additive, according to the Heart and Stroke Foundation.

Second, Statistics Canada’s sugar data does not includes high fructose corn syrup, which we consume in vast quantities in soft drinks.”

Sounds like they are really on to something here… Way to keep up, slowpoke. The problem I run into when talking to people is that they don’t realize that most things they eat are sweetened, and not only that, the things that are refined carbs may as well be sugar due to the way they are processed in the body. Add it all up and the average person is getting up to 50% or more of their calories from sugars or refined carbs and that spells one thing and one thing only: Obesity.

By the way, obscuring data like the falling sugar consumption referenced above is exactly how we got into this mess in the first place thanks to people like Ancel Keys and the China Study cronies.


R5D42 – This Should Be Fun


Another medium day, status quo so far but next week I think we start adding 4th and 5th rungs to each ladder on medium and heavy days. I have also managed to get a copy of the Art Of Strength Providence DVD workout that I think I will be attempting. There are some pretty interesting moves on the video, I can’t wait!

In the Vancouver Sun today, other than the Tsunami warning there was a small tag line about a series they are running tomorrow:

Sugar: Part 1 of a 6-part series
The way Canadians eat sugar has changed dramatically since the 1960s and growing obesity rates are evidence that we might be getting it wrong. In Saturday’s Vancouver Sun, read the first installment of a six-part series on sugar.

“Sugar: Part 1 of a 6-part series

The way Canadians eat sugar has changed dramatically since the 1960s and growing obesity rates are evidence that we might be getting it wrong. In Saturday’s Vancouver Sun, read the first installment of a six-part series on sugar.”

Might? We MIGHT be getting it wrong… talk about your understatement. I stole this from Fitbomb who has written a great piece on the Paleo diet that contains links galore as to why all of our current thinking is as much garbage as the food we are told to eat.paleo-pyramid

“Admittedly, I’m no scientist, and I’m far from articulate on the subject of human metabolism. But my reading comprehension skills are decent, and I’ve gleaned quite a bunch from Gary Taubes, Michael and Mary Dan Eades, Weston A. Price, Loren Cordain, Robb Wolf, Kurt Harris and others:

  • When eaten, neither protein nor fat — without carbohydrates — has any effect on blood glucose. But when we take in carbohydrates, our blood sugar levels shoot up. (This isn’t news; in fact, it’s the scientific basis underpinning the popular movement away from eating refined carbs like white bread, which have the effect of suddenly spiking blood glucose. But as we’ll discuss later, whole grains aren’t the bees’ knees, either.)
  • Whenever blood glucose levels rise, the pancreas reacts by releasing a surge of insulin into the bloodstream. Insulin is a hormone that happens to be the primary mover and shaker in human metabolism. Among its many functions, insulin manages nutrient storage by driving excess blood sugar, fats and protein into the interior of our cells, where they can be used as energy or stored as fat.
  • Although there are numerous factors that can affect how much insulin we produce, as well as how our bodies respond to insulin and blood sugar, the basic rule is this: The more carbohydrates we eat, the more insulin we end up secreting in reaction to the spike in blood sugar.
  • As a result, two key things happen:
    • First, with all the excess blood sugar and surge in insulin, the liver no longer stores glucose as glycogen — a fuel source for the body. Instead, the glucose is synthesized into fatty acids, which are exported from the liver as lipoproteins. These lipoproteins are ripped apart as they circulate through the body, providing free fatty acids to be sucked up into the body’s cells — including the body’s adipose fat cells, in which the fatty acids are then “bound up” together to form triglycerides.
    • Insulin also inhibits the breakdown of fat in adipose tissue by interfering with the mechanisms that enable triglycerides to split into their constituent fatty acids. Triglycerides are bigger than fatty acids — and too big to escape our adipose fat cells. In other words, once triglycerides form in your adipose fat cells, the excess insulin produced by your body makes it difficult for you to break them back down. So when we eat more carbohydrates and produce more insulin, more triglycerides — which are also now prevented from breaking down into fatty acids — are synthesized and locked up inside our fat cells.
  • And so, over time, our fat tissue swells.

In summary, if you take in carbohydrates in excess, your adipose fat tissue’s likely to expand. You get fat.”

There is so much evidence coming to light about the dangers of sugar, but only very slowly people are realizing that not only sugars, but things that your body turns into sugars are bad, like bread, pasta, grains of all kinds. We are not being betrayed by our bodies, quite the opposite, we are betraying our ancestry by eating foods that we were never designed to eat. Not only that, we are doing the same things to our animals, forcing them to eat grains to fatten them up so we can eat them.

Hang on…

We are feeding cattle grains to fatten them up? So they will produce fattier meat? But the food pyramid says…

You are getting the picture now cowboy (see what I did there…).