Steep Hill To Climb – R11D1 – T25 Base Round

t25Our December trip to Cuba (Royal Hicacos) was fantastic, I was able to run on the beach, work out every day and have the best fresh food to eat whenever I needed. This was a really big deal for me since after my surgery I have not run at all for fear of hurting my back. As it turns out, running didn’t really cause me any pain at all.

Coming back was tough, as a family we went into December getting sick and our trip to England was marred by a chest infection and for me, pneumonia. At least my daughter seemed to be OK although she still has the cough we have all shared all month. I did manage to work out twice in 11 days in England, and the day we got back home I did some Olympic lifting to try and get back in the swing. That put me back in the walk in clinic and served me with a bout of antibiotics. So here we are, a week into the new year and I have been unable to work out since mid December. That means an inevitable weight gain (I estimate 10lbs) and of course the disappearance of any of my previous stamina.

I have been here many times before, but I have to admit the older I get the tougher it is to take. So I face a big uphill battle to get back into shape but I am aiming at Feb 1 as my goal to be back in my daily shape which means Oly lifting with 135lbs as a minimum and the ability to run a mile (1500m) without a break at a reasonable pace. I have also just received a copy of T25 with Shaun T that I will be trying to get through in the next 3 months in the long term goal of hitting 220lbs by the summer. I think it’s about time for me to get back into a 90 day program since that has worked so well for me in the past.

So with my usual impulsive decision making I am declaring this Day 1 of Round 11, T25 base. My hope is to use the 5 workouts for T25 mixed with Oly lifts, pullups and Kettlebells to give me a shot at keeping my workout percentage over 80 for the 90 days. That would mean 72 of 90 days which should be OK. I have no exposure to T25 so I am not sure what to expect or how it will fit in with my HIIT weight workouts but I am sure we can find a way. I don’t want a total cardio setup with no room for weights, it may turn out that 3 days of T25 and 3 days of weights will suffice.

I will update every day where possible starting tomorrow with my weight which I am unsure of but I have a feeling my be just shy of 250lbs.

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