R9D69-70 – Disappointed (Bootcamp Off)

So nobody turned up for bootcamp last week. My kids weren’t participating because they have competition this week and among the litany of excuses there was zero participation. That said, I have a new, and I think  fun, workout to do so bring on Monday so I can try this puppy out!

So on Friday I was forced to do an RKC workout at work during which a Yoga class broke out. It was a fairly standard workout but the numbers were a little different:

5 C&P Left
5C&P Right
5 C&P Left
5C&P Right
5 C&P Left
5C&P Right
20 Swings

Repeat 4 more times for a total of 5 rounds.

Add 5 Snatch per side 3 times and there you have it.

Saturday I made an attempt at PAP Upper again and I have to say I enjoyed it a little more this time but it’s still just not a tough enough workout for me. I am trying to make it as hard as I can but it doesn’t quite manage to hit the spot for either heavy weight work or good cardio work. I am sure I will get used to it but I can’t see it becoming a favourite. Then again, I have had an on and off love affair with Kenpo so you just never know!

This week with my wife out of town I am hoping to get some extra physical work done. If I can make this a solid 5 or 6 days of working out then I figure I can get rid of this ever so slight feeling of laziness and get my sleeping schedule back on track.

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