R4 Finale – Fit Test Weekend

start-finishLast time I did this I thought I was in pretty good shape, I was part way through Round 4 when I did the Insanity Test which you would assume would make me already pretty fit. The P90X test results are from the end of Round 1 and my failed attempt to go back to the gym, right before starting round 2. That being said, I am pretty disappointed in the heart rate section. I don’t know if it was because I did burpees to get my heart rate up and therefore was using more muscle groups that doing Jumping Jacks. Whatever the reason, my recovery does not seem to be very good. However, subjectively I feel like I am recovering quickly. Maybe I should leave an Insanity workout in my schedule just to keep my cardio and endurance up a little. Does a resting heart rate of 70 seem high to anyone else? Sitting here at my desk, my heart rate is a more comforting 60bpm…

So now I have my results I don’t really see any glaring areas that I need to improve upon other than 2 things. First I obviously need to change my body composition, which is underway. Second I need to show some measurable improvements in my strength because shorter workout times have me worrying about losing strength and muscle mass. So all that remains now is to put together Round 5 – The Exit Strategy.

P90X Fit Test

Resting Heart Rate   70 (+0)
Pull-Ups   16 (+9)
Vertical Leap Inches   18 (+5)
Push-Ups   50 (I got bored after 50…again)
Toe-Touch+2″ (+3″)
Wall Squat (Seconds)   90 (+30)
Bicep Curls (Reps | Wt )   25@35lbs
Total Poundage   875 (+75)
In & Outs   50 (+0)

Heart Rate Maximizer (Done after Burpees not Jumping Jacks, so not really comparable)

Immediately After   150
After 1 Minute Rest   141
After 2 Minutes Rest125
After 3 Minutes Rest116
After 4 Minutes Rest95


Weight 249.0 (-29lbs)
Body Fat % 21.7% (-5.12%)
Chest 46.25 (-3.75″)
Waist 43 (-1″)
Hips43.00 (-3″)
Neck17.75 (-1.5″)
Right Thigh 26 (+1″)
Left Thigh27 (+2″)
Right Bicep 18.25 (+.25″)
Left Bicep19 (+1.25″)

Insanity Fit Test:

Switch Kicks – 145 (+20)
Power Jacks – 50 (+0)
Power Knees – 114 (+0 Very odd)
Power Jumps – 27 (+27 did 0 last time)
Globe Jumps – 11 (-3)
Suicide Jumps – 12 (+1)
Push Up Jacks - 50 (+0)
Low Plank Oblique – 40 (+4)

Previous P90X Fit Test

Resting Heart Rate   70
Pull-Ups   5
Vertical Leap Inches   13
Push-Ups   50 (I got bored after 50…)
Wall Squat (Seconds)   65
Bicep Curls (Reps | Wt )   40@20lbs
Total Poundage   800
In & Outs   50

Heart Rate Maximizer

Immediately After   150
After 1 Minute Rest   123
After 2 Minutes Rest106
After 3 Minutes Rest99
After 4 Minutes Rest93

Fitness LevelsDay 1

Body Fat %26.82%
Right Thigh 25
Left Thigh26
Right Bicep 18
Left Bicep17.75

Previous Insanity Fit Test:

Switch Kicks                125
Power Jacks                  50
Power Knees                 114 (on weak side)
Globe Jumps                   14
Suicide Jumps              11
Push Up Jacks              50
Low Plank Oblique     36

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