R9D76 – Bootcamp Bodyweight With Med Balls!

D14 3.7.2 Bodyweight

20 One arm med ball press
20 Air Squats with med ball
10 pass around med ball each way (waist)
10 halo pass around med ball each way

10 Med ball overhead squat
10 med ball pushups
20 Wall sit side to side touch
20 wall sit between legs and overhead touch

With Partner x2
10 Med ball pass with squats
10 overhead reach to squat hold med ball roll
10 Back to back lean twist pass
10 Full situp ball pass (Throw not pass)
10 Pullups

Section x2
10 One hand on ball pushup
10 Side to side one hand on ball pushup
20 Single hand ball touch
10 Double hand ball touch
10 Pullups

With Partner x2
10 Med ball pass with squats
10 Back to back lean twist pass
10 Horse stance ball throw
10 Full situp ball pass knee to knee both sides (both situp)
10 Pullups

10 Overhead squat
10 Wall ball
10 Overhead tricep wall throw
10 Between knees full situp
10 Between Knees hold, heels up, double elbow sit up
10 Pinned legs full situp

R9D71 Bootcamp Bodyweight Personal Training Styleee!

I have been neglectful of this page this week with everything I have going in to being a single parent for the week. In order to catch up, I am posting twice with the bootcamps that I have done. Day 71 was Bodyweight but I only had one participant so basically it was an hour of brutality for her and a walk in the park for me. This is what we did:

10 Regular Pushup
10 Air Squats
10 Military Pushup
10 Pistol knee raise

10 Ultra wide pushup
10 Back lunge front kick
10 Plange Pushup
10 Super skaters

With Partner
10 Squat ball pass
10 Back to back lean twist pass
10 Wall sit side to side pass
10 Full situp ball pass (Throw not pass)
10 Pullups

10 One hand on ball pushup
10 Side to side one hand on ball pushup
20 Single hand ball touch
10 Double hand ball touch
10 Pullups

With Partner
10 Squat ball pass
10 Back to back lean twist pass
10 Horse stance ball throw
10 Full situp ball pass (Throw not pass)
10 Pullups

10 Overhead squat
10 Wall ball
10 Overhead tricep wall throw
10 Between Knees hold, double elbow sit up
10 Leg Lifts

Apparently this was a tough one for her, and I think it’s partly because one on one is always more demanding because you have nowhere to hide your skipped reps and partly because it was mostly new stuff for both of us. It was so tough in fact that come Wednesday she was too sore to do the next class. Now that is a workout!!


R9D61 – Bootcamp 3.2.2 Bodyweight Abs

They asked for an abs workout so this is what I did to them today. It was not as hard as I had imagined it would be, but then again I sneezed this morning and thought my body had exploded à la Mr Creosote.

Still it could be worse, I could be at Planet Fitness having Krispy Kremes after my elliptical “workout”






Bootcamp 3.2.2
20 shoulder crunch
20 hip crunch
10 legs up 3+1
10 bum lifts
10 hanging leg raise

10 regular pushups
10 military pushups
10 sphinx to plank step or drop
10 pushup side hold
10 pullups

20 in and out
10 roll to boat hold
20 ARX bicycle
10 full sit up
10 hanging leg raise sides

10 pushup step out
10 clap pushup
10 plyo pushup
10 pushup side raise leg raise
10 pullups

20 side crunch
20 side to side flutter
20 full rainbow
20 russian twists

20 shoulder touch
20 hip touch
10 spider each side
10 knee to elbow each
10 knee to opposite elbow each

20 standing knee to same elbow
20 standing knee to opposite elbow
40 happy dance
20 standing knee to same elbow
20 standing knee to opposite elbow
40 happy dance

20 Crunchy Frog
10 rollback hold
20 ARX scissor switch
20 shoulder crunch 3+1 to hip