I have been thinking that the cardio workout could be shorter and harder. That would leave extra time for abs every 3rd class which I think is a great idea. So that in mind, last night we did the revamped cardio class and added some abs stuff throughout and an extra section at the end. I think it went well, I know my abs are feeling it today! It’s not a rip off of Shaun T’s cardio abs, but now I realize the name is the same maybe I should go back and do that workout again and see if I can pick up some tips 😉
D13 3.7.1 Cardio Abs
Bike warmup 30×5 with 10 rest or row 1000m
2x section
20 Hit the floor
10 2 line Suicides
20 switch kicks
20 in and out abs
2x section
10 Frog jumps
10 switch lunge
10 stance jacks (foot touch)
10 vsnaps
2x section
5x long jump run back – single double triple repeat
10 tuck jumps
10 2 line forward and back suicides
10 ski abs
x2 section
5 burpee
5 burpee with 4 run
5 burpee with 4 run and 4 in and out
20 plank jacks
10 plank jacks with in and out
x3 section
10 in and out
10 roll to boat hold
10 ARX bicycle (forwards and backwards)
10 full sit up
10 side crunch
20 side to side flutter (on your back)
10 full rainbow
10 russian twists