So I figured I should take some time to unwind my body and change things up a bit. I was scheduled for a 4 day run of Core Synergistics and Core, Cardio and Balance however after a day of running and one installment of CC&B I figured I would make a change. So instead I did Stretch X, something that I was in dire need of since my whole body was starting to feel compressed and the Insanity Fit Test. This was my second attempt at the Fit Test, the first (prior to Round 3) made me quit so getting through this was going to be goal enough.
The Insanity Fit Test comprises of the following:
How the Fit Test works is you do 8 different exercises for a minute each doing as many reps as you can. Here are my first results with the Insanity Fit Test:
Switch Kicks         125
Power Jacks          45
Power Knees         84
Globe Jumps          8
Suicide Jumps        13
Push Up Jacks        25
Low Plank Oblique   50
You do 8 different exercises for a minute each doing as many reps as you can. Here are my first results with the Insanity Fit Test:
Switch Kicks         125
Power Jacks          50
Power Knees         114 (on weak side)
Globe Jumps          14
Suicide Jumps        11
Push Up Jacks        50
Low Plank Oblique   36
Since this was my first time I had nothing to compare to however since I have been doing the Crossfit workouts I have become much better at the “minute on/minute off” type of interval training. Given that I actually quit the last time I tried it, I have to figure I am pretty far along. I will try to do another run through next “rest week” approximately a month from now and see how that goes.
**Note, I did this again
HERE for comparisons sake.