10.1 – The Last 10 Pounds

I have decided that this “round” should be concentrated on getting rid of my last 10 lbs of bodyfat to get me around the 220lb mark. This would signify meeting my ultimate goal weight which is a big deal among the gravitationally challenged. As mentioned yesterday I have very little in the way of actual choices, except for the bootcamp and WOD for gymnastics over which I have complete control. Having said that, I think the biggest difference is going to be frequency. For round 9 I took 175 days to do 90 workouts which averaged only 51% workout ratio. Compare that to Round 8 which was a whopping 70% ratio and a 64% ratio from back in my P90X/Insanity Hybrid days. Yes, it appears as though I am slacking off. I wanted to make it to 5 days a week which works out to 71% and for this round I think it’s critical that I try to maintain a higher work rate. I am not sure what the reason was behind the drop for round 9 other than it was the start of bootcamp which in the beginning made sure I took at least 2 days a week off to recover. Add that to occasional days off during the weekend and you are already down to 4 days a week, or 57%. Now that I have the hang of bootcamp and I am also able to train the girls again with tougher conditioning that they can do with me I am hoping upping the frequency will be a cinch.

My weeks are going to look something like this (at least until July 1st):

Monday, 06/04/2012 1 Bootcamp 3 Cardio and Abs
Tuesday, 06/05/2012 2 OFF
Wednesday, 06/06/2012 3 Bootcamp 3 Bodyweight
Thursday, 06/07/2012 4 RKC Thursday
Friday, 06/08/2012 5 WOD Friday
Saturday, 06/09/2012 6 WORKOUT CHOICE
Sunday, 06/10/2012 7 OFF
Monday, 06/11/2012 8 Bootcamp 3 Weights
Tuesday, 06/12/2012 9 OFF
Wednesday, 06/13/2012 10 Bootcamp 3 Cardio and Abs
Thursday, 06/14/2012 11 RKC Thursday
Friday, 06/15/2012 12 WOD Friday
Saturday, 06/16/2012 13 WORKOUT CHOICE
Sunday, 06/17/2012 14 OFF
Monday, 06/18/2012 15 Bootcamp 3 Bodyweight
Tuesday, 06/19/2012 16 OFF
Wednesday, 06/20/2012 17 Bootcamp 3 Weights
Thursday, 06/21/2012 18 RKC Thursday
Friday, 06/22/2012 19 Cardio Friday
Saturday, 06/23/2012 20 WORKOUT CHOICE
Sunday, 06/24/2012 21 OFF
Monday, 06/25/2012 22 Bootcamp 3 Cardio and Abs
Tuesday, 06/26/2012 23 OFF
Wednesday, 06/27/2012 24 Bootcamp 3 Bodyweight
Thursday, 06/28/2012 25 RKC Thursday
Friday, 06/29/2012 26 WOD Friday
Saturday, 06/30/2012 27 WORKOUT CHOICE

That’s 74%!!



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