R7D8-10 – Crushed and Loser

So I am happy to report I am killing the P90X workouts now. Chest and Back was a challenge yesterday but I got out my dip bars that I made last year and did some extra deep pushups instead of regular ones. Happily there is no cardio during C&B since my calves and hip flexors are still sore after doing plyo last week. Even during ARX last night I was able to hit 25 on lots of the exercises and the ones I couldn’t, I managed at least 15. Just goes to show how fast your body remembers the workouts you have done in the past. I am trying desperately to stick to every day this week even though time is very tight on Mon and Wed due to coaching. So far I am OK, tonight may be a challenge however. I passed on the P90X system to a co-worker yesterday in the hopes that someone else would join me in my pain and happy misery… You know who you are! I am also happy to report that I have dropped 2 of the lbs I gained over the last month and am back into the 230s again. I still haven’t decided on a suitable reward for hitting 220 but I hope to be at least in the 220’s before Warrior Dash July 9. Since that is only 4 weeks away it will be a monumental achievement but one worth aiming for. That will set me up for being able to hit 220 by September 1st.

However there is a fly in the ointment and that is coaching. I am finding it impossible to work out between work and coaching since that is the only time I get to spend with my daughter and not only that but I get home at around 5 and need to leave by 530 including dinner and bed time for baby. So I am thinking rather than fight the system, make it work for me. I have 2 choices. Either resign to having 2 days off a week and work the schedule around that or take the opportunity at gym to do some of the Crossfit WODs with the girls at the end of class. The only problem is that either way I go I am likely to lose one of my RKC days in the mix. I suppose it could be worse, and I will have to figure out a way to determine if the quality of work with the kids would be high enough. I am thinking that we could involve the other athletes too if they are around at that time and make it a group session. Likelihood is that I will end up with the 2 days off since more often than not the supervisory aspect of coaching prevents me from participating.

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