R4 D66 – Tabata My Groin Strain and The 30lb Loss List

I lost that!

In order to get back into the swing, I decided on skipping yesterday, going today and then starting up where I left off again the following day. That means tomorrow it will be back to normal programming and I think an adherence to proper duration and form to get me back to where I should be.

Today, tabata again this time with 135lb bench, alternating lunges, dips and pull ups. I may have strained my groin.

Not much else to report other than the scale claimed I was 251.8 this afternoon which would be more than 30 lbs less than when Mum and Dad left around mid October, a short 2 months ago!

Merry Christmas to me!

By the way, here are some things that weigh 30lbs

A 4 year old child
$600 in quarters
A medium sized Beagle
60 cups of water (around 15 liters)
My Christmas Stocking (I hope… hint hint)