My calf has been bad enough that I spent all weekend heating it an staying off it. It’s insanely painful to walk on and even now, a week later it is still painful enough that I am limping. I tried foam rolling, heat, ice, you name it, apart from chiropractic (obviously). I was not going to allow it to derail me completely so for the last few workouts there has been no cardio and very little in the way of warmups. Thursday and Saturday were taken off to try and rest both due to work calls and the calf issue. Friday I did bench and dips however coaching really made my leg sore which was when I decided to try and stay off it. Sunday I did my Healvy Oly day since deadlifts and power cleans didn’t seem to hurt at all. I stuck with 135 and managed I think around 75 reps total. Monday I did pullups only since I felt like I had been neglecting them. A simple round of 100 in sets of 3 5 7 and 10. Today is Tuesday and tonight is supposed to be cardio so I don’t really know what to do. I think maybe kettlebells since I know my heart will be racing and my calf should really not be involved so much. So KB swings it is! If you are wondering what I do for my KB workouts, it’s still similar to the Man Maker or RKC that I used to do. I found that when doing sets of 5 I was more likely to keep proper form and focus doing 3-3-4-5 as a set instead of 1-2-3-4-5. So when I do 5 sets of 5 that is what I do. Clean and press 3-3-4-5 with 20 swings in between each set. I would usually do the same amount of pullups as C&P but since I did pullups yesterday I will go with swings instead. Once finished with the C&P plus swings I will probably then do a pyramid set of swings something like 20-30-40-30-20 which will either make my head or spine explode.