R5D13 – Deadlift Debacle Solved (Plus a couple of fun links)

deadliftLast time I was on deadlift day (previously known as back day) I tried in vain to get a power/ endurance program to work. It didn’t pan out the way I had hoped and I ended up only doing 36 reps of each movement. It was supposed to be:

“Deadlifts with 135# plus chinups as follows:

1 per minute, adding one per minute.

Minute 1 – 1 deadlift, 1 chinup
Minute 2 – 2 deadlift,2 chinup
Minute 3 – 3 deadlift, 3 chinup and so on..

I had hoped to get to 20 but my brain intervened and said I should aim for 15. My body intervened quickly after that and due to my lack of experience in deadlifting I was done after 8 rounds.”

This time I wanted to do 5’s and see how far I could go…

So rather than try to extend myself to the full minute, which was the issue, I decided to get to the point where I did about 40 seconds of work maximum. So I targeted 5 moves max as the target like this:

Minute 1 – 1 deadlift, 1 chinup
Minute 2 – 2 deadlift,2 chinup
Minute 3 – 3 deadlift, 3 chinup and so on up to 5 on the 5th minute.

For the 6th minute I went back to 1 of each, cycled up to 5 again and then repeated the cycle with no rest.

The upshot was a total of 45 reps of deadlifts, 45 pull ups in 15 minutes. The workout was not terribly taxing, not as much as two days ago was. I think next time I will start at 3 and go to 7 instead of 1 going to 5. That would give me a total of 75 reps of each, a decent work total. All I need now is to get over my fear of injury and get up to lifting my bodyweight.

HIIT can be as low as 6 minutes a week… Caveat please, thank you.

Chronic cardio (an hour on the treadmill)? Let’s kick that dead donkey again…

My wife is so smart, she already uses macadamia nut oil.