R6 Insanity:Asylum 1.1 – Fit Test

The Athletic Performance Assessment was not too bad, I managed to keep up with the participants even though the in and out abs progressions really kicked my butt. Each move is done for 60 seconds, the count is by reps even though for some, one rep is all the way to the end of the ladder and back!
Here are my results:

Agility Heisman – 8
In and out progression – 25
Pull ups – 25
Mountain Climber Switch Kicks – 70
Shoulder Touch Pushup Walk – 7
X Jumps – 24
Moving Pushups – 5
Agility Ladder Shuffle – 12
Agility Ladder Bear Crawl – 5

I will probably be doing day 1 workout later today since I was supposed to do the fit test last night. My parents and sister are in from out of the country so time may be a premium but I am going to try and stay on track.

This is going to be fun!!

R5 Is Over – Exciting Times Ahead. Insanity:Asylum Finally Arrived!!

Done and Done!

Yesterday was the last day of the RKC Rite of Passage. It wasn’t the best heavy day I have ever done but it was a relief and a real sense of accomplishment to finish. Now at least I can pick and choose my KB workouts and throw a little spice in there.

Second, this morning I weighed in for Biggest Loser at work and won the month, not only that but I am now 239.8 which is a total of 52lbs down. Add that to the 39″ waist I discovered the other day and I am really hitting the marks here!

Third, and the really REALLY big news, Insanity:Asylum arrived last night!! I watched the fit test (or as Shaun prefers to call it: Athletic Performance Assessment) and it didn’t look super tough but I have already got an issue with the stuff they send you. The skip rope is terrible. Whoever decided to use a plastic rope instead of a leather or rope (go figure) is an idiot. So I will be going to Wallymart this afternoon to pick up a nice speed rope I saw there not too long ago. This means that today (time permitting) will be R6D1 – The IA Fit Test.

So the package included a crappy rope, an agility ladder (to put on the floor), the DVDs, a wall calendar and a couple of resistance bands. The big deal for me at least is that the program is 30 days long but in their infinite wisdom, Beachbody have recognized that a lot of people who will be buying IA will have already done one or both of P90X and Insanity. Therefore they have put together another 2 30 day calendars, one integrating IA with P90X and one integrating IA with Insanity. Good call BB! Not only that, they will no doubt rope in the few renegades who may go straight to IA and squeeze some more BB$ out of them!

I am seriously looking forward to the Fit Test this evening before I go coaching. It is only about 25 minutes or so and I will be ready to start day 1 of IA tomorrow.

HOWEVER!!! I am going to try and dilute the 30 days of IA with some KB workouts, I am hoping to stretch it out to 60 days with the inclusion of some Crossfit / pullup workouts also. It’s not that I don’t think it will be hard enough, but I don’t want to lose my KB skill set or my pullups during the process. The biggest problem I had with Insanity was that there was no back work involved so I found myself doing extra chin ups when I could in order to get the balanced workout I wanted. Whatever I do, the day 1 workout will no doubt be a rude awakening as I move towards more mobility once again.