Forget What You Believe. Find Out What You Need To Know. Then Change (Now With Links!).

Comrade, I Have New Hero. His Name, Pavel Tsatsouline.

pavelETKI picked up a kettlebell and it may turn out to be the best thing I have done in years. Well, that and going Paleo along with my discovery of High Intensity Training. You can’t help but love Pavel, and you can check out a review of his Enter The Kettlebell here.

It’s tricky trying to accept things that we believed to be unalterably true. Sometimes it’s almost impossible especially when you have spent half your life telling other people the wrong thing. But we are all here to learn, to adjust and to judge what is the best for us.

As Pavel says, “If you don’t have good judgement, why don’t you stay on the machines you big sissy?”

Eating 5 or 6 smaller meals is physiologically better. Not true. It may help you to snack less since you have no time to do it, but it’s not based on scientific evidence. It may help with digestion, something which I am sensitive to but as long as the caloric amount is the same, the time doesn’t matter.

Spending time on cardio machines is hurting you, not helping you. That’s because the calories burned vs time spent is pitiful and it’s making you hungry so you overeat. Try higher intensity, shorter duration instead such as Crossfit inspired Olympic Lift workouts.

Want 10 reasons why that elliptical 30, 45 or 60 minutes is no use? Here you go.

How about the myth of skipping meals slowing your metabolism? More bull. Just check out any writing about IF (intermittent fasting) to find out why skipping meals can be good for you once you get the refined carbs out of your life.

BMI? Bullshit Medical Information. I know this being a muscular dude, but it’s true for everyone.

Let’s not forget the overwhelming evidence that carbohydrate not fat is the reason for the obesity epidemic. There is too much info to list here but authors like Gary Taubes, Mark Sisson and good link pages like this are a great place to start. Any information on the Paleo movement will help, as may reading the free version of “The Vegetarian Myth” over at Amazon.

You can also go to Whole 9, paleohacks (for great tips and general info from Paleo people) or The Paleo Diet.

Sadly, starting here may lead you on a journey that makes you uncomfortable, frustrated and confused. Keep at it, and slowly but surely you will come to see the new truth about fitness… The so called experts don’t always know what they are talking about but the truth is out there.

Eat bacon!

R4 D70 – In The Swing / Weight Achievement (32.2lbs)

goalslolLet’s get to the weight first, since that is the most interesting.

This morning, the scale said I was 250.6 which is a total loss of 32.2lbs. I was hoping to get under 250 by the New Year and I think I will but it wasn’t until I got to putting the numbers into my documentation that I realized something quite amazing. I am currently at my lightest weight since my back surgery in December of 2002. Not only that, I have no record of me being under 250lbs at all. I know I was back in 2001 when I went to Australia but I also know I was in the gym for about 3 hours a day back then just so I could get my weight down which really makes it artificially low. In fact, I have not been this weight without the help of a crazy workout schedule since I was at Western and weighed around 200lbs. I have long been a victim of the notion that in order for me (me, personally that is) to get my weight lower than let’s say 260lbs I had to work out like the Tasmanian Devil and eat nothing but oatmeal and salad. I was convinced that my weight was tied to my workout schedule with no room for error. How foolish I was! I remember times when I was spending 2 hours a day EVERY DAY in the gym. Times when I would do 4 day splits of 3 hours with cardio on top. It was nuts! At least now with the baby and our new life, my new schedule makes sense and is working. So congratulations to me, job well done, so far!

Day 70 was more kettlebell work. I decided I should try to perfect the swing technique and without really knowing what was a lot of reps I set out to do around 30 minutes. I have to say, the smallest difference in the height of that swing makes a world of difference in the effort department. I ended up doing 10 sets of 5 single arms each side and 5 doubles for a total of 150 reps. I still don’t really know if this is enough but the timing was about right and the effort level seemed OK and ultimately I am just learning so I was concentrating more on the hip snap and the proper form to worry about total work. I have to admit, this kettlebell thing is pretty addictive. It is a decent whole body workout and it really the epitome of functional fitness. Now to work it into the schedule properly… It is now the 29th, I need to get through this week and once everything settles down after the New Year it will be time to move onto Round 5. The big question is, what to do? Something I will have to address while I am battling through the last few days of this phase.

R4 D51 – Front Room Rug Workout and HFCS Believes Kids Are Stupid.


High Fructose Corn Syrup, the basic ingredient that is causing the obesity epidemic has been renamed to Corn Sugar in an attempt to make it more palatable. Don’t be fooled. HFCS and basically any sugar in purified form is the single worst thing you can feed your body.

Maybe they should have renamed it Cute Sugar instead since their recent advertising is aimed squarely at children. Well, in our house at least, the parents are the ones who make decisions about what the kids eat, not the kids.

Maybe they should try being honest and leave it as HFCS but have the long name be Hardly For Children Stupid or even better Heart Failure Causing Sugars.

Anyway, I got home late last night and since I had to coach gymnastics I only had a window of about 20 minutes while the baby napped and my wife was out shopping. So since I was in the living room I moved the litany of baby items away and thought I would do a quick workout on the rug just to see if I could improvise something with no warmup and no time. The following is what happened and this morning, my butt hurts like crazy!

50 Bodyweight Squats
50 Pushups
50 Full Sit Ups
50 Lunge Knee Touch (25 per leg)
50 Superman (laying back extension)

Funny it doesn’t sound like much but it was a solid quick workout which you could basically do anytime anywhere even while you watch your favourite TV show.

Round 4 Day 35 – Chest and Tri, no rest. FitDay and the Protein Issue.

How much is enough?

So my weight this morning was a low 266.8. That makes 15.2 lbs lost on the Paleo diet and thanks to FitDay I know why. I am having a hard time keeping up with the amount of calories I need to keep my fat ass fat. Yesterday I was short almost 1500 calories but still over the 2000 calorie minimum that I feel is necessary. I seriously can’t stuff any more fruit and veg down my throat in a day. I am going to have to start increasing my protein which led me to calculate my protein needs…

I used to calculate my protein requirements when I was into the heavy weightlifting since to a “bodybuilder” protein is like air, without it you will wither and die. According to THIS I need 360g of protein a day, even using just my lean mass by subtracting my fat% I am still rated at 300g a day. Fit day claims that my 106g of protein that I ate yesterday was already 190% of my requirement meaning they estimate my protein requirement at a minuscule 56g! So why the discrepancy? Well, the obvious thing is my frame size and musculature, but even taking into account a LARGE frame says I need 115g. Interesting… Fitday is obviously not geared towards the athletes among us. Using the lean mass approach, the people at criticalbench claim you require 1.14g per lb of lean mass, which for me would equate to 228g of protein. That is sounding better. However I am disturbed, nay, astonished at the vast difference in calculations here. It does show however what I have believed for a long time, you can’t rely on a single source of information to get your requirements. Being exposed to the bodybuilding world for so long made me very aware of my protein requirements but what about all those people out there who are working out, using programs like Fit Day to calculate their requirements and leaving themselves woefully short on protein? You could say that someone who is serious about their workouts wouldn’t rely on FitDay and I hope they wouldn’t but I would be naive to think that is the case. Apparently the RDA for protein is .75g per lb of lean mass. Even using that calculation, I should be at 150g, not the 56 that FitDay claimed. So what is the issue with FitDay and their protein? It seems as if there is nobody out there who has noticed this problem. People are using FitDay to track their nutrients but nobody seems to have noticed how low the protein intake is. maybe it’s just me, but the extra calories I am missing will be in the form of protein from here. My goal is set to around 200g of protein a day given that I am pretty active and need to maintain my muscle mass. I didn’t go through years of torture building muscle so I could let it go to waste. The other side of the equation is what your body is doing to create or use the amino acids required to build protein. I mean protein doesn’t have to come from protein, as long as your body has the right amino acids it will make the protein. Is it possible then that ingesting low amounts of protein would be fine as long as you are getting enough amino acids (specifically essential amino acids) to build muscle. There is a ton of information out there about protein but seemingly little about how the body actually uses amino acids (and from where) to build the muscle tissue. Before this turns into a protein rant, I think I need to do some more reading. If my protein level is to remain low, thereby allowing me to keep my fat levels low also then where else do I need to get the amino acids from to provide the appropriate level of building blocks for the muscle. I am not even talking about ADDING more muscle, just having enough to repair the damage done by the workouts I am doing. It appears that although the meat protein contains all 8 essential amino acids (Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Threonine, Tryptophan, Valine) in spades, you can in fact get all 8 from other foods (something which the vegetarians out there will no doubt think is common knowledge).

This does not answer my question though. How much food and which food do you need to provide the essential amino acids that you would get from meat protein? If you are eating enough vegetable based amino acids does that then reduce the amount of “protein” that you need in a day. I would say yes that is exactly the case, but if so, by how much? This is getting complicated…

Yesterday I did a chest and tricep workout, just flat bench for chest and for triceps a mixture of narrow grip bench and free dips. It wasn’t a crazy hard workout, 35 min long but I did get to complete failure on the dips. I am only going up to bodyweight for bench (275) and mostly will stay around 255 for my working max. Mostly because I can’t be bothered changing the plates all the time since I have a limited selection but also because I don’t want to stress my shoulders since they are getting a heavy workload as it is.

FitDay is still bothering me… What else could be out of whack?

Round 4 Day 32 – What to do…

So I am feeling really tired. I know that everyone is going to say it’s the diet but truth be known my sleeping habits are awful. I usually don’t get to be until around 12 or 1 and am up at 530. I think that in the spirit of improving everything I need to look at my sleep and do something about it.
I also hurt my knee last night. I wasn’t doing anything, just noticed that at some point it started hurting. I have been lucky so far for someone so heavy that my knees have held up. Strong quads help but in the end I am sure my weight can’t be good for them.
I tried cold brewed coffee this week. It’s my latest bandwagon onto which I happily throw myself. From what they said, you just brew your coffee the same way you would with hot water but instead you use cold water and then let it sit for 12 hours, press and drink.
Now, I have been in the coffee business before so I think I know a little about it and I had never heard of this. Colour me skeptical but I tried it anyway. I have never been able to drink coffee black, it is just too bitter and unpleasant but as I took a sip of the clear brown deliciousness I was shocked, yes, shocked to find that the taste was extremely pleasant. No bitterness, just a really nice nutty caramel taste. This shocked me not only because I was expecting the whoile thing to be bullshit but also because I had used Folgers crappy coffee not even the Time Hortons good stuff! Now some people will tell you to use 4:1 ratio of water to coffee but that is a crazy way to start and gives you more of a syrupy super-coffee. if you just follow your usual directions using your French Press then it will work out fine. You can increase the coffe by up to 50% if you wish before it starts to get too strong and require dilution to drink. Don’t forget though, this is an exercise in patience, the coffee should sit for about 12 hours before drinking.
I was also looking forward to doing “Fight Gone Bad” tonight however I can’t find a 20lb ball to throw against the house…
I also don’t have a rowing machine and the way my knee feels, well, you get the idea. I will have to find another way to work out tongiht.

So I am feeling really tired. I know that everyone is going to say it’s the diet but truth be known my sleeping habits are awful. I usually don’t get to be until around 12 or 1 and am up at 530. I think that in the spirit of improving everything I need to look at my sleep and do something about it.

I also hurt my knee last night. I wasn’t doing anything, just noticed that at some point it started hurting. I have been lucky so far for someone so heavy that my knees have held up. Strong quads help but in the end I am sure my weight can’t be good for them.

I tried cold brewed coffee this week. It’s my latest bandwagon onto which I happily throw myself. From what they said, you just brew your coffee the same way you would with hot water but instead you use cold water and then let it sit for 12 hours, press and drink.

Now, I have been in the coffee business before so I thought I knew a little about it and I had never heard of this. Colour me skeptical but I tried it anyway. I have never been able to drink coffee black, it is just too bitter and unpleasant but as I took a sip of the clear brown deliciousness I was shocked, yes, shocked to find that the taste was extremely pleasant. No bitterness, just a really nice nutty caramel taste. This shocked me not only because I was expecting the whole thing to be bullshit but also because I had used Folgers crappy coffee not even the Time Horton’s good stuff! Now some people will tell you to use 4:1 ratio of water to coffee but that is a crazy way to start and gives you more of a syrupy super-coffee. if you just follow your usual directions using your French Press then it will work out fine. You can increase the coffe by up to 50% if you wish before it starts to get too strong and require dilution to drink. Don’t forget though, this is an exercise in patience, the coffee should sit for about 12 hours before drinking.

I was also looking forward to doing “Fight Gone Bad” tonight however I can’t find a 20lb ball to throw against the house…

I also don’t have a rowing machine and the way my knee feels, well, you get the idea. I will have to find another way to work out tonight. By the way, if you have an extra Concept 2 rowing machine just laying around that you don’t want…

..more later..

Diet Update – Escaping The Worst Man In History


So I have become a Paleo convert. I have done P90X for almost a year and up until now I haven’t really taken on my diet. I didn’t follow the book, I just assumed I knew better. However, knowing isn’t the key. Doing is the key.

My diet consists of fruit, vegetables, protein in any form and dairy. I am trying not to overdo the dairy part, cutting down my cheese intake and so on but apart from that, I am a caveman.

What I have found after almost 3 weeks:

  • I have lost 10lbs
  • I am not really hungry any more. Even if I haven’t eaten for a while (I no longer need to eat 6x a day at regular times according to some) I don’t seem to be getting the same craving for food as I did. This is particularly unnerving for me since I have lived my life thinking about food and pretending to be hungry. Now I just eat what’s on the paleo list whenever I want. You would be amazed (as I still am) at how long you can go on an apple.
  • I am not getting tired like I used to, no 2pm let down and getting out of bed seems a lot easier.
  • I am sleeping better. That may be because I am turning off the TV at night in the bedroom but also because I am not full of sugar.
  • I pee like a pregnant woman. Seriously I have not been drinking more, just the 3 liters (or quarts) a day but I guess the live food is mostly water anyway.

I can’t say I have lost 10lbs in 3 weeks any other time without being mostly miserable. Other than before the wedding but even then, I was losing a couple of pounds a week AT THE MOST. Mainly because I was eating plenty of rice and oatmeal but no wheat. Even when we went totally raw for a few weeks I didn’t see that kind of loss. I was so paranoid about not eating protein at that point however that I was eating waaaaay too many nuts! That didn’t last long I have to admit. This seems easy though. I like to snack, I admit it but snacking on an apple or a banana was laughable to me only a few weeks ago. Now, it’s like I found Jesus behind the couch.

I’m going to try being more positive too, I think the grains were making me angry and I am tired of being the “worst man in history”.

Round 4 Day 14 – The Last 2 and Officially Paleo

I did Shoulders and Arms last night with Tony. I actually skipped the last section because I was feeling a bit off. Maybe it is the change in my diet, not having the sugar and processed grains really means a weird effect on your energy levels. I have done this before, prior to my wedding in 2007 I spent the whole summer off wheat and actually toyed for a while with completely raw food. However, I am many things, not least of which is a meat eater. I am not sorry, I won’t apologise for it and I refuse to be strong-armed by the passive aggressive vegan idiots who say meat is murder and whatever other amusing catch phrases they have come up with. Dog on a plate? , are you having a laugh? They eat dog in Korea. It’s all a matter of perspective and the fact is that without the meat eating public, there wouldn’t be enough food to go around, especially if the Organic wannabes have their way and get rid of the food industry giants that are keeping us all alive. But I digress.
My menu of choice then is Paleo. For the last 4 days in fact I have been completely grain free and apart from the usual headache and lethargy that accompanies any major change in diet it hasn’t been bad. When I went on the brown rice diet in 07 to isolate what it was that was making me so sick I found the same. About a week of feeling horrible and then almost as if coming out of a cocoon I felt awesome. I also found out that I have an intolerance for both wheat and naturopaths. So I quit both and have been more aware of my issues ever since. I am not going to sugar coat things here, it is VERY hard to get off grains especially if you are going all out and basically just eat fruit, veg and protein. It seems like everything you see is grain based and that is very true. But if you can start off and then work at finding things you can eat, you really can make it work and I can’t even begin to explain how good you will feel off that white processed powder, er, flour. Sadly I have other issues. I am almost completely intolerant of the nightshade family that includes peppers, potato and tomatoes. Potato isn’t too bad but if I eat a little raw tomato my acid reflux becomes so bad it almost incapacitates me. Peppers make me fart but happily hot sauce of which I am a HUGE fan doesn’t seem to have the same effect. So for now I am off potato too. Believe me, this couldn’t be harder but I think in a month when I look back, I will at least have more information about my body and how it reacts than I do now.

Today is my Crossfit workout and I haven’t decided what yet. If I can’t decide I think it may be Fran again this time with dumbells to take the strain off my wrists.

Round 4 Day 9 – The Stuttering Start (And Paleo Saves My Life)

October 8 2010

While I should have taken 9 days to get to day 9 in fact I have already taken 12 days. This is partly due to the fact my parents are in from out of the country and that we were away last weekend. That being said, I could have put up better numbers. I am averaging 2 days on one off which at the current intensity isn’t going to cut it. This is the sad attempt so far:

P90X Chest & Back, Ab Ripper
Plyometric Cardio Circuit
P90X Shoulders & Arms, Ab Ripper X
WOD with Pullups
GYM Chest & Back, Ab Ripper X
Cardio Power and Resistance
GYM Shoulders & Arms, Ab Ripper X
WOD with Pullups

P90X Chest & Back, Ab Ripper
Plyometric Cardio Circuit
P90X Shoulders & Arms, Ab Ripper X
WOD with Pullups
GYM Chest & Back, Ab Ripper X
Cardio Power and Resistance
GYM Shoulders & Arms, Ab Ripper X
WOD with Pullups

I also am getting the feeling that I am doing too little insanity however I guess that as long as I include the MetCon part of the WOD I will be fine with the cardio workout. Also, if I can keep up walking in the morning 3 days a week it should be enough.

I am also going to start making a concerted effort to jump on the Paleo bandwagon. Now, lots has been said about Paleo and the caveman diet but without sounding like a jerk I was into this when I was in high school. I remember one summer I followed the meat and fruit/veg diet and got pretty amazing results. However I was subject to much ridicule in my house and from my coworkers due to the fact that I was a “weightlifter” but wouldn’t touch pasta or bread, something that back in the late 80’s made you seem like a complete idiot.

After reviewing FitBomb’s entry about his reasons for going Paleo I find that the same reasoning resonates with me now just as it did back then. So for the forseeable future ( now that the weekend carrot cake has finally been finished) I will do the Paleo dance and attempt to reign in my weight before Christmas. I should be hanging around the 220 mark, something that is barely on the horizon from where I stand at this point. Sure I am fit and strong but I also feel like I am a heart attack on legs due to my weight. Given my advanced age (40+) and my family history of heart problems it’s probably time I took steps to stay out of the pine overcoat as long as possible and exercise alone isn’t going to cut it. Not that my diet is usually filled with fast food and donuts but making the switch to Paleo and getting away from the refined sugar and flour is something I think is really going to make a difference.

It’s my WOD day today and rather than sticking with my pullups/jumpups/squats I am going to try a real MetCon and try to see how I do. My choice is Cindy as follows:

As Many Reps As Possible (AMRAP) in 20 minutes:

5 pullups
10 Push Ups
15 Squats (Air Squats)

This is supposed to be mixed with an indeterminate amount of Turkish Get-ups, something that  I will have to try before I commit. I think weightless Turkish Get-ups may be all I can manage for now.

Round 3 – Day 77 (Supposed to be off)

Fuji_appleSo my schedule has been sporadic, although I have not been taking multiple days off. I do however feel like I was starting to bulk up a little probably due to my diet being on the lazy side. I have, however, started to eat a lot more fruit. Failing in my ability to cook lunch for myself I have decided that fruit is the best way to keep a healthy lifestyle going. It’s either that or have fries every day for lunch. I am not a fruit hater, not the one who says that fructose is just as bad for you as sugar but rather someone who thinks that in the grand scheme, eating fruit simply can’t be a bad thing.

I have also recently cancelled our water delivery company and although I am still a devout spring water fan, I realized that buying a small bottle of Multi-Mineral supplement drops is a far cheaper way of getting great tasting water.

This by the way is a miracle to me. I have fairly sensitive taste buds thanks to my Father’s weird genes and as such I hate the taste of tap water. A few drops of Health Solute ions (sic) ConcenTrace minerals and the water tastes better than anything you will find from a spring or otherwise. There are several companies that make mineral supplements (Albi Naturals is another great one) but if you hate the taste of municipal water and don’t want to pay for spring water, get some drops, it will blow your mind.


I am keeping up with my program of doing the Max Insanity workouts and so far so good. I did have some knee soreness for a while but after a week of only 4 days working out, it seems to have disappeared.  I am also not failing to make it through the warmup any more, a fact I only just noticed yesterday!

I am also having a problem with the gym I am supposed to be working at. I coach gymnastics but since they failed to contact me during the summer, they had apparently assumed I was going to be quitting after the baby arrived, I don’t have a group. The ONLY potential upside to this is no long evenings on Tuesday and Thursday and an uninterrupted workout schedule. I would rather have the problems coaching brings though…